The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2837: Ultimate Witchcraft

Volume One Chapter 294

Zhao Fu absorbed the body of the Seven Witches, and his whole body became a lot stronger, and he looked at the witch of the remaining countless tribes.


At this moment, Zhao Fu did not hide anything, and all the witch power in the body erupted. A horrible witch power enveloped the platform, and the world changed.

Countless people looked at Zhao Fu in front of him with surprise. Is this all his strength? If it is tough enough to be scary, no one can resist this force. Perhaps Xianzun's successors are capable, but she has entered the depths of the Holy Land.

Zhao Fu reached out a hand to countless witch,


A huge sound came out, and Zhao Fu's palm was like a black hole, generating a huge suction, absorbing the power of blood veins in countless witch bodies.

Countless witches feel that the power of the blood in the body is absorbed, and they do n’t have the ability to stop it.

The colorful witch power poured into Zhao Fu like a tide, and continuously poured into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu's body exudes stronger and stronger momentum, and the body also emits various colors of light.

The time lasted for a while, Zhao Fu absorbed all the blood power in the body of the witch, and exuded a terrible witch power. His body was not radiating light, but was covered by a layer of colorful film.

Zhao Fu felt the powerful **** power that filled the body and slowly closed his eyes.

One tadpole-like witchcraft appeared around Zhao Fu's body, white, yellow, blue, blue, blue, black, red ...

Colorful mysterious mantras exuded bright light floating in mid-air, the number is dense and unclear, and the number is constantly increasing.

Everyone looked at this scene with their eyes wide open. Their hearts were beating fast, and they felt a very strong shock. The spells were the voodoo of their tribe. This one did it.

In the end, everyone retreated more than a thousand meters away, because within a thousand kilometers in front were covered by different witch spells, exuding the momentum of different tribes, just like the momentum of the entire witch, the vast momentum made countless people feel insignificant .

咻咻 咻 ……

The sound of breaking the sky sounded, and countless witches gathered towards the top of Zhao Fu ’s head, and countless dazzling lights spread out, and a terrible wave spread out.

All the witches' bodies became cold and there was fear in their hearts.

Countless incantations continue to gather together, and the fluctuations emanating from it are becoming more and more scary. This is the ultimate force in the world. More than the color change in the Holy Land, the storms are surging.

Great changes have taken place outside the Holy Land. The endless power of the heavens and earth is constantly pouring into the Holy Land. The majestic luck of the Wu people is also constantly injected into the Holy Land. The momentum is shaking. Under this momentum, all gods are ants. .

Some powerful people nearby sensed this terrible fluctuation, and their hairs stood up, their faces became dignified, and they understood that there was something extremely scary that would appear in the world.

Everyone inside and outside the Holy Land looked at Zhao Fu's head intently, emitting countless dazzling lights.

Finally, all the spells merged together.


A tremendous loud noise rang through the world, and an ultimate witch power spread out, instantly making the world seem to stop rotating.

The bodies of countless people also seemed to be imprisoned, and their blood and heart were strongly frightened. As if they saw the Supreme Wuzu, their minds were blank. They stood there blankly, and their eyes continued to look at Zhao Fu's head.

The powerful parties in the central area of ​​the chaotic world also felt this terrifying ultimate witch power. Looking at the direction of the Wu people, they also showed a surprised expression.

The light above Zhao Fu's head gradually dimmed, and I saw a golden sun formed by a condensed mantra and a silver-white moon formed by a mantra. The horrible witch power that bound the world is the result of this sun and This moon emanates.


The power of heaven and earth gathered like a tide to the entire Wu clan at once, and the vast momentum made people feel extremely powerless and fragile.

Countless Wu people raised their heads and looked at the sky. It is not yet known what happened and why there is such a huge fluctuation.

I saw that a huge force of heaven and earth condensed into a fist-sized ball of light, slowly fell from the sky, and merged into the body of each witch.

Countless people have expressed surprise expressions, because after the light **** are integrated into their bodies, they quickly increase the power of the voodoo in their bodies. The voodoo power needs to re-integrate the voodoo and add a new bloodline voodoo, which can be said to be very Difficulties.

But now these light **** can do it easily, and like the free one, it falls from the sky, which is a great thing.

Countless powerful people outside the holy land looked at the scene in amazement, the integration of countless witchcraft was of great significance to the entire Wuzu, so it caused such big fluctuations in the Wuzu, and the entire Wuzu thus gained many benefits.

The fusion of many witchcraft may change the fate of the witch tribe, which is a good thing from now on, because the power of witchcraft of various tribes has been greatly strengthened.

In the past, there were also strong Malays who wanted to merge the voodoo of different tribes and unite the tribes together, so that the entire Malays are more united and have a strong cohesion ~ ~ will also enhance the tribes. strength.

Although someone had thought about it like this, he had no ability at all, but he did not have the terrible physique and ability of Zhao Fu.

The strong people of the Wu people did not think in this respect. Today, today, today some people have done it, and the fate of the Wu people may also change today.

Many strong men are excited and worried. After the voodoo fusion, the voodoo will be more cohesive. With the strengthening of the voodoo power, the voodoo will also begin to rise.

But they still do n’t know the identity of Zhao Fu. This outsider not only won the power of the Wuzu, but also did things that thousands of Wuzus could n’t do. How can they not worry them, it can be said that Zhaofu ’s threat to them also increases Come bigger.

Now everyone can't change anything, I can only hope that Zhao Fu will not do any harm to the Wu people, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

Some people also began to support Zhao Fu as the young patriarch. Although Wu Ying is the most suitable person to become the young patriarch from the perspective of identity, bloodline, and strength, Zhao Fu is gaining the power of the Wu patriarch and blending countless tribe witch curses together. It is more suitable than Wuying.

Countless people in the holy land looked shocked, looking at the sun and moon formed by the mantra, their hearts were greatly impacted, and now they dare not think of being enemies with Zhao Fu, as long as they think of the body and soul, they will be frightened.

The eight great witches also felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness. The gap between Zhao Fu and them can no longer be described in words.


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