The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2839: Ancient Beast Spirit

Volume I Chapter 296

Wolf Blue finally insisted on letting 142 spirits pass through the body, unable to retreat after insisting, and the bloodline was also greatly strengthened, enough to compare with the genius of the general powerful tribe.

Zhao Fu injected another force into Wolf Blue's body to help her recover her strength.

Wolf Blue did not continue. Although the soul power has been restored now, there is enough soul power to be sucked away. If it continues, it will hurt the soul.

Langqing looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Do you want to try it?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No, these spirits are of no use to me."

Now that Zhao Fu's physique and blood are the origin of the body, the strength of these spirits is too weak, and all will have no effect together, and the spirits above the Taoist strong are effective.

At this time, a person came out, she was a snake dream, her eyes looked at the wolf blue, and asked, "You can also give other restrictions to the Sunday mantra on that Sunday?"

Zhao Fu said, "Well, as long as I want to give, I can give anyone the power of witchcraft, but this kind of sun and moon witchcraft has only a part of power."

Although it is only a part of the power, this is the strongest witch curse of the Wu people, and the effect is still very amazing. She You dreamed and said, "I also want to get this kind of witch, I don't know that I will pay the price of my life. "

Zhao Fu looked at Snake Yumeng a few times, "Become my woman, I can think about it."

The serpent dream did not think too much and said, "I promise!"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "I agreed so easily?"

The serpent dream said calmly, "This is just a bargain you want. I want to get that supreme sorcery, and I am willing to pay myself."

Zhao Fu nodded and looked at the other side of the woods, "Let's also come out!"

Wen Yan said that two fox nine butterfly leaves came out after a tent.

The six desires in the body of Fox Nine are not suppressed by Zhao Fu, and his face is red, and he looks at Zhao Fu with an angry face. Anyway, he is also a peerless powerhouse, how to treat her in such a mean way.

Dieye was watching Snake Yumeng and Hujiu follow her, and her curiosity also followed her. She also wanted the Wuzu Supreme Sorceress in her heart. Such ultimate voodoo powers are very exciting, not to mention them.

The two of the snake ghost dreams looked out, there was no accident in their hearts.

Dieye asked, "Can you really give us that ultimate sorcery?"

Zhao Fu nodded harmlessly and nodded, "You don't have to worry, in my capacity, there is no need to lie to you,"

Dieye nodded blushingly.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Come with me!"

Zhao Fu walked around Wolf Green and walked into a well-preserved tent. Wolf Green had no opinion in his heart, and snuggled in Zhao Fu's arms. Snake Yumeng Mei also followed in with a smile, and Butterfly Ye blushed in, and Fox 9 felt the heat of his body, stomped his feet in shame, and followed.

The tent was enveloped by a black light, and everyone could not see what would happen inside, but everyone knew what would happen, but the few patriarchs did not object to anger, but instead smiled, thinking that several witches exchanged their bodies for voodoo. Very correct thing.

Moreover, with the power of Zhao Fu ’s Wuzu ancestor and the ultimate witchcraft, it is very likely to become a young patriarch. Several patriarchs are trying to have a good relationship with Zhao Fu. Even if Zhao Fu is not interested in the witch, they will also send the witch. past.

The strong men of other tribes have some envy, but unfortunately the witches of their tribe are not women, otherwise it can be the same.

The consequences of a few hours.

The eyes of Snake Yumeng looked at Zhao Fu, "Now we can give us the ultimate witch curse!"

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Well, I am very satisfied with you a few, I will give you more power than the ordinary witchcraft."

The serpent dream asked in surprise, "Really? Can you give a stronger witch."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Now the curse belongs to me alone, I can dispose of it at will, even if you give you the true power of the sun and moon curse, but you can't bear that power with your blood. "

Fu Jiu hummed in Zhao Fu's arms, "Then what level of blood are you? Why can you bear such a terrible witch curse?"

Dieye also asked, "I have been curious about your identity since the beginning, can you tell us?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "These of you will know later, I will now use my blood as a carrier to give you the power of the sun and moon curse."

Did not ask a few people, nodded with a smile, sat cross-legged on the ground, back to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu also sat up and scratched his finger with his nails. The powerful witch was accompanied by blood flowing out, forming a palm-sized sun and moon pattern, exuding a strong and mysterious breath.

Witches inside several people, feeling this terrible witch, became extremely quiet and dared not produce a little fluctuation.

Zhao Fu pressed this drop of blood on the back of Snake Yumeng, and the blood was integrated into the body of Snake Yumeng with the sun and moon pattern.

Snake Yumeng also immediately felt a powerful voodoo power injected into the body, and his body immediately changed dramatically. UU reading spread a powerful voodoo power.

Several other people felt the power of the magic spell from the body of Snake Yumeng, and they were a little excited.

The power of the curse was integrated into the body of Snake Yumeng. Zhao Fu also took his hand back, and a sun and moon pattern appeared on the back of Snake Yumeng. This pattern was slowly hidden in the body and used in Snake Yumeng. When the voodoo power, this pattern will appear in one appearance.

Zhao Fu gave strength to several other women.

After solving this matter, several people from Zhao Fu came out of the tent.

Snake Yumeng Mei smiled and said, "I have left beforehand, and I will wait for you afterwards, and then we continue like this."

Zhao Fu smiled and heard that the eight tribes have left their own tribal heritage here, knowing what they are doing, and not paying much attention.

Fu Jiu eyes looked at Zhao Fu and said, "We eight witches have tasks here, so I have to leave."

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile, "I know! We are finally meeting."

The three of Snake Yumeng left, and Zhao Fu led Wolf Blue to a deeper depth, and stopped near a water pond. There was a huge blue crocodile with a length of tens of meters and two tails in front. It is also for the spirit. .

These spirits belong to the ancient beast spirits and belong to the spiritual power of the Wuzu generation. Their strength is very powerful. Unlike the previous ancestor spirits, they will not harm the attacking witch. Force, but also very dangerous, accidentally die here.

The ancient beast spirits can also be subdued. Like driving ordinary beast spirits, there is not much difference except that the strength will be stronger.

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