The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2848: Go to the altar

Volume One Chapter 305

Now the only Wu Ying who can stop Zhao Fu is also defeated. No one can stop Zhao Fu from becoming the chief of the Wu minority.

Fu Jiu said indignantly, "You guys are despicable and shameless, even using this method to sneak into our Wu people and deceive our emotions.

Zhao Fu stopped and looked at Fox Jiu with both eyes, "I didn't deceive you!"

Fu Jiu exclaimed angrily, "You are obviously the young master of the barren ancient dragon clan, who is a threat to our witch clan, get us by vile methods, have you said yet?"

Snake Yumeng said with a cold face, "If you know that you are the young master of the Aboriginal Dragon Clan, I will not have that kind of relationship with you anyway."

Dieye also said angrily, "Yes, I will never be like that. You villain hides our identity from us."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "I think you misunderstood, although I am the young master of the barren ancient clan, but I am not malicious to you witch clan."

After hearing the words, everyone looked strange, and some did not believe it.

Xuan Yu asked, "You are not the heir to the evil dragon, our Matriarch Xianzun has sealed your master for so many years, you should be very angry."

Zhao Fu shook his head and said with a smile, "That's what she deserves, and I don't want to be involved in the previous things, and the inheritance of the Immortal Venerable is where I got it."

Now things are clear, why Zhao Fu also inherited the Immortal Venerable, and why he came to the Wuzu Holy Land, everything has a reason.

Yuanmie asked decisively, "You really will not harm our Wu clan, let alone lead the dragon clan to attack?"

Zhao Fu nodded seriously, "Actually, I am also very strange. I don't have any idea of ​​attacking your Matriarchs, but your Matriarchs have done so many things to defend me."

Heard that everyone on the scene was relieved, and many strong men outside the Holy Land were not worried, it turned out that they had misunderstood.

Zhao Fu is not harmful to them, which can be said to be a great thing, because Zhao Fu is too terrifying, not only has the original dragon blood, but also three strong swordsmanship, the key is that he will become a young Wu Patriarch.

If Zhao Fu is really malicious to their Wu clan, it will definitely cause devastating results.

Zhao Fu looked at everyone, "Do you want to be hostile to me now?"

Yuan Xiao lightly said, "You laughed, we misunderstood you, we should apologize."

Xuan Yu said with a smile, "Well, I apologize to you, please forgive me."

Fox Jiu hummed, "I won't forgive you easily."

Snake You Meng said with a smile, "Then I have no opinion on you, our previous agreement is still valid."

Zhao Fu looked at Wolf Green.

Wolf Blue is a little complicated, and said softly, "You are so good to me, I will support you no matter what you do, and you don't care about my opinion."

Zhao Fu smiled slightly, "I'm going up to gain the inheritance of the Wu people!"

Zhao Fu went to the altar by himself, and others followed him, not only Zhao Fu can climb to the altar, but also others, because there are various inheritances on the altar that will give different people.

Stepping on the stone steps, Zhao Fu immediately felt a powerful witch power over the body. This witch power may be very difficult for ordinary people, but Zhao Fu has no effect, just like a feather Put it on the body.

Zhao Fu was not fast or slow, and walked more than 100 stone steps.

Everyone saw Zhao Fu walking so easily, and also stepped on the stone steps. Some of his faces became pale immediately. I did not expect that the power on the body was so strong. Some people were even worse.

At this time, everyone understood the gap between them and Zhao Fu and admired and worshiped Zhao Fu even more.


A roar sounded, a phantom appeared on the stone steps, exuded a strong momentum, and waved fists hit Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu kept moving forward,

When that punch was about to hit Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu directly exploded a force, dissipating that ghost shadow.

Zhao Fu went on.

It did n’t take long for the light in front to condense, forming a huge white tiger with a pair of wings on his back, exuding a strong pressure,

After the white tiger appeared, he rushed towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu stopped, and a black semi-circular mask appeared, blocking the huge white tiger.

The white tiger roared, opened his mouth and spouted a terrible white beam, and shot fiercely on the defensive cover. The defensive cover shattered a little, and the white tiger's face was delighted, and his mouth opened to bite Zhao Fu. past.

Zhao Fu raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, grabbed a hand, and the expression of the huge white tiger stopped, his body was penetrated by a huge force, and dissipated into many light spots.

These are just the most basic trials for Zhao Fu, and will not cause any threats and harm.

Zhao Fu went on.

Several big witches also followed Zhao Fu, they would not be as relaxed as Zhao Fu, your body was under a lot of pressure, and they walked slowly step by step.

Other ordinary witches are more difficult, sweating their bodies, some feet trembling, and each step is very difficult.

Some people have fallen on the stone steps. At this time, a light ball will appear on the stone steps and fly into those people's bodies. These light **** contain some heritage, which is not very noble, but also useful to those people.

Some people choose to absorb this light ball, some people also want to try to climb the higher stone steps, UU reading because the higher the stone steps, the more benefits.

Wu Yingpan sat underneath to recover her strength. Just now her power was sucked away by Zhao Fu, and she had no strength to stand up, let alone climb the stone steps.

Roar roar ...

A huge roar sounded, a huge momentum spread out, a lot of light on the stone steps condensed together, forming a different beast spirit, there are buffalo, horse, wolf, leopard, bear , There are crocodiles ...

An animal spirit's eyes looked at Zhao Fu coldly. If ordinary people face so many animal spirits' eyes, they will surely be frightened by their legs and feet, and dare not step forward.

Zhao Fu's expression didn't change much, so he moved forward step by step.

The beast spirits immediately rushed towards Zhao Fu with a powerful force, and the picture looked very scary.

But Zhao Fu was walking forward while waving his arms, like flying flies. A huge beast was blown to the sides by an invisible force. None of them had the local ability, as if it was really a Flies only.

Several witches summoned their different beast spirits to fight with the beast spirits on the stone steps. The most powerful element extermination, Xuan 觞, and the frog bull were solved more easily. They followed Zhao Fu's pace and moved on.

Other people spent some time. As long as the beasts of ordinary witches were summoned, they were almost torn apart by the beasts on the stone steps, and some people were scared to release the beasts.


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