The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2855: Ancient Wars

Volume One Chapter 312

Young Master, if you want to get December power, you must fly to the last month, so that you can get the most pure December power.

Asked Zhao Fu, "I wonder if you can fly to the moon with your strength now?"

The majestic old man chuckled. The moon and the sun in the sky have supreme power, repelling all living creatures to approach, and forcibly invading will be eroded by the sun and the moon. Not to mention the general power, even if it is a real fairy, it is very difficult to go up.

Only the creatures with the power of the sun and the moon can reach the limit of the moon and the power of the sun and the moon, so there is no other way.

Zhao Fu thought that he could go directly to the moon, so he would not have to go to the December business group to get the purest lunar force directly on the moon.

Zhao Fu continued to ask, "What kind of power is the Eighth Temple?"

Said the majestic old man, the birth of the Eighth Temple was almost the same as the December Merchants Group. Eight congenital gods were born in the eight suns.

As an innate god, the eight Japanese gods have extraordinary powers. They can burn the sky and boil the sea and destroy the world. They were one of the most powerful gods in ancient times. They were worshipped by countless people in ancient times. They were also the gods with the largest number of believers at that time. It is also the most widely distributed **** of believers.

The eight-day shrine was built by eight innate gods themselves, and they also spread their own beliefs, which is different from the December business group.

After the ancient wars, many powerful gods fell, and the eight Japanese gods disappeared. I do n’t know if they were dead or alive. The eight-day shrine they built was also severely damaged. No one could become the Japanese **** instead of the innate Japanese god. The temple is getting weaker and weaker, and there are fewer and fewer believers.

Soaring into the sun is more difficult than soaring to the moon. After the disappearance of the eighth god, no one in the eighth temple can ascend to the sun. I heard that there are still people in the eighth temple.

In addition to the sun, there is still only a small part of the strength of the eight-day temple in the ground. The sun of the eight-day temple is generally only staying in the land of the extreme sun. It never participates in the chaotic world. The sense of existence is very low. I haven't heard it too normal.

If you want to get the true eight-day power, you must also fly to the sun, and you must first go to the eight-day shrine, otherwise there is no other way.

However, most of them are useless even if you go. There are many people who want to get the power of eight days, but no one can succeed.

Zhao Fu nodded and asked curiously, "What's going on in ancient wars?"

The majestic old man smiled and said, "The ancient war of God was a war between the gods of good and evil. Many innate gods either died or escaped from the chaotic world. It is difficult for chaotic world gods to be born. Many innate gods disappeared and fled, causing Such a rare situation of gods in the chaotic world. "

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I know, I think it's time to go to the December business group."

The old man said with a smile, "Young Master, you need to be more careful, remember our words, something will activate the dragon order, we will rush over as soon as possible,"

Zhao Fu smiled and yelled.

After more than a week, Zhao Fu came to the December business group.

If you want to get the December power, you need to become the core figure of the business group. Only the December core person can have the December power, the average person can only get the general December power, and some people even practice the December power. Gain the power of the moon.

The December Chamber of Commerce has no trial inheritance, or you can directly participate in the trial and perform well in it, then it will become the core figure and it is very easy to get the power of December.

But the key is not there at present. I can only think of other ways. It is possible to join the December business group directly, but basically doing things such as sales protection, it will not be valued, and it must be exposed, which will add to Zhao Fu. A lot of trouble.

If there is no way, then only one way can be created. Zhao Fu has already heard that a caravan in the caravan in December is escorting several treasures to a certain area.

A handsome young man, riding a horse, walking a dozen people forward.

His name is Yue Lin, and he is not low in the December business group. If it is not these treasures that are important, he will not be escorted in person.


A huge roar sounded, a huge worm rushed out from under the ground, a mouth of fangs bite fiercely towards the moon.

Yuelin was surprised, and immediately flew into the sky, but the horse he was riding was swallowed by the worm, and Yuelin's face was angry, and he pulled out a knife and slashed towards the worm.

The worm hid to the side, evaded the blow, opened its giant mouth and bit it to Yuelin again.

Others wanted to come forward to help, but a few worms were drilled on the ground, attacking others.

Yuelin swung out with a knife, chopping a huge blade of light on the worm's mouth, the worm screamed, twisted his tail and whipped towards Yuelin. Yuelin couldn't escape and could only block him in front of him.


A dull voice sounded, and Yuelin was blown out with a blow.

The huge worm opened its mouth and ejected an air bomb. It quickly shot towards Yuelin. Yuelin waved a silver crescent with a knife, and struck the air bomb with one blow.


The one was ejected like a body, and the speed was extremely fast. Like a black shadow, it rammed towards Yuelin with an amazing momentum.

I was unprepared for a while, and my body was hit by the huge worm and spit out blood.

The worm continued to rush towards the moon.

Yuelin's face was cold, and a powerful momentum broke out, and several consecutive swords were slashed out, and several blades of light slashed towards the worm.

Several wounds were cut from the worm, but the injury was not serious, and rushed to Yuelin, the huge mouth produced a suction force, sucking Yuelin's body past.

Yuelin was shocked in his heart and hurriedly backed away, emitting a powerful moonlight on his body.

With the help of this monthly force, Yuelin asked for that terrible suction ~ ~ had not yet responded, and the worm bit him fiercely again.

Yuelin immediately hid aside, and slashed the worm with a knife, but the worm had a lot of flesh and still did not cause any harm.

It was like a cry, a flick of the tail and whipped towards Yuelin, with a strong wind.

Yuelin exudes a lot of moonlight, forming a hard defensive cover.


That defensive cover was shattered by a great force, and Yue Lin's body was also blown out, but he was not injured.


The worm seized the opportunity and quickly ejected an air bomb, which quickly shot on Yuelin and exploded. The explosive force exploded Yuelin's clothes, and several wounds bleed with blood.

Yuelin hadn't responded yet. The worm appeared under his feet, biting Yuelin's feet, smashing Yuelin to the ground, and hit a big pit.

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