The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2858: Moon Prisoner

Volume 315 Chapter One

Moon Honey snorted coldly, slamming the ground with one hand, a powerful moon force spread out.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four silver-white beams of light projected from the ground in four directions of Zhao Fu, and a powerful momentum spread out. The breakable imprisonment enveloped Zhao Fu, making Zhao Fu unable to move.

This is a method for the prisoners and the twelve merchant groups to trap people.

Yue Mi watched Zhao Fu bound by the Yue prisoner, and he was relieved.

Zhao Fu chuckled, "I want to trap me just like that?"


A huge roar sounded, and Zhao Fu released a powerful force, forming two huge dragon claws, grabbing forward and tearing it violently, that terrible force tore the imprisoned power, four The beam of light also collapsed.

Moon Honey turned white, "This man is too strong!"

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward, and countless black breaths poured out, forming a huge arm, and grabbed the honey with a strong momentum to the past.

Yue Mi quickly hid to the side, escaped this arm, and flicked the palm fan in his hand. Pu Fan rotated to bring out a crescent, and with a powerful force, quickly cut to Zhao Fu, bringing up a white force wind.

Zhao Fu's condensed arm waved sideways and flew that crescent.

And grabbed the moon honey in his hand, the moon honey exuded a lot of silvery white light, trying to break free from that huge arm.

Zhao Fu's expression was relaxed, and he grasped it hard. The huge arm exhaled a lot of black gas, suppressing the power of the moon honey, so that the moon honey had no resistance.

A huge arm grabbed Moon Honey's body in front of Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at Moon Honey with a smile and said, "I have already said that I don't have to accept such a mouth when I hand it over!"

Moon Honey said coldly, "What the **** are you? I don't believe an ordinary Emperor Heaven Realm has such terrible power!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Who do you think I am?"

Eyes of Moon Honey looked at Zhao Fu and said, "I think you should be the arrogance of a certain force. I don't know why you did this kind of underworld work?"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "This can't tell you!"

A force emanated from the huge arm, and the storage ring worn on the finger of Moon Honey automatically detached from the finger of Moon Honey and flew to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu held out his hand to hold the ring.

Moon honey was cold with a face, and did not speak.

Zhao Fu looked at the honeymoon with a smile, and this type of beautiful woman fits his taste well.

Yuemi noticed Zhao Fu ’s bad eyesight, and also had a bad hunch in his heart. He said, "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Why not!"

After saying that Zhao Fu disappeared in the same place with the moon honey, others could only watch Zhao Fu take the moon honey away, and could not play any role at all.

A few hours later, the honeymoon at the lake was flushed and unable to snuggle in Zhao Fu's arms, "Tell me who instructed you to do these things?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I can't tell you this, I have professional ethics anyway, but you should know who did it when you go back."

Moon Honey snorted, "You might as well join our family, everything you want will be given to you, including me."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "If I meet you early, I will promise you, now I have promised others, so I will not regret it."

Yue Mi said with a cold face, "Then you must promise me that you can't do anything that harms our family, otherwise I won't touch it in the future."

Zhao Fu looked at Yue Mi and said with a smile, "Well, I can promise you this."

Moon honey's complexion eased.

Zhao Fu returned to Yue's house and threw a storage ring to Yue Xiaoqian, "I've done what you gave me!"

Yue Xiaoqian nodded with a smile, "I already know the things, but your strength is really strong, and the powerful people in the virtual realm are so easy to lose in your hands."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "When can I give Moonstone?"

Yue Xiaoqian said with a smile, "Help me do one thing, I can give you the moonstone you want."

Zhao Fu looked at Yue Xiaoqian and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yue Xiaoqian said, "In the near future, a competition will be held in the nearby hundred cities. I want you to go out on behalf of our family. If you win, I will give you Yueshi, and you will also win glory for my Yuejia. Will receive the attention of more senior people. "

Zhao Fu nodded. "no problem!"

Leaving Yue Xiaoqian's room, Yue Lin happily found Zhao Fu, "I have heard about Xuan Brother, you are really amazing."

Yue Lin found that he had found the treasure. Zhao Fu had such a strong strength, and it was very helpful to their Yue family.

Zhao Fu smiled and said politely, "You have won the prize!"

Yue Lin smiled happily and said, "Go, I invite you to drink."

The two sat and drank together. After half a day of drinking, they were drunk and fell on the table. Zhao Fu had no effect. Now, he has almost no alcohol to make him drunk.

Yue Guhua walked into the room and watched the drunken son sigh, letting him arrange for him to go to bed, and looked at Zhao Fu. She also heard about the matter, but at first she did not expect that Zhao Fu was so powerful. Yue Family's role is so great.

"Thank you for helping us, Yue Family." Yue Guhua smiled as he looked at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No need to thank, I have promised that I will try my best to help Yuejia, and I will do it when I say it."

Yue Guhua said with a smile, "I respect you too!" Xue Bai's hand lifted the glass and saluted Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu also took a glass of wine in return.

After drinking a glass of wine, Yueguhua couldn't help but tell how much his daughter and son were sensible, how contentious, and how hard it was to raise their sisters alone.

The previous generation of the owner is not a month old painting. Yue Xiaoqian relied on his own efforts and talents ~ ~ was favored by the previous generation of the owner, before passing the position of the owner to her. The family is just average.

Drinking wine while talking about Yuegu painting, after a while, his face turned red, and he was a little drunk. He wanted to stand up and go back to the room to rest, but his body fell into Zhao Fu's arms.

Zhao Fu looked at the beautiful woman in her arms, but she was helpless, so you can't blame him.

In the late night when the moon stars were sparse, the ancient paintings of the moon sounded just crazy, and some embracing Zhao Fu shyly said, "I wanted to introduce you to my daughter and let you help her stabilize her position and develop her family."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "But I prefer you like this."

A sweet smile appeared on Yuegu ’s face and said, “I have n’t been so happy for a long time. I ’m willing to be your woman, but you ca n’t tell others about our relationship, otherwise we will be embarrassed.”

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile.

The next day, Zhao Fu came to an inn and pushed open the door of the room. Yue Mi threw himself in Zhao Fu's arms. After some things happened, Yue Mi asked ruddy in Zhao Fu's arms, "Yue Xiaoqian is planning Did you send you to participate in a hundred cities? "

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