The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2861: Department of August

Volume One Chapter 318

Zhao Fu looked at Yue Xiaoqian, "It's time to honor your promise!"

Yue Xiaoqian nodded, "You follow me."

Zhao Fu followed Yue Xiaoqian to a large secret room, several hundred meters wide, with a black top, and a three-meter high stone platform in the middle, with a silver-white stone floating on it. A slight moonlight.

The stone in front of me is the moonstone. It has the same function as the inheritance stone. It can continue the inheritance of a family and also has the ability to protect the family's luck.

It is rumored that the first moon stone was a part of the twelve moons that the eight moon immortals used the power of the world to break up. After the initial moon stone, it continued to split. Although the contained moon power was not as strong as the original, it was still very powerful and pure .

Only the owner of Moonstone can split.

Yue Xiaoqian walked to that stone platform and held out his finger a little. The one-meter-sized round stone radiated a strong moonlight, and a fist-sized round stone emerged from the center.

This is a split moon stone. With this moon stone, you can directly establish a family.

Reaching out to catch the moon stone, Yue Xiaoqian walked to Zhao Fu, handed the moon stone to Zhao Fu, and asked curiously, "What are you going to do with the moon stone?"

Zhao Fu took the moon stone and said with a smile, "I want to absorb this kind of moon power?"

Yue Xiaoqian did not have any accidents. Moonstone contains powerful and pure moonpower. The people of the Yue tribe will directly absorb the moonpower to enhance their own strength. They said with a smile, "The moonstone strength of our family is average. Now that you are the upper class, you should You can get more advanced moonstone. "

Zhao Fu nodded. In fact, Zhao Fu's ambition is greater. He wants to ascend last month to master the power of the moon. These moonstones can't satisfy him.

Yue Xiaoqian continued, "I might ask you for help in the future, and I might trouble you."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Well, I will try my best to help you."

Yue Xiaoqian looked at Zhao Fu, "So what do you want?"

As soon as he thought about it, Zhao Fu replied, "I don't want anything, but it's just to repay your kindness."

Yue Xiaoqian said with a smile, "With your own strength, you will be valued no matter where you go, and you don't have to thank me. In the future, our Yue family will need your support and help. This is not a matter of knowing the grace of the encounter."

Zhao Fu looked at Yue Xiaoqin and asked with a smile, "So what do you want to pay me?"

Yue Xiaoqian stepped forward and gently hugged Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at Yue Xiaoqian in his arms and was not polite.

After more than an hour, Zhao Fu sat on the ground, preparing to absorb the moonstone. Yue Xiaoqian's face flushed, and she lay on one side and looked at Zhao Fu.

I saw that the moonstone merged into Zhao Fu's body, and it was directly dispersed into countless dust, leaving only a white spot of the size of a green bean. This is the purest moon force of the moonstone.

With such a little monthly power, Zhao Fu took a light breath, and the light spot dissipated in the body. Zhao Fu also gained this kind of monthly power.

Absorbing this kind of moon power, Zhao Fu feels that he has three abilities. The first kind of body seems to become light and fluttering, like a fallen leaf and a feather. Zhao Fu thinks this is an important ability to fly to the moon. This kind of ability is promoted to the extreme, and it can fly to the moon.

The second ability can absorb moon power. Ordinary people can also absorb moon power in the sky, but this ability of Zhao Fu absorbs faster, just like the moon in the sky and oneself.

The last one is called the realm of the moon. Under the moon, the speed of cultivation, comprehension, perception, and physique will all be enhanced. This feels more common.

Zhao Fu looked at the moonstone on the platform, and some wanted to absorb it, but Zhao Fu did not do that, because the absorption of the Yuexiaoqian family was gone, and the power of this moonstone was not very strong. Nor is it very pure, Zhao Fu needs a stronger moonstone.

Yue Xiaoqian said with a smile, "Is it absorbed so soon?"

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile, "Let's leave here!"

Yue Xiaoqian looked at Zhao Fu and said, "I still have something to ask you."

Zhao Fu asked doubtfully, "What is it?"

Yue Xiaoqian said a little shyly, "Well, I hope you don't tell others about my relationship with you, I don't want others to know."

Zhao Fu chuckled and nodded.

Not long after leaving the Chamber of Secrets, Zhao Fu was about to leave the Yue Family and follow Yue Teacher to a more advanced place.

But at this time, Yue Mi and Yue Lan, as well as beautiful women who were somewhat similar to Yue Mi, came to Yue's house and said they wanted to make peace with Yue's house, and they should not fight in the future.

The beautiful woman, similar to Yue Mi, named Yue Rong, is Yue Lan's mother, the owner of the previous generation, and Yue Mei's sister.

Now Yue Xiaoqian's family strength is so strong, and there are upper class support, Yuerong can't help but can only bring people to peace, otherwise their family will always be suppressed, and finally go down.

Yue Mi worried that Yue Xiaoqian would not agree, because before the two sides could have many conflicts, it was difficult to make peace at once, so the three found Zhao Fu first.

Moon Honey said, "Wait a minute, please help us persuade you!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "No problem, this is just a trivial matter."

Moon Honey smiled, and said temptingly, "Thank you! I will come to you later."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I will leave here soon!"

Moon Honey asked in surprise, "Is it so fast?"

Zhao Fu yelled.

Moon Honey lost and asked, "What shall I do? You will not abandon me?"

Zhao Fu smiled and put her in her arms, and said with a smile, "How is this possible!"

Yue Mi smiled and hugged Zhao Fu.

Yue Rong looked at Zhao Fu with her eyes. She already knew the relationship between Yue Mi and Zhao Fu, but Yue Mi told her personally that although she had a man before, she could n’t be used to that man. Drop ~ ~ I am still alone. After listening to the words of Moon Honey, I also have a lot of interest in Zhao Fu.

Yue Lan also knew this, and his expression did not change.

Yue Rong said with a fascinating smile at this time, "You will be the upper class of the December business group in the future, and you will help our family a lot in the future."

Zhao Fu's eyes looked at Yue Rong, and she also hugged her in her arms and said with a smile, "Yes!"

Yue Rong did not struggle, and said with a smile, "I heard my sister said about you, and I want to experience it, hurry up!"

Zhao Fu didn't say anything, he spoke directly with action.

The room was in chaos, during which Zhao Fu also called Lai Yue Xiao Qian and Yue Gu's mother and daughter.

A few years ago, Zhao Fu and Zhao Fu tried to mediate and persuade the two families to let go of their previous grudges, and they also united and will help each other in the future.

Zhao Fu, an unnamed person who did a good deed, left the Yue's house after resolving the matter, and followed the four members of Yueshi to the core area of ​​the eighth faction.

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