The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2863: Lunar

Volume One Chapter 320

Master Yue's face eased, "You have conscience!"

Yue Qianhe asked curiously, "How can your identity improve so quickly?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I gave some information about the son of the source and the descendants of the evil immortal to Master Yuexi."

The four females were surprised, "Do you still know the information of the son of the source and the descendants of the evil fairy?"

Now they understand why Zhao Fu's identity has risen so quickly. It turned out that they knew the two supreme beings, which was a very important event.

Master Yue asked, "How do you know this?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "It's better to know something better."

What did Master Yue want to say? Zhao Fu had no interest in talking about it. He stepped forward and hugged her in his arms, and the room began to be confused again.

the next day.

Zhao Fu followed the Yuelong cage and inspected the business group. Everyone looked at Zhao Fu who was next to the Yuelong cage. He was a little bit dissatisfied in his heart and did not know what relationship Zhao Fu depended on.

Yue Lanlong knew some information about Zhao Fu and knew that Zhao Fu was very talented, so he wanted to train Zhao Fu seriously, so he took her around.

However, she still does not know that Zhao Fu is already planning to further her identity.


A white figure passed by in a flash, so fast that the eyes couldn't do it.

The Yuelong cage's already powerful spirit realm, seeing what that thing is, said with a smile, "Yuexian's pet Yuehu ran out, Yuexuan I will give you a chance to catch it, maybe you can see it Our business group has the highest moon fairy. "

Zhao Fu immediately turned into a black light and rushed towards the white figure. The white figure was extremely fast and very flexible.


A roar sounded, Zhao Fu exhaled a strong momentum, the speed increased several times, caught up with the white figure, reached out and grabbed forward.

The speed of the white figure also increased several times, shooting like a white streamer, which made Zhao Fu fall away.

Zhao Fu immediately turned into a black light, and the white light continued to fly forward. The black light followed behind it, and the speed was getting closer and closer. Zhao Fu reached out his hand and grabbed it one at a time, and finally caught the thing. A white tiger the size of a cat, with a moon pattern on his eyebrows, looks very cute.

Yuehu struggled in Zhao Fu's hands, and wanted to bite Zhao Fu, his small paws waving wildly.

A proud woman appeared and said, "Give me Moon Tiger!"

Her name is Yueqin, and she is also the Moon Attendant of the Eighth Moon Celestial. Her identity is as noble as that of the Moon Cage Cage.

Wen Yan said that the moon tiger in Zhao Fu's hand was handed to Yueqin.

Yueqin hugged Yuehu ’s soothing head, so that Yuehu could recover from panic. Yueqin glanced at Zhao Fu. “This is Yuexian ’s pet. Do you know what the consequences are if you hurt it?”

Zhao Fu was a little uncomfortable and said, "I know, I didn't hurt it, I just grabbed it."

Yueqin snorted coldly, "Dare you talk back to me?"

Although Yueqin is a spiritual level cultivation practice, Zhao Fu is actually not very afraid, but this is the place in December.

Zhao Fu had no choice but to bow his head and said, "Small knows wrong!"

Yueqin's face was cold, and she wanted to say something.

At this time, Yue Canglong came over and smiled, "I asked him to catch the Moon Tiger, the action is a bit rude, I just forget it!"

Yueqin held Yuehu without intending to continue, and asked, "Who is he?"

Yuelongxiang said with a smile, "He is the one who reported the news of the son of the original source and the son of the evil fairy. I plan to train him well."

Yueqin glanced at Zhao Fu and said politely, "I don't like him!"

Yuelong said with a smile, "I think he is good."

Yueqin said blandly, "whatever you want!"

Yue Qin finished holding Yue Hu and left.

Zhao Fu looked at the back of Yueqin's departure, and was very upset, waiting for the opportunity to express his breath.

Yuelong looked at Zhao Fu and said with a smile, "She is such a person, don't care."

Zhao Fu nodded.

Going back to his room, Zhao Fu continued to collect information and search for opportunities for identity advancement, but it was very difficult to find, because the further is Yue Shi, which must be valued by Yue Xian, appointed by Yue Xian personally, other people have no power In the promotion of Zhao Fu's status.

The key point is Yuexian. Zhao Fu started to collect Yuexian information.

The eighth month immortal is called the moon sage, and it is rumored that the fairy is beautiful and holy. It ranks eighth among the deities in December. Its strength is the same as that of other moon celestial beings. Stuck in this mirror world can not break through.

Zhao Fu learned a very important news, that is, this month the saint looked for something for many years, with the strength of the December business group, unless it is really something extremely rare, Or something that has disappeared in this world.

What the Moon Lady looks for is lunar fluid, something that only exists on the moon, is a product of the high concentration of moon power, and is relatively rare on the moon.

No one has been to the moon for many years now. The moon liquid naturally disappears in this world, and the capabilities of the business group in December cannot be found.

But this kind of thing happened to Zhao Fu, which was obtained during the trial of the Wu people.

In the palace, a tall woman with a beautiful face, a holy temperament, and a touch of dust, sat on the carpet, hugging a moon tiger, and fingered that moon tiger.

She is the Saint Virgin.

A young maid came forward and told, "Someone in Moon Fairy wants to see you, saying that you have the moon liquid you need!"

Wen Yan said, Saint Mary said with some surprise, "Let her come in to see me."

A man in a black cloak walked in and respectfully paid a respect to the Moon Lady, "Worship the Moon Fairy!"

Moon Saint Girl asked anxiously ~ ~ Do you really have such a rare thing as moon liquid? "

Zhao Fu nodded and took out the crystal bottle filled with moon liquid.

Yue Sheng Nu reached out and grabbed the crystal bottle and flew into the hands of Yue Sheng Nu, looking at the silver-white liquid in the crystal bottle. Yue Sheng Nu showed a smile.

Moon Saint Girl looked up at Zhao Fu and asked curiously, "How did you get this bottle of moon liquid?"

Zhao Fu replied, "Unexpectedly obtained in an opportunity, I heard that Moon Immortal you need, I will immediately report to Moon Immortal."

Moon Saint Girl smiled and said, "What's your name, how come I have no impression on you?"

Zhao Fu respectfully said, "My name is Yuexuan!"

The Moon Goddess was surprised, and said with a chuckle, "It turned out to be the information you gave to the son of the original source and the descendants of the evil fairy.

Zhao Fu said humbly, "This is just a bit of luck, and I didn't do anything."

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