The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2869: Moon

Volume One Chapter 326

Yue Qin groaned, did not speak, and now there is nothing to say, she is all Zhao Fu, what else?

Yue Ni Shuang eyes looked at Zhao Fu, "Well, I underestimated you. You are so courageous that you not only get the six of us, but did not expect you to get His Royal Highness."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "What is this, even if I am a fairy?"

Everyone looked surprised. Zhao Fu didn't look like a lie, wouldn't this be true? Did he ever get a fairy?

Yue Ni Shuang eyes looked at Zhao Fu, "Who the **** are you?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You don't need to know, you will not be wronged by you after you follow me."

Yuelong asked, "What is your next plan?"

Zhao Fu said, "Go to other factions, collect the twelve initial moon power, and soar to the last month."

Moon cage asked in surprise, "Are you really going to fly to the last month?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Of course, the purpose of my coming this time is to soar last month."

Yue Ni Shuang eyes looked at Zhao Fu and said with a smile, "Although I don't know your identity, you must be a shocking genius. I'm a fate. I will try my best to help you if you need anything."

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Well, I just want to ask you for information about several other factions."

After a while.

Zhao Fu knew the information about other December factions and who the four pieces of bronze were in his hands. There was one piece for the first month faction, the fourth month faction, the seventh month faction, and the twelfth faction.

Zhao Fu came to the place where the faction of the fourth month was. He came here because Zhao Fu got the token before. That token was named Yuexianling. Zhao Fu learned this information from Yue Nikou and made it even more interesting. The judgment of the fluctuation of the monthly power on the card is the token of the fourth month fairy.

Coming here, Zhao Fu handed over the token to a maid and asked her to report the fourth moon fairy.

Less than a moment later, the maid asked Zhao Fu to follow her and said that the fourth Yuexian would see him. Zhao Fu followed the maid to the hall with a smile.

This month immortal order is very important in the December business group. It represents the identity of this month immortal. Zhao Fu wants to use this token to see if he can get the power of the fourth month and that piece of bronze.

But just came to the hall, Zhao Fu was very surprised, the Moon Saint Girl was here.

Yue Sheng Nu looked at Zhao Fu and came in with some surprises, and asked, "Why are you here, Yue Xuan?"

Zhao Fu has not spoken yet.

A tall, charming woman next to him with a tall figure, said with a smile, "He has the moon fairy order of our fourth month faction."

She is the fourth moon fairy named Yue Yao.

Zhao Fu's face was a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect Yue Xuan Nu to be here, and he announced, "This token was obtained by me and Moon Liquid. I didn't know what it was. Department of April. "

Yue Xuannv lightly said.

Yueyao chuckled and said, "The moon immortal order in your hand is very long, and it is the token left by the last generation of the fourth moon immortal. That moon liquid may also be given to him by the previous generation of the fourth immortal."

Yuexuan Nu understood, "No wonder I said that he had lunar fluid. It turned out that the lunar fluid itself was my thing in December."

Yueyao's eyes looked at Zhao Fu and said with a smile, "What do you want?"

Yuexuan Nu chuckled, "I think he wants the power of the fourth moon stone, this guy's goal is to fly to the moon."

Yueyao smiled and said, "Really? Do you know how difficult Feisheng was last month? And do you know how difficult it is to integrate two types of moonpower into your body?"

Zhao Fu replied, "I don't know how difficult it is, but I will give it a try."

Yueyao smiled and said, "Okay, I will give you a chance."

Seeing that the matter was resolved so easily, Zhao Fu showed a smile on his face and saluted, "Thank you, Your Highness Moon Fairy!"

Later, Zhao Fu followed Yueyao and Yuexuan Nu on another platform. The platform was exactly the same as before. A huge silver-white moonstone floated in the sky above, exuding a soft moonlight, just like a moonlight Really the moon.

Yueyao said, "Go up and try it."

Zhao Fu nodded and walked towards the moonstone. As Zhao Fu continued to approach, Zhao Fu felt a force of repulsion. Although December belongs to the same monthly force, there are Great repulsive force.

Even ordinary moon immortals can't have two types of moon power. Unless they are very powerful or have special physique, they can have multiple moon powers.

There is only one type of Yuexuan Nu and Yueyao, and they know the difficulty of merging two types of lunar power.

Zhao Fu felt the force of repulsion, his face did not change, and he continued to move forward. The force of repulsion is getting stronger and stronger, and the force of the moon in the body also generates a force of repulsion. The two forces of repulsion make Zhao Fu's body slowly stop and cannot come forward.

Yueyao chuckled and said, "Now he knows how difficult it is? It's not possible to walk over, let alone integrate two types of monthly power."


A roar sounded, Zhao Fu suppressed the monthly force in the body, exuded a powerful force of the body itself, and that repulsive force disappeared instantly.

Zhao Fu ’s body does n’t know how many kinds of power are incorporated, and his own physique has also become a physique that can contain everything. This physique is the most suitable physique to bear the December force, so that repelling force disappears .

Yueyao and Yuexuan Nu's expressions were surprised, a little puzzled why the force of repulsion disappeared again?

Zhao Fu walked unimpeded to the huge moonstone, sat cross-legged on the ground, and closed his eyes.


The huge moonstone slowly rose into the sky ~ ~ in the blue sky, emitting countless moonlight, a huge moon force diffused.

Zhao Fu only feels that a strong moon power is injected into the body, and immediately absorbs this moon power quickly and condenses into the moon in the body.

Yue Yao and Yue Sheng Nu looked at the scene in astonishment, "Simply absorb the second month force like this? Why is there no repulsion? How did he do it?"

Countless doubts came to mind.

Zhao Fu constantly absorbs moon power, and his body emits countless moonlights, like a human-shaped light group, emitting a powerful moonlight.

This time Zhao Fu's body was not collapsing. The moon in his body had been condensed, the same size as the previous moon, floating next to another moonstone, emitting a slight moonlight.

After mastering two kinds of lunar power, Zhao Fu felt that the lunar power has increased several times, not that one plus one equals twice the power, the body has become lighter, and the breath has also become chilly. Zhao Fu felt that he could easily soar last month.

Moonlight dissipated from his body, Zhao Fu opened his eyes and walked to Yueyao and Yuexuan Nu.

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