The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2872: 7th month

Volume One Chapter 329

Come to the seventh platform.

As before, Zhao Fu walked under the moonstone and sat on the ground, closing his eyes to absorb the moonstone's initial moonpower.

Came to the eighth platform, still continue to absorb the moon force as before.

Absorbing the moon force of the eighth platform, and then coming to the ninth platform to absorb the moon force, and encountered no resistance, easily absorbing the power of the moon stone of the ninth platform.

Finally, there are three moonstones left, namely the first moonstone, the second moonstone, and the third moonstone, which are the three moonstones with the strongest power. As long as they absorb these three moonstone powers, Zhao Fu will Twelve kinds of monthly power are integrated.

Coming to the platform of Third Moon Land, Zhao Fu walked forward, and many moon immortals were watching.


As Zhao Fu approached, the third moon stone sensed something, exuding a huge momentum.

The nine brilliant round stars in Zhao Fu's body exude a huge moon force, and these two moon stones are mutually exclusive forces.


A dull voice sounded, Zhao Fu's body was shaken back a dozen meters.

Many Yuexian's face changed, and when he came to the third moonstone, he finally got resistance. Everyone didn't know whether it was joy or sigh. If he didn't have a little resistance to integrate the twelve kinds of monthly power, it would be too much. Abnormal, accept some resistance.

Zhao Fu, who was retreated, wanted to suppress the nine types of lunar power in his body, but the strength of these nine types of lunar power, Zhao Fu wanted to suppress is no longer an easy task. Now Zhao Fu ’s lunar power is a few hundred before Times.

The pure use of the body is unable to suppress these nine kinds of moon power. Zhao Fu thought of the sun and moon witch curse he had obtained before. Among them, the moon curse contains a huge power of the moon curse, which should suppress the nine kinds of moon power in the body, otherwise Just use the power of Emperor Star.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu immediately used the power of the moon curse, and saw that many silver tadpole-like witch spells appeared in Zhao Fu's body, distributed around the nine round stars.

One voodoo floated toward the nine round stars, and the nine stars radiated a strong starlight. They wanted to resist the many voodoo floating in the past. Those voodoo were blocked by the starlight and could not get closer.

Zhao Fu's expression did not change, and more voodoo appeared in his body, and he continued to drift towards the voodoo.

Nine stars continue to emit starlight, preventing many spells from approaching, one spell is blocked by the starlight and stays in place, many spells continue to float away, and finally wrap the nine stars to form nine spell **** .

At this time, the nine stars still emit a strong starlight. Although the mantra wraps the nine stars, it still has no power to suppress it.


A huge roar sounded, and the spells exuded a powerful witch power, connected one by one, a powerful witch power wrapped around nine stars, suppressed the nine stars emitted the power of.

Zhao Fu continued to move forward. At this time, Zhao Fu did not feel a force of repulsion, and sat under the moon stone of the third lesson, and began to absorb the power of the moon stone.

Many moon immortals were a little surprised, did not expect Zhao Fu to solve the resistance so quickly.

Zhao Fu kept absorbing this moon power, and that huge moon power was condensed in Zhao Fu's body, forming a round star, emitting bright starlight.


A huge roar sounded, and Zhao Fu's body exuded an extremely unlikely monthly force, forming a huge coercion covering a thousand miles.

Everyone in Moon Fairy also feels a pressure. This pressure comes from the Moon Force in the body, which makes many Moon Fairy looks a little serious.

After absorbing the tenth monthly power, Zhao Fu showed a smile on his face, and walked in front of many moon immortals.

Fairy Moon looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Go to the second month!"

Now there are two kinds of lunar power left, Zhao Fu can absorb all lunar power.

Everyone came to the platform of Er Yuedi again, and Zhao Fu went on.


A loud ear roared, Moonstone exploded with a huge force of repulsion, spreading like a shock wave, Zhao Fu's body was instantly blown out, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Many Yuexian were also subjected to this repulsive force, and the body stepped back several steps, revealing a more serious expression. Now this repelling force is extremely terrible.

Moon Fairy looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "This strong force of repulsion is difficult for us to resist. Do you want to continue?"

Zhao Fu's eyes were firm, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Continue!"

Moon Fairy gazed a little more and said, "If you can't stop it, don't try to be brave, you can choose to give up. You have now integrated ten kinds of moon power, and the moon power is even stronger than ours.

Zhao Fu said with a strong stubbornness, "I am not satisfied with such a monthly power, I will have the strongest monthly power."

The corner of Moon Fairy's mouth rose, and he didn't say anything.

Zhao Fu used the power of a huge moon curse at once, and countless silver tadpole-like spells emerged in Zhao Fu's body, with a strong spell power, flying towards the ten round stars that emitted starlight. past.

Ten stars radiate a strong starlight, resisting countless flying spells, and after those spells are blocked, they wrap up ten more stars one after another.


A roar sounded at once, and countless witchcraft exuded a huge spell power, wrapped around ten stars, and began to suppress the power of ten stars.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Ten stars struggling to resist, exploded ten huge forces, and flew out the spell that wrapped them.


Zhao Fu shook his body, spit out blood, and his breath was weak.

Many Moon Immortals know that Zhao Fu's suppression of the Moon's power in the body should seem to have failed.

Moon Saints can't help but say ~ ~ Yuexuan is now OK, don't need to continue, otherwise you will be greatly injured "

Zhao Fu insisted, "No, I have to continue."

Since the power of voodoo can't suppress ten kinds of monthly power, use the power of Emperor Star.


A loud noise erupted, and Zhao Fu's body exuded a **** starlight, a chaotic, killing, disaster, war, the huge breath of demons spread out, and a **** star exuded a dazzling bloodlight, appearing in ten white Above the stars.

A huge power of emperor stars spread out, like an emperor's momentum pressing on ten stars, the ten stars were suppressed, and the light emitted by the stars slowly weakened.

After successfully suppressing the internal force, Zhao Fu continued to move forward.

The moonstone in the sky does not exude repulsive force, but exudes a strong pressure, which falls on Zhao Fu, but this pressure does not play a big role in Zhao Fu ’s horrible physique. Zhao Fu easily walked under the moon stone and began to absorb the eleventh moon force.

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