The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2875: Stir the world

Volume One Chapter 332

Moon Saint Girl said with a chuckle, "I heard you said that Feisheng still laughed at you last month. I didn't expect you to do it. I want you to apologize."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "It's okay, you're welcome, Your Highness Moon Immortal."

Yue Yao asked curiously, "How does it feel to have the ability to soar last month?"

Zhao Fu wanted to answer, "The body is very light, and the moon in the sky has a traction force for me. I can use this traction force to fly to the moon."

Yue Qianqian envyed, "We haven't sensed the power of traction since we were young, and forced soaring failed last month. Maybe we will not be able to soar last month in our life, hoping that the next generation of Yuexian will have this ability."

Moon Dance Star sighed, "Yeah, soaring last month is our dream forever, but this dream is out of reach."

Yuexianzi smiled and said, "Don't be so sad and disappointed, Yuexuan is our hope, he can fly up to us on the moon."

Yuefei smiled and said, "Wait for Yuexuan Feisheng to come back to the moon last month and describe to us what the Moonstone looks like."

Yue Shumin said contemplatively, "I don't know if we can borrow the power of Yuexuan to fly together."

Yuewuxing said in surprise, "There are some possibilities, maybe we can fly with Yuexuan behind, the key is how to have the traction in Yuexuan."

Zhao Fu said, "I don't know how to use the power of traction, but I will cooperate with your Highness Moon Immortals and try my best to help you take off."

Moon Fairy smiled and said, "Now come here, let's go back and study it carefully to see if there is a way to borrow the power of traction. Yuexuan you also go back to take a good rest and prepare to fly to the moon in the future. Only when you reach the moon can you have real The origin of the congenital moon has the power of the congenital moon fairy. "

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Well, I know."

Twelve-month immortals returned to study the method, Zhao Fu also returned to his residence, and Yuedi was in a state of joy.

Yue Ni and Yue Canglong came to Zhao Fu's residence.

Yue Ni Shuang eyes looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Do you really integrate twelve kinds of moon power, and still have the ability to soar last month?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You know it so soon?"

Yue Ni said, "Now things are spreading, how come we don't know, because we are a little unsure, we came to ask you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "It is true, I am now preparing to soar last month."

Hearing this, the women finally determined that the person who integrated the twelve kinds of monthly power was Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu shocked them too much, and did not believe it if they did not ask in person.

Now Zhao Fu's treatment in December, like the treatment of a month fairy, although Zhao Fu has no name, it can be called an unknown moon fairy.

Yueqin said softly, "I was wrong before, I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

Zhao Fu pulled her into her arms and said with a smile, "I have punished you too, so this matter is fine."

Yueqin smiled on his face, arms around Zhao Fu.

Yuelong looked at Zhao Fu in a complicated way. Zhao Fu ’s identity changed too quickly. After a long time from a small family of talents, he became a person comparable to Yuexian. If it is better than Yuexian in a few days Higher?

Yuehe asked with care, "What do you plan to do in the future?"

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "After soaring last month, you can integrate the true source and monthly power. You can feel at ease and I will not treat you badly."

Yue Ni stepped forward and hugged Zhao Fu, "Now you will give us that kind of moon power."

Zhao Fu smiled slightly.

A few hours later, Yue Sheng Nu pushed the door of Zhao Fu's room and saw the scene of chaos in front of her, her face slightly in total, and she walked over.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu asked, holding her arms, "What's wrong?"

Saint Mary said with a ruddy face, "We found various ways and found it difficult to soar last month, so I came to try your method."

Zhao Fu asked with a smile, "How is it?"

The Saint Maiden smiled and nodded, "After you merged twelve kinds of lunar forces, this double-cultivation effect is more than ten times better than before, and there is a trace of weak traction in my body. Although weak, it is enough to make me Surprise. "

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "After a lot of double cultivation, the traction in your body will also increase."

Moon Saint Girl replied with a smile, "Well!"

In the next few days, Zhao Fu and Yue Sheng Nu together with Yue Sheng Du, and Yue Yue and Yue Sheng Du also came more and more charming.

Zhao Fu is also planning to obtain bronze fragments.

There are four bronze fragments in December, the first month faction, the fourth month faction, the seventh month faction, and the twelfth faction each have one piece. As long as these four bronze pieces are collected, the last few pieces can be repaired That original tool.

Zhao Fu intends to find Xianyue Yao, the fourth month, feeling that she is quite good at speaking, and it should be easier to get that piece of bronze.

At this time, a maid came to inform that the fourth month fairy went to Zhao Fu.

Hearing the words, Zhao Fu chuckled and came to the fourth month, just as he wanted.

Yueyao was sitting in the hall, and there were eight beautiful women beside her. They had different temperaments. They were pure, enchanting, hot, and gentle. With the sunshine, their breath is very strong, and they should all be Yue Yao's monthly attendants.

Zhao Fu looked at Zhao Fu with his eyes just eight months after he came in. They knew that Yue Yao was looking for Zhao Fu, and they had the best preparation.

Zhao Fu asked with a gesture, "What's more than His Highness Moon Immortal looking for me?"

Yue Yao smiled blushing on her face and said, "I know about you and the Saint Maiden, and I want to fly to the last month, so I also want to please you, as long as you are willing to help me, then I can satisfy everything for you What do you think of the conditions? "

Zhao Fu was a little surprised in his heart, UU reading said with a smile, "I want that piece of bronze?"

Yueyao's expression flustered and asked, "Why do you want that thing?"

Zhao Fu had already figured out the reason, and said with a smile, "As my strength continues to increase, I will definitely meet the son of the source in the future. The bronze fragments are what he has been looking for. I want to stay in my hands is more beneficial to me. "

Yue Yao smiled and said, "No problem, that thing was originally intended to attract the child of the source. If the child of the source comes to December, we will give him the bronze fragments, believing that selling him a favor, the bronze fragments have no source of power, No one can use it. "

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Thank you, Your Highness, Moon Fairy!"

Yueyao smiled and said, "It's just a trivial matter. You can make other requests. I can satisfy you as much as possible."

Zhao Fu replied, "I only have this one, there is no other need."

Yue Yao said with a moving smile, "Well, then come here!"

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile, and walked towards Yueyao.

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