The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2878: Soar

Volume One Chapter 335

Everyone flying here last month will attract the power of the world and be attracted by Yuehua. This platform will also be affected by two forces to form a landing platform. In the future, if someone wants to soar to the moon, this platform can be convenient. a lot of.

Cultivating here can not only absorb more moon power, but also make it easier to soar.

In the night sky, twelve bright moons hung in the sky, exuding a bright moonlight. Everyone came to the top of the platform, and there were countless people standing under the platform. This is a historic scene. Platform.

For this moment, the twelve-month immortals also put on a plain white palace skirt, like a real fairy under the moonlight, and Zhao Fu also put on a white cloak at the request.

Moon Fairy glanced at the moon in the sky and said, "Let's get started!"

The others nodded with a smile.

Many Moon Immortals closed their eyes, condensed the body's moon power, and formed a white sphere of light in the body, and a moonlight radiated from the women.

The twelve white circular stars in Zhao Fu's body exuded a huge lunar force, making Zhao Fu's body emit a strong moonlight, and one person suppressed the moonlight emitted by the other twelve people.


There was a roar in the sky, the twelve moons in the sky exhaled a great momentum, and the moonlight was also brighter, making the night like day.

A huge traction force fell from the sky and fell on the waiting platform, and a strong moon force spread from the platform.

Many Yuexian bodies become very light, like feathers and leaves. They are pulled by the pulling force. The body slowly leaves the ground and begins to soar upward. The December fairy is spotless and beautiful. The dress dances with the wind like a fairy. Flying to the moon, the picture is extremely beautiful.

The picture on Zhao Fu ’s side is completely different, because Zhao Fu ’s moon force is much stronger than that of Yue Xian, and the sensed traction force is also stronger, so Zhao Fu ’s body was pulled to the sky at once, and continued to fly upward, just like a white Projected towards the moon.

Countless people looked at the scene in front of them, filled with joy and excited face, but they were afraid to disturb Yuexian and dared not make a sound. They could only watch this scene with their eyes wide open, wanting to remember forever.

The figure of Zhao Fu soon disappeared, and the figure of December Xian continued to soar upward and slowly became smaller.

The strength around December, many powerful people felt, and looked at the twelve figures in the sky, showing a look of consternation. For so many years, no moon fairy has soared to the moon. Today, the twelve month fairy soared to the moon. .

In the end all the figures disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

The moon fairy cried out in the sky, "Can you slow down, you can't catch up with you faster?"

Zhao Fu, who was above, was a little embarrassed. "This can't blame me. It's the pulling force that pulls me. Now I suppress the pulling force. You hurry up."

The women also accelerated and flew up to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu asked, "How long can we fly to the moon?"

Moon Fairy chuckled, "Do you think soaring last month is easy? I tell you that it is just beginning now?"

Zhao Fu's expression flustered, "Isn't it soaring up?"

Moon Fairy said with a smile, "Of course it is not that simple, you will know it later."

The crowd continued to fly into the sky.

As the temperature became higher and higher, the temperature became colder and colder, and Moon Fairy smiled and said, "This is a test. The more you fly up, the colder you will be."

Zhao Fu didn't care about it, just a little cold, he could bear it.

The crowd continued to fly upward.

The temperature around was extremely cold, as if you could instantly freeze people into ice cubes. The key is that this kind of cold ordinary power seems to be unable to resist. The thick defense cover formed by Zhao Fu's people only resisted this cold. erosion.

As he continued to soar, the moon in front of him grew bigger and bigger, but soon everyone stopped because he met the barrier of the world.

The barrier of the world is an invisible barrier that cannot be touched or seen. It is a barrier established by the world. This barrier cannot be worn through, because as long as you move forward, it will return to the original one second. Ground, if you want to force a breakthrough, you will be lost in chaotic time and space.

This has two effects.

The first is to protect the sun and the moon and prevent random people from going to the sun and the moon.

The second type is aspect projection. There are various secret worlds in the chaotic world, and there are also some small worlds. Eight suns and moons will also appear. This is because the secret world and the small world law of everything are the same as the chaotic world. It can easily project the sun and moon to any space secret realm.

The barrier of the world is almost difficult to break, and you can only use other methods to break through.

Zhao Fu and many moon immortals can use moon power to integrate into the barrier of the realm, and then cross the barrier of the realm.

December Xian body radiated a strong moonlight, flew forward and fluttered past.

Coming to the invisible barrier, December's body slowly integrated into that invisible barrier, and the body disappeared.

Zhao Fu also exhaled a force of the moon, his body radiated a strong moonlight, and drifted forward. Zhao Fu also slowly integrated into the barrier of the world. This kind of feeling is a bit strange, as if the body slowly integrated into the jelly. .

After the people merged into it, they came to a dark space, because everyone radiated a strong moonlight, so the surroundings were not dark.

Here is the inside of the barrier of the boundary. The barrier of the boundary is not only very large, but also very thick.

Moon Fairy reminded, "Everyone follows the power of traction, don't move around casually, or you will be pulled into other secret realms and small worlds ~ ~ Everyone understands to move forward carefully, The feeling of floating inside the barrier of the world is the same as entering the barrier, as if moving forward slowly in the jelly.

After moving forward for an hour, the people are still floating forward, but fortunately they have the power of traction, otherwise they may stray into other secret realms and small worlds at any time.

After another two hours, everyone finally left the barrier of the world and came to a space full of moonlight.

There are twelve moons in front, but it can also be said to be twelve huge white planets. It is impossible to describe its hugeness in words at all. Everyone in front of the twelve white planets is not as good as a particle of dust. Shocking.

Zhao Fu was about to move forward, but was blocked by a white transparent block.

Moon Fairy explained, "This is Yue Gang, a product of the highly condensed Moon Force. It is extremely hard, very difficult to break, and it is also very thick. There is also a quick repair of breaking Yue Gang Moon Force, so we should not break Yue Gang. , Continue to use the method of integration through this layer of Yue Gang. "

Zhao Fu didn't understand anything and could only follow the arrangement of Moon Fairy.

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