The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2882: Congenital moon

Volume One Chapter 329

This statue is the same height as the previous one, but it looks different. This statue is a glamorous woman, and she holds a rabbit in her arms. That rabbit should be Moon Rabbit.

Yuexuening walked forward holding the moon rabbit, the statue exuded countless moonlights, a crescent moonstone emerged from the mid-air, slowly floated in front of Yuexuening, and then integrated into her body, now Yue Xuening became the owner of the Moon Palace.

Subsequently, Yuexue Ning opened the space where the original source Yueli was, and this space was the same as the previous space.

Yue Xuening put the Moon Rabbit on the ground and walked forward.

Zhao Fu also followed.

Moon Rabbit is a little puzzled. I do n’t know what Zhao Fu did in the past. Does n’t he already have a strong source of power in his body?

Yue Xuening's eyes looked at Zhao Fu and smiled, "Let's get started!"

Zhao Fu grinned.

Both of them sat on the ground and closed their eyes. The body produced a suction force. The ray of the original moonlight force in the sky swirled down and poured into the body of Zhao Fu and Yuexue Ning.

The source power flowing into Zhao Fu's body is much more than Yue Xuening's.

Moon Rabbit's eyes widened on one side, "How can this person absorb so much source of moon power, is he a moon fairy or his master is a moon fairy?"

Zhao Fu intently absorbed the original source moon power, infused into the second white star, and the second star continuously absorbed this powerful source month power.


After a while, a huge roar sounded, and the first round white star in Zhao Fu's body exploded with countless dazzling moonlights, and a vast moonlight poured out from Zhao Fu's body.

The round star in Zhao Fu's body that emits dazzling moonlight disperses countless dazzling lights. A moon that looks exactly like the moon appears. It is as big as a fist and emits a huge and incomparable lunar force.

That huge moon power flooded Zhao Fu's body, and Zhao Fu's body became a virtual body formed by the condensation of moonlight at one time, and his body was somewhat blurred.

Yue Xuening's face expressed a surprised expression, "Everything is as they thought, the moon power in Zhao Fu's body has become stronger and his body has become more nothingness, one step closer to the innate moon body, he is true It is possible to obtain congenital moon bodies. "

Yuetu was speechless in surprise, and she never thought of a situation like Zhao Fu in her experience.

Zhao Fu opened his eyes, and his body became an entity at once, feeling the stronger moon force of the body, showing a smile, and said to Yue Xuening, "I went to another moon."

Yue Xuening smiled and nodded.

Zhao Fu got up and left the second moon, and flew towards the third moon.

When he came to the Third Moon, the scene was still the same. Zhao Fu walked to the Third Moon Palace and wanted to go in directly, but was directly bounced away by an invisible force. He was not a Moon Immortal and was not qualified to enter it.

Zhao Fu was helpless and stood at the door and called Yue Shumin's name.

After a while, Yue Shumin walked out wet, and said sorry, "I just freshened up in Moonlight Spring."

Zhao Fu looked at Yue Shumin's fair-skinned face and smiled and hugged her into her arms. "Why didn't you combine the original source of the first month's power and freshen up."

Yue Shumin blushed and replied, "I'm waiting for you!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Where is the Moonlight Spring? How do you feel more attractive when you refresh yourself?"

Yue Shumin blushed and said, "Moonlight Spring is a spring next to Moonlight Spring. Part of the moonlight spring will flow into Moonlight Spring, which has a magical effect."

Moon Liquid Spring?

Zhao Fu remembers that moon liquid can be very precious. At first, the moon sage had not been found for a long time, but now there is a moon liquid spring?

Zhao Fu said with interest, "You take me to see."

Yue Shumin yelled and took Zhao Fu into the Moon Palace, and then came to a circular platform with a height of more than ten meters and a width of 100 meters. The material was like jade, and there were several statues of maids around, also made of jade .

There is a one-meter wide hole above the platform, which is filled with white water, emitting a lot of moonlight, and a strong moon force. Below is a tens of meters wide hole, which is filled with clear spring water, emitting a slight Moonlight.

The one-meter-wide spring above should be Moon Liquid Spring. This spring is really a bit small. It seems that Moon Liquid is also very precious.

The tens of meters below the spring should be Moonlight Spring. Zhao Fu squatted down and reached into the Moonlight Spring. Immediately, he sensed that the spring water does have a magical effect and can improve his physical fitness.

Zhao Fu jumped into the spring water to wash his body.

Yue Shumin's cheeks were reddish, "Aren't you also going to integrate the original moon power?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Wait for the next fusion, you come down!"

Yue Shumin also descended into the spring water.

After a friendly exchange between the two, they came to the main hall of the Third Moon Palace, which also had a statue, also three meters high, carved with a slender figure and pure temperament. She should be the original moon fairy on the ground.

Yue Shumin's face flushed, opened the space to store the source power, the two went in and sat up, absorbed the source moon power, and the continuation of the source moon power continuously integrated into the body of the two.

after an hour.


A huge roar sounded, the third round star in Zhao Fu's body exuded countless moonlight, and Zhao Fu's body also exhaled a huge moon power.

The next Yue Shumin opened his eyes and realized that Zhao Fu had integrated the original source Yueli.

That round star turned into a moon at a time, exuding a slight moonlight, a powerful moon power filled Zhao Fu's body, and Zhao Fu's body became a virtual image condensed by moonlight, and the figure became It was even more vague, and it was unclear what Zhao Fu looked like.

Yue Shumin looked at Zhao Fu in surprise. UU Reading also understood that Zhao Fu was one step closer to the congenital body.

Zhao Fu opened his eyes and turned his body into a solid, showing a smile.

Yue Shumin said with a smile, "I think you should get the congenital moon body soon. If you have the congenital moon body, it is the same existence as the congenital moon body. It really makes people envious."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, if I have the ability in the future, I will also help you get the congenital moon."

Yue Shumin chuckled, "Well, we don't lose ourselves to you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I'm going to the fourth month."

Yue Shumin nodded.

Zhao Fu came to the fourth month, the scene here did not change, Zhao Fu walked to the fourth moon palace, the palace gate of the fourth moon palace opened directly, did not need Zhao Fu to call at the door, walked into it with a smile.

All the way to the original source space, the fourth moon fairy was already absorbing the original source monthly force, and Zhao Fu did not disturb her. He sat cross-legged on the other side and began to absorb the original source monthly force.

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