The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2883: Moon clothing

Volume One Chapter 340

Zhao Fu quickly absorbed the fourth month's original lunar force, the body exuded a stronger lunar force, the fourth star in the body also became the fourth moon, and Zhao Fu's body became more blurred, away from that innate The lunar body is one step closer.

After absorbing the original power of the fourth month, Zhao Fu came to the fifth month.

The fifth month is different from the previous months. This place is dominated by various kinds of bamboo, and it is still the kind of jade bamboo. It is also spectacular to look at the bamboo forests in the past.

The Moon Palace is located deep in a bamboo forest.

Before Zhao Fu came to the Moon Palace, the gate of the Moon Palace was closed, and Zhao Fu could only call the name of the fifth Yuexian outside the gate.

Yuehongling came out with a smile, "You are here!"

Zhao Fu grinned.

Yuehongling said with a smile, "I just walked around in the Moon Palace, and found that most of them are not something I am interested in. Let's go to absorb the source of the power!"

Zhao Fu felt that this fifth month was a bit different from the previous month, so he asked curiously, "What is this fifth month?"

Yuehongling replied, "It's all piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

Zhao Fu thought, "This first fifth moon fairy may be a simple and elegant person."

Zhao Fu was not very interested in these, and said with a smile, "Let's go!"

The two came to the main hall. There was also a moonstone statue, carved with a graceful figure, wearing a palace skirt, holding a book in his hand, and looked like a woman with a book voucher temperament. She was the first fifth. Moon fairy.

Yuehongling opened the door of the original source monthly force space, and the two entered it. The scene inside was the same as other spaces. Zhao Fu and Yuehongling sat under the light sphere and began to absorb the fifth month's source source monthly force

I saw the endless power of the original source, falling down from the upper sphere of light, rotating and injected into Zhao Fu's body. The fifth round star in the body quickly absorbed the fifth month's original source of power, A strong momentum spread.

With Zhao Fu's continuous absorption, the moon power exuded became more and more scary.

Yuehongling opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Fu dignifiedly.


A huge roar sounded, and the fifth round star in Zhao Fu's body exuded countless strong moonlights, and Zhao Fu's body exuded a terrible moonlight.

The light gradually dissipated, the fifth round star turned into a fist-sized moon, a huge moon force spread out, and Zhao Fu's body was flooded by this force, and became a virtual moon composed of moonlight. Shadow.

Now this phantom has no human shape, but an irregular phantom, exuding a powerful month.

Yuehongling showed a startled expression, realizing that Zhao Fu was only one step away to get the original moon body.

The irregular light group changed into an adult form again. Zhao Fu's eyes opened and his body became an entity. Zhao Fu also felt that his body's monthly strength reached a limit, and a mass change would soon occur.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I'm going to the sixth month."

Yuehongling said with a smile, "I'm going too."

Zhao Fu said strangely, "Aren't you absorbing the source of monthly power?"

Yuehongling said with a smile, "Wait for absorption, I want to see with your own eyes that you have the congenital moon body. I am also curious about what the congenital moon body looks like."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Let's go together!"

Yuehongling nodded.

The two then came to the sixth month, and the scene of the sixth month was the same as the previous months, and went to the moon palace in the sixth month.

In the June palace, Zhao Fu was a little surprised. There were already six women in white palace skirts standing at the door, whose temperament was dusty, like a fairy.

The headed woman watched Zhao Fu and Yue Hongling come and smiled and saluted, "Master! Our master ordered us to wait here for you."

Zhao Fu nodded, "Are you?"

The woman replied with a smile, "Six of us are the acquired Moon Spirit created by the Sixth Moon Immortal and are specifically responsible for managing the Sixth Moon Palace. You can call me Yueyi."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "What is Qin Xuan doing now?"

Yueyi replied, "The master is fusing the sixth month's original monthly power."

Zhao Fu said with a slight smile, "Then take me to see him."

Yueyi nodded.

Later, Zhao Fu followed the Yueyi women into the Moon Palace, first came to the main hall. The statue in that main hall was a woman wearing a palace skirt, with an attractive figure and a neutral face. She was the first The sixth June fairy.

There is a light door behind the statue, and everyone walked into it to come to the space of Yuanyuan Yueli. Yue Qinxuan was sitting under the light sphere with his eyes closed, absorbing Yuanyuan Yueli.

Everyone approached.

Yue Qinxuan also opened his eyes, looking at Yuehongling a little strangely and said, "Why are you here too, shouldn't you concentrate on absorbing the source of your monthly power?"

Yuehongling said with a smile, "He will soon get the congenital moon, I am curious to come and see."

Yue Qinxuan looked at Zhao Fu in surprise, "So fast?"

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile.

The girls in Yueyi also looked at Zhao Fu with a shocked expression. They had only seen that Yuexian had the congenital moon body at first, and had never seen anyone else have the congenital moon body.

Yueyi couldn't help but ask, "Can you really have a congenital moon?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You can see it with your own eyes immediately."

The girls in Yueyi smiled and nodded, "If you can get the congenital moon, there will certainly be the same existence as the first moon fairy, and we have never seen anyone do it."

Zhao Fu smiled and walked towards the ball of light.

Yue Qinxuan stood up from the ground and gave up the venue for Zhao Fu to absorb the sixth source of moon power to obtain the innate moon body.

Zhao Fu walked under the ball of light, sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and began to absorb the source of the moon's power.

Yueyi asked curiously around Yue Qinxuan ~ ~ Master! I don't know who he is? How can you have a congenital moon? "

Yue Qinxuan replied, "I don't know his identity either. His origin is very mysterious. Our December Immortals also soared to the last month with his help, otherwise we might not be able to fly now."

The girls in Yueyi showed a surprised expression, "He is so powerful?"

Yue Qinxuan nodded seriously, "Only he can have the congenital moon, we don't have his ability."

The girls in Yueyi looked at Zhao Fu with a curious look, and wanted to know all kinds of things about Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu closed his eyes, the body produced a suction force, and a continuation of the original source of monthly force fell down, injected into Zhao Fu's body, the sixth star in Zhao Fu's body, absorbed the source of monthly force, exuded a powerful momentum.

As Zhao Fu kept absorbing the original source of moon power, the moon power exuded from Zhao Fu became stronger and stronger, making Yue Qinxuan everyone feel a pressure and his heart was a little shocked.

Yue Qinxuan solemnly said, "He will soon integrate the power of the sixth month."

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