The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Some psychological words.

Now talk about this book, it will soon be 6 million words. I have also written for more than three years, infused a lot of emotions, and I do n’t want to stop writing suddenly.

But the results of this book are already like this. The starting draft cost is only eight or nine hundred, because it has been sealed and there is no full attendance of six hundred yuan.

The new book is my current hope. I sincerely hope that you can support me a lot, and thank you for your support.

I also promise to keep this book as much as possible, not to cut it off casually. Please rest assured.

New title "Prince War"

Introduction, the guardian of the heavenly gods is broken, countless evil virtual beasts poured into the world, making the human corpses traverse the wild, the blood flows into the river, and the spirits are painted. The blood of the ancient sleeping kings began to wake up.

Finally, because I was too anxious and affected everyone's reading experience, I would like to say sorry first.

The content of this chapter is being updated ...

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