The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2894: Corpse

Volume One Chapter 351

This remark immediately caused dissatisfaction among a large number of people, because it affected their interests.

"I'm against it. Why do you want to abolish these two systems? I feel that these two systems are very good and I don't need to abolish them at all."

"I also object to the fact that these two systems have been around for many years. We respect the systems established by our predecessors and cannot make any changes."

"Who are you! Why can I be the Lord of the Hall, I object to you becoming the Lord of the Hall."

"Yeah, I will ask you why you should abolish the two systems. We do not accept you as the lord, we support the old lord."

"I also support the old hall master, and don't recognize your position."

"Originally, I have no opinion on who will become the lord of the hall, but if you want to abolish these two systems, then I also firmly oppose you."

"I also strongly oppose it. You abolish the two systems. In the future, we will go there to get supplies and play women there? You two things are not resolved. I am definitely against you.

"Everyone supports the old master, don't want this person to become the new master."


Many maids on the side of the main hall were surprised, and they did not expect that the new main hall would make such a decision. But they sincerely hope that Zhao Fu can abolish the two systems, because they are forcibly brought to serve many envoys, and of course they are unwilling.

"This lord is a good person, and I support him."

"Well, he seems to have given us hope, and I also support him to become the master of the hall."

"Unfortunately, we don't have much power and don't help him anymore. You see so many gods against it. I don't think this is possible."

"I also think that it is unlikely that these two systems have been implemented for so many years. How can they be abolished at once, and we should not have any hope yet."

"Alas, everyone is honest. If those angels know our thoughts, they will definitely torture us even more. At that time, we may be abused by them to death. There are many things like this."

"Despite this, I still truly support him. Regardless of the final success and failure, he is a respectable person."

"I agree with this, and I really support him."


"I support you." A very dissonant voice sounded, the girl who was rescued by Zhao Fu shouted loudly.

These words caused the anger of many envoys and scolded, "What are you? You are such a humble person who dares to be so bold, you will die in the future. You are just a maid who is not qualified to speak here, now give me Get down. "

Faced with many scoldings, the girl also showed a terrified expression, and she shouted just now without much thought.

At this time, Zhao Fu raised a smile on his lips and asked, "I don't know how many people object, please stand up."

It is said that an individual stood out, there were probably more than 2,500 people, and the original temple had more than three thousand people, but there were so many people who opposed it.

The people who stood up showed a smile and were not afraid. So many people opposed them and did not believe that Zhao Fu still dared to abolish these two systems. If Zhao Fu really wanted to abolish the two systems, they would not mind rebellion and launch new Lord of the Palace.

The smile on Zhao Fu's mouth gradually turned into a sneer. He stretched out a hand and a huge force poured out.

Hiss ...

Numerous insects and beasts poured out from Zhao Fu's arms, with spiders, centipedes, aphids, beetles, and earthworms rushing towards those people like tide.

Everyone showed a fearful expression, some wanted to resist, some wanted to escape.

But in the face of the absolute power of Zhao Fu, they have no resistance. A scream rang out, blood splattered, and those people were devoured cruelly by insects and beasts.

There was a horrible scene in front of him, which scared others to move, the body sweated coldly, and felt a strong fear in his heart.

Soon many insects devoured all the people who opposed it, leaving only a pool of blood in front of the hall.

Zhao Fu withdrew countless insects and beasts. Those insects poured into Zhao Fu's body like tide, and the flesh and blood devoured by the insects turned into a wave of divine power and gathered together in the round spar of Zhao Fu's heart.

There was a golden ray of light in Zhao Fu's eyebrow crystal, exuding a pure divine power. Zhao Fu was satisfied and showed a smile, devouring these gods to help him a lot.

Surrounded by death, there was a strong **** smell, no matter whether it was the surviving goddess or the maid standing on the side, they did not dare to move. They did not expect Zhao Fu to be so **** and cruel. People brutally killed.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Who dares to object now?"

The rest of the envoys lowered their heads, still afraid to make a sound.

Rijiu and Rihong stood up with a smile and shouted, "We support the Lord of the Hall, and we are glad that you can become our Lord of the Hall, and we will obey all orders of the Lord of the Hall."

The others faced, and someone immediately shouted, "I also support the Lord!"

The rest wanted to live, and some people who had a good conscience also shouted support.

Zhao Fu showed a smile ~ ~ This is just the first step. The next step may be more difficult. He smiled and said, "You are willing to support me, then I will not treat you badly."

I saw Zhao Fu waved his hand, and many materials appeared on the ground, each of which looked good.

When everyone saw this scene, they also showed surprise expressions and felt like they were right.

Zhao Fu turned to look at the many maids standing on the sidelines and said, "All of you come."

It is said that many maid walked to Zhao Fu nervously.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You don't have to worry, I won't hurt you, now you can leave the temple, and the people who leave can also get some supplies to leave."

Many happy girls showed a smile, knelt on the ground and gratefully said, "Thank you, Lord!"

Some maids asked, "We have no place to go, but can we stay in the temple."

Zhao Fu nodded, "Yes, you will no longer be a maid, but a part of the temple. No one can bully you at will."

It is said that the women knelt on the ground happily, "Thank you, Your Highness."

Many women smiled and happy, and some of them cried out.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Things are here today, if you have something, you can report it directly to me."

Zhao Fu was about to leave.

The young girl shouted, "I don't have a place to go, can I follow you? I also want to master the power and become a strong person like you."

Zhao Fu glanced at her and said, "Yes!"

The girl ran to Zhao Fu with a smile, introduced herself, and said, "My name is Ri Qing!"

Zhao Fu nodded and walked to the side, Ri Qing followed him with a light smile.

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