The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2900: Golden Python (My girlfriend is the crown prince in the new book)

Volume One Chapter 357

During the day, he replied, "Now the things of the prophet are still a secret and cannot be revealed, otherwise it will be very detrimental to our plan, and the other three hall masters, I think they are not easy to control."

Sun tumor nodded clearly.

Later, during the day, another order was issued to allow the remaining three temple masters to come to the temple, otherwise it was regarded as a rebellion. Everything is as expected during the day, these three people are not easy to control, unwilling to succumb to him.

There was no time wasting during the day, and immediately summoned a large number of troops, proclaiming the three gold-level temples as rebellious forces, and the forces of the three gold-level temples immediately separated from the three gold-level temples, otherwise they will also become the temples of tomorrow Traitor.

The three gold-level shrines have a dignified look on their faces. They don’t want to be like this, but now they have no choice but to convene their own forces to resist.

Among the many forces belonging to the three gold temples, some people choose to support the three gold temples and send troops to support them. Some people choose to leave the three gold temples, because the sun **** is the orthodox, they should be based on the sun temple .

There are still some people who have not made any statement and want to see which battle will win in that battle, whoever wins will submit to that side.

The news spread quickly. The people in the other temples were very surprised. There was a civil war in the temple of tomorrow. They were also very concerned about this battle.

The battle between the Sun God Envoy and the three gold-level hall masters soon began.

During the day, as the power of the Golden Hall of Lords, he annexed the power of Rihao, and the strength of Rihao is the strongest force. Now it has the advantage of adding the power of the sun tumor.

The two sides have been fighting on the battlefield.

During the day, many **** envoys attacked very fiercely, like a fierce golden flood rushed forward, and the three gold-level hall masters, the **** envoys defended like golden tide, did not take the initiative to attack, because the gap between the two forces was too large .


In the three gold-level shrines, many ambassadors gathered their forces, and a golden beam of light with strong power shot from the sky to the daytime army below. The momentum shook the Quartet.

The side of the daytime army also gathered divine power immediately and cast a defensive cover to block the golden beam of light that had passed.

The gods of the three gold-level shrines converged countless forces, forming a golden sun in the sky, emitting a strong golden wave and attacking the daytime army. The army in the daytime wears a defensive cover and resists the golden wave to continue to rush forward.

After the army rushed to a certain distance during the day, the envoys radiated a strong golden light, leaped hard, jumped into the air, and fell to the three gold ranks, launching the first wave of attacks.

The ambassadors who fell into the three golden temples immediately fought with the ambassadors of the three temples, causing some confusion to the army of the three temples, and the army of the day also attacked the front.

Both sides exuded golden light and fought fiercely together.

One person sent a punch to fly another person away, one person jumped the body forward, one person kicked a person out, and the other person held a golden sword and slashed one The angel's body split.

Another **** made the body emit a strong light, one punch shattered the chest of one god, one **** rushed towards another **** with a sword, one sword cut off the arm of that god, another **** The anger shouted, and the golden sword in his hand slashed at another god.

Blood splashed, more and more people were killed and wounded, the results were obvious, the army in the day will win, and the people in the three temples are not opponents, just struggling to die.

The battle in the sky is also starting.

The lowest level of the people fighting in the sky are the purple-level hall masters. Similarly, there are many people on this side during the day, and the situation is not good for the three temples.

During the day, two hall masters were fighting, and the other hall master was dragged by the sun tumor.

boom! boom!

The two hall masters radiated a strong golden light, like two golden streamers, and hit the day together from the left and right directions.

With a cold snorkel during the day, the body exuded a powerful divine power, and a basketball-sized golden light ball appeared above his head.


A huge explosion sounded, the golden ball of light exploded, and a huge golden force spread out instantly, striking the two people who rushed past.

The two men were blown out and spit out blood. Their faces were very ugly. If they could tie the day before, but now the power of the day has reached the power level.

Immediately during the day he rushed towards the other lord of the palace, punching hard with a punch, a golden boxing turned into a golden python, and fiercely rushed towards the lord of the palace. The temple master's hands were blocked in front of him, and his hands radiated a strong golden light, but he was still blown out with a punch.

Another lord of the palace hurriedly attacked the day, punching it with all his strength, a huge golden fist, with a terrible power, quickly hit the day. UU reading www.

The body flashed during the day, so he escaped the blow and quickly rushed towards the palace master.

The temple master understood that he was not an opponent in the daytime and hurriedly fled backwards, but he was still caught up during the daytime. During the day, the body radiated a strong light, forming four golden pythons, which shot like lightning and bitten that temple The limbs of the Lord, the Lord of the Temple struggled hard.


During the day, he grabbed the princess's chest, killed the princess, threw his body, and rushed to another princess.

The lord of the palace was ugly, and he had suffered a lot of injuries. He watched as he rushed over and turned and ran during the day. Now he understands this battle and they have no hope.


Watching this hall master run away, all the power broke out during the day, shooting forward like a flash of lightning, one hand grabbed the hall master's throat and lifted the hall master up.

The lord was struggling hard, kicking his legs in a mess, with a cold face during the day, twisting his hand, and breaking the throat of the lord.

The original three hall masters now have only one hall master.

He watched the two hall masters killed with his own eyes, showing a fearful expression. He knew that he could not escape now.

Sun tumor said with a smile, "Now I can surrender, I can ask you to spare your life during the day, you know now that you have lost."

After hearing this, the lord of the palace thought for a while and finally nodded, "I am willing to surrender!"

Now the battle on the ground is coming to an end. The three temple armies have been defeated. The envoy was either killed or frightened to run back. As the last lord of the temple surrendered, they immediately knelt on the ground and expressed their willingness to surrender.

In just a few days, this civil strife was resolved during the day, and the complete control of the Temple of Tomorrow was obtained, and the power reached its peak.

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