The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2903: Temple Army

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Volume One Chapter 360

That Sun Dragon is not lustful. Zhao Fu has drilled many insects and beasts. These insects and beasts are fused together and constantly changing, becoming a beautiful beauty, and a bit like Zhao Fu. Now she is just a puppet. , Without life and thought.

However, now that Zhao Fu has mastered the eight-forbidden blood technique, she can give her life and soul, but Zhao Fu is not willing to do so.

When consciousness entered this body, Zhao Fu took control of this body.

Zhao Fu controlled this body and came to the area under the jurisdiction of the Guangri Temple. With the beauty of that body, he immediately attracted the attention of countless envoys.

Those envoys deliberately looked at Zhao Fu's controlled body, without revealing their purpose. Here, women are the lowly creatures they play with.

A large group of **** envoys surrounded Zhao Fu and made a lewd laugh, "Beautiful women come and play with us."

Zhao Fu raised his mouth with a charming smile and said, "Okay!"

After hearing that, many **** envoys were a little surprised and walked towards Zhao Fu politely.


A screaming sounded, and I saw that at that moment, Zhao Fu had grown a lot of worm limbs, with strong force running through the chests of many gods, blood spattered out.

Zhao Fu withdrew many insect limbs, and retracted many insect limbs into Zhao Fu's body again. He looked at the remaining angels and said, "You scumbags still want to touch, you are just looking for death, and your trash. Angel, I will kill him and feed the dog someday."

The remaining messenger, pale, was frightened and ran away from this place.

In the temple, the sun dragon is surrounded by many beautiful women. At this time, a **** envoy came and told him, "The sun **** made us find a beautiful beauty in a nearby area."

"Oh? Then you haven't brought her to me yet?" Rilong said with some interest.

The messenger said carefully, "That woman is very strong, and she doesn't take the sun **** envoy into account, saying that sooner or later he will kill you and feed the dog."

Rilong angered in his heart, waved his hand, and turned his arm into a golden knife, chopping several beautiful women around him in half, and blood was splashing around.

Some of the remaining beauties were pale and dared not move, and their hearts were filled with fear.

Rilong said quietly, "She's there? I'm going to grab her back and chop off her limbs to play with her."

The angel was also afraid to say, "She is just south of the Sun Temple, and I will take you there immediately."

Arriving at that place, Rilong looked at the corpse on the ground, and instead of talking, he sensed the Quartet and sneered, "Also want to escape? Dream!"

Rilong's body disappeared in place, appeared on a wasteland, and looked at the stunning beauty in front. Rilong was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't think how beautiful this woman was. He was very emotional. Originally, Rilong wanted to grab her back and play with the disabled, but now he changed his attention.

Rilong said with a smile, "Beauty, you come to serve me, I will not care about the previous things, otherwise you will die miserably, and as long as you are willing to serve me, you can give you anything you want."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Can I want your life?"

Rilong chuckled and said, "You don't have the ability to ask. Since you don't listen to good words, you asked for it."


Rilong stretched out a hand, and an invisible big hand grabbed Zhao Fu. Rilong didn't put Zhao Fu in his eyes, because he already felt that Zhao Fu was no more than an emperor's heaven, and he could do it with his strength. Kill.

Zhao Fu stood still and didn't mean anything to run, just the moment that invisible big hand wanted to grab Zhao Fu.


A terrible fist was turned into a golden bull, and he fought fiercely towards the Sun Dragon from behind, as if he could hit a big hole in the void.

Rilong was frightened and defended hurriedly, and his body glowed with golden light.


A huge noise came out, and the Sun Dragon flew out with a blow, and spit out a big sip of blood.

Ri Long looked at Ni Niu with an angry face and shouted, "Ni Niu, you and I have no great grudges, why did you attack me?"

He had just finished saying this, and a figure appeared behind him again. He punched the Sun Dragon with a strong golden force. This time, the Sun Dragon had no idea, no precautions, and was beaten with one blow. He flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

Rilong looked ugly at the appearance of the day, and if he didn't say anything, he turned and fled.

With a sneer during the day, a hard palm shot, a huge golden palm, with a strong force hit the Sun Dragon.

The current Sun Dragon has no way to resist, and can only choose to dodge quickly.

But he just escaped the blow, another figure appeared beside him, kicked out with one leg, and directly kicked the waist of Zhongrilong. Rilong's body flew out quickly, hitting a boulder, and directly hit the boulder Crushed.

Rilong spit out a sip of blood at once, watching the emergence of Rilong during the day, realizing that he could not escape, and said angrily, "Why attack me?"

He smiled during the day and said, "Because of what you do on weekdays, the Son of God is disgusted, you are not qualified to be a Japanese angel, so today you must die."

Rilong wondered, "Who is the Son of God?"

The body of that stunning woman was transformed into numerous insects and beasts and regrouped together, forming the appearance of Zhao Fu, and said with a smile, "I am the Son of God and the person of legendary prophecy."

Rilong said in surprise, "It turns out that there are people who really have prophecies." He also said, "I'm willing to submit to you, and please don't kill me."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I have said that I will kill you."

Rilong shouted angrily, "Then I can only rely on you!"


A huge force of the sun radiated from the body of the sun dragon. The body of the sun dragon was growing rapidly, and the body began to become transparent. Finally, it turned into a golden phase of ten meters high, exuding a huge power.

The expressions of Sunniu and Daylight were relatively calm, and they turned into a stream of light and flew towards Sunlong. UU reading

The two sides fought together.

On the other side, Zhao Fu's body, has commanded the army of the two temples to attack the Guangri Temple from two directions.

Now the Sunshine Temple is in chaos, because the main sun **** is not there, and the temple has no command.

In the end, only a few gold-level hall masters came out, organized troops to resist the two temples, and sent people to find the Sun Dragon.

The Japanese angels of other temples, with a look of consternation, did not expect such a thing to happen. Generally, both the temple and the temple do not violate the river water. How can they still attack each other now, and how can the two temples unite together to attack one?

Before, everyone just felt something was happening, but did not expect it to be so serious. If they don't care, the war will spread to them. So they immediately sent people to investigate what happened to the three forces.

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