The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2909: 8 temples

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Volume One Chapter 366

The Japanese envoys of the other three temples also learned about the incident, which was shocking and complicated. They did not expect that there will be a prophet who will appear in the world. The latest incident is also caused by him.

Now they have only two choices, either surrender to the prophet, or choose to resist. At this time, they have only three temples, and the prophet has five temples, and their situation is very unfavorable.

The people in the extreme sun also know that the prophet has disappeared in this world, and most of them are relatively happy because many people believe in the prophecy. Those who believe that the prophecy will bring the Japanese to prosperity and strength, then their happy days will come. To.

Some people put on a banquet to celebrate, some adorned with bright decorations to welcome those who prophesied, and some even knelt down on the ground to pray religiously.

Of course, there are people who do not want to see those who prophesy because they are worried that their interests will be affected.

After Zhao Fu appeared in the Temple of Haori, he began to assemble an army of five temples, preparing to capture the remaining three temples in one fell swoop, and then make a brand-new transformation.

The appearance of Yingwu, who was the first to submit to Zhao Fu's gold-level hall master, was also promoted by Zhao Fu to the Sun God Envoy of Hao Ri Temple. His name was Ri Xuan.

Knowing that Zhao Fu assembled his troops, the Japanese angels of the three temples gathered together, thinking about how to deal with them.

Risheng frowned and said, "What should we do?"

The day sighed, "Three of our temples, five of them, three of our powers, and five of their powers, we have three armies, and they have five armies. The morale on our side is not as good as theirs. I don’t even know how to fight a war."

Risheng said, "Are we just surrendering to those who prophesy? I don't want to be managed by others, and I have to bow down to others."

He agreed with him, "Originally, we are all the most powerful people in various temples. Anyone must obey our orders. If we obey the orders of others, I will feel a little uncomfortable."

Rising Sun frowned and said, "Then we have surrendered, are we likely to win?"

After hearing this, the other two were silent.

Sun Qing said in a deep voice, "If we knew his existence, the four temples might destroy the four temples, but the strongest temples were captured by them, and the identity of the prophet, three of us. The people in the temple didn’t want to fight them. I think they can choose to surrender."

The Japanese asked in surprise, "Sun Qing, I didn't think you would choose to surrender so easily."

Riqing replied, "This is the case now, and I have no choice. I'm also curious if the person who prophesied is really as powerful as predicted."

Ri said, "Your strength is the strongest of the three of us. If you choose to surrender to that prophet, then we have almost no chance of winning. Then I also choose to surrender."

Risheng looked ugly, "Do you really have to choose to submit?"

Nissin nodded, "If you choose to resist, I won't stop you."

He seriously persuaded, "If only you are alone, you will definitely die, I still advise you to surrender and save your current status."

Hearing the words, Risheng sighed, "Okay!"

On this side, several people were about to attack Zhao Fu, and there were some surprises when they learned that the three Japanese envoys would submit.

He smiled during the day and said, "I didn't expect the three of them to be so acquainted, but since they are willing to surrender, it can also reduce an unnecessary battle."

Rihu smiled and said, "Everyone is a Japanese, and I don't want to see too many Japanese casualties."

Riyue smiled and said, "Now that their three temples have surrendered, then the Divine Son has taken control of the eight temples and became the most honorable person in the eight temples. The eight temples have also been unified, and they are no longer independent."

He smiled during the day and said, "I look forward to the future of the Temple of the Eighth."

Niu also smiled happily and said, "Me too!"

Zhao Fu also smiled, "Let's go! Go and accept the surrender of the three of them."

Everyone smiled and nodded.

Zhao Fu took people to the Temple of Heaven.

The three young people waited respectfully there. Looking at the man with the black cloak headed, he understood that he was the one who prophesied, and saluted, "Worship the prophet!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You don't have to be more polite!"

The three young people quietly looked at Zhao Fu up, and there were still a lot of surprises in their hearts. The person who prophesied had only Emperor Heaven Realm. How did he do those things?

Zhao Fu stayed in the **** position above and looked at the three young people. "The three of you are willing to surrender to me. If you don't violate my orders, I won't abolish you."

The three young people were relieved and nodded.

Zhao Fu said with a trace of seriousness, "When I came to the extreme sun, the first impression of the Eighth Temple was a parasitic tumor in the extreme sun, which not only absorbed the nutrients of the extreme sun, but also harmed it. The land of extreme sun."

"You are not the respected and admired Eight-day Temple, it has become a feared, angry, disgusted, and spurned Eight-day Temple."

Zhao Fu's words came to a halt here, and the others looked heavy and lowered their heads, feeling a pressure, because the Eighth Temple turned into this, which had a direct relationship with them, especially those who had previously made ambassadors for the Sun God.

If it was not Zhao Fu who had previously said not to abolish them, then they should worry that they would be abolished.

Zhao Fu, this is the first to salute, give them some pressure, and continue to say, "The idea of ​​seeing the Eighth Temple in the extremely sunny place I came to was to change the Eighth Temple and make the Eighth Temple revert to that recipient. Respect the eight-day shrine that is beloved."

He smiled during the day and said, "I fully support the Son of God, and your change is what I always hope to happen."

During the day, as the golden master of Zhao Fu's first originally had the idea of ​​transforming the temple, but he didn't have that ability, now Zhao Fu has done it, he is happy in the day and will definitely give his full support.

Niu Niu also said, "Son of God, I also fully support you,"

This Japanese cow should be mainly influenced by his wife. Among the eight temples, his temple people and women are relatively better. At this time, he can understand why he expressed his second position.

Riyue also said, "I also support you, the Son of God. The Eighth Temple needs new changes. I had this idea at the beginning."

Rihu glanced at the others and then said, "I also support the Son of God."

All the others expressed their opinions, and in the end there were only the three young people who had just submitted. Zhao Fu just said not to abolish them, but only if they obey the orders. If they are not willing to obey, don’t blame Zhao Fu.

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