The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2911: Divine power

Volume One Chapter 366

In the previous village, the white-haired old man and many villagers watched the change of the Temple of the Eighth Day. With a smile on his face, he even felt honored, because it was they who discovered the prophet, and their village was also the starting point for the change of the prophet.

The old man with white hair smiled and said to several children, "I want to apologize to you. At first, I blamed you. Without you, the prophet will not come to our village. I should thank you."

The nearby villagers said with a smile.

"Yes! The prophet not only saved us, but also changed the eight-day shrine. Now our good days are given by him, and now I am a firm believer in the prophet."

"Yes, I am also a firm believer in prophecy. He is too great."

"Well, I believe that the future will be getting better and better. I will always support the prophet, and I will become a messenger in the future."

"I also want to be a deity. Now the 8th Temple is different from before, and I want to change back to the one that was respected and loved by me."


A few children didn't quite understand the meaning of adults, but they also stood there with a happy smile, and the village was lively.

On the other side, Zhao Fu asked several Japanese envoys what had happened in those days and why such a great change occurred in the land of extreme sun.

Sun Qing replied for a moment, "We haven't been very clear about things over the past many years, but we also know some."

Zhao Fu has always been curious about the events of the year, why the eight-forbidden blood surgery is related to the eight-day shrine and said, "You tell me what you know."

Riqing responded, "It seems that there was a person named Zili who broke into our eight-day shrine and wanted to steal the eight-day **** fire from our eight-day shrine. The eight-day **** fire was the eight congenital sun gods. The eight flames taken from the eight suns have extremely pure natural energy."

"Our eight-day shrine relies on the eight groups of **** fires to form an eight-day **** land in the extremely sun. Therefore, all kinds of spirits are prosperous, there are many types, birds and beasts are in groups, and they are full of vitality."

"Eight groups of fires were stolen by the person of the oak, so the eight-day **** land disappeared, the polar sun was eroded by heat every day, the plants withered, the birds and beasts migrated, and finally gradually turned into the barren and ruined like it is now,"

Zhao Fu asked curiously, "Shenhuo is so important to you. How did the person named Zili steal the Shenhuo of your eight-day shrine?"

Ri Qing also wondered, "We don't know, anyway, he was stolen."

Zhao Fu continued to ask, "How did the eight Japanese angels who left the prophecy die?"

Nissin replied seriously, "We are not very clear about this, we only know that it is related to the Eighth Divine Fire,"

Zhao Fu continued to ask, "Why did the eight Japanese angels leave prophecies?"

Nissin shook his head.

Zhao Fu felt a little strange. The person named Zi Li seemed to be the first evil fairy, but because the first evil fairy was extremely weak, he was unlikely to steal such an important fire. The disappointment of the eight Japanese gods was suspicious. , I do not know why they left their prophecies in this world?

Could it be that the Eight Sun God Envoys predicted everything early, and actively gave the Eight Regiment Fire to the First Evil Immortal, and the First Evil Immortal relied on the Eight Regiment Fire to create the Eight Forbidden Blood Techniques, forming another kind of not weaker than the innate origin The power of force.

The eight-day shrine lost its **** fire, the eight-day **** land began to collapse, the power of heaven and earth began to flow out, and the eight day **** emissaries tried desperately to stop it, and they died in failure.

The reason for the prophecy was that they had expected that someone like themselves would appear, so they gave the eight groups of **** fire to the first evil fairy, and they got the first evil fairy inheritance, and finally returned to the land of the extreme sun to realize them. Prophecy.

All this is Zhao Fu's guess. I don't know if it's accurate or it's difficult to explain these things.

Finally, I thought about it, Zhao Fu was not entangled with these things, and tried his best to improve the Eighth Temple, so that the Japanese could prosper. In this way, they absorbed their original daily strength and did not owe them anything.

Zhao Fu asked again, "How to form the Eighth God Land?"

Sun Qing replied, "It is based on the Eight Groups of Divine Fire, which transforms the sunlight from the eight sunsets in the sky into a kind of divine power, covering the entire polar land."

Zhao Fu thought for a moment, "I want to condense eight groups of **** fires and form a new eight-day **** land."

After hearing this, everyone was a little surprised.

Sun Qing couldn't help but remind Zhao Fu, "Son of God, Shenhuo is not so easy to condense. Shenhuo is a flame on the sun. It has been conceived for countless years and is relatively rare on the sun,"

Zhao Fu nodded, "I'll try it first."

Everyone in the Qingqing looked at Zhao Fu without blocking, and he was not sure whether Zhao Fu could do it.

I saw that Zhao Fu came to the statue of Haori Sun Temple and flew into this golden statue, creating a huge gravitational force.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge golden beam of light fell in the sky, and a huge force of the sun spread on the idol. UU reading

Everyone in the Qingqing looked at the idol seriously.

In the idol, Zhao Fu absorbed the huge power of the sun. Now, Zhao Fu's plan is to divide part of the power of the Eight Forbidden Blood Techniques, and then transform it into Divine Fire.

The Eight Forbidden Blood Techniques were created by the Eight Groups of Divine Fire as the origin, and should be able to turn back to the Divine Fire, but the Eight Forbidden Blood Techniques have formed another terrifying power, and this kind of power has nothing to do with the source's daily power. Zhao Fu I don’t know if I can do it, so I said I have to give it a try.

I saw a **** rune floating out of Zhao Fu's chest, staying in the position of Zhao Fu's chest, countless golden sun forces quickly gathered towards that **** rune.

The blood-colored rune kept absorbing the power of the sun, and the perverted and twisted breath began to fade a little, and a hot and bright breath slowly emerged, emitting a strong golden light.


A huge noise rang out, and a terrible force spread out. I saw that the **** rune collapsed into a golden flame the size of a coin, fluttering on Zhao Fu's chest.

Zhao Fu smiled, took this little golden flame, and flew out of the golden statue.

When everyone saw the golden flame in Zhao Fu's hands, they immediately showed a shocked expression, but did not expect that Zhao Fu really did it.

Sun Qing couldn't help but say, "The Son of God is so powerful, I sigh."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "This is only a small part of the power of Shenhuo. I have no way to restore all the power of Shenhuo."

He smiled during the day and said, "This is already very good. Although it is a little weaker, it can also form an eight-day **** land, and the Shenhuo's absorption of solar power will gradually become stronger. At that time, the land of extreme sun will return to The way it used to be."

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