The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3112: Disturbing flowers

   Volume One, Chapter 76

   But they didn't want to fight even more, and looked at Lei Ying.

   Lei Ying looked angry and did not speak.

   The middle-aged man exclaimed, "Since the Lei family and Da Qin have become friends, shouldn't our Lei family stand by when we encounter trouble, Da Qin?"

   This middle-aged man is still able to come and return Zhao Fu's words.

   Zhao Fu chuckled, "Of course, if the Lei family encounters trouble in the future, you can just come to Da Qin. My Da Qin will be happy to help you."

   The middle-aged man smiled and said, "We are also happy to help Da Qin!"

   Lei Ying exhaled, and did not blame the middle-aged man for making claims, because this was the best way to solve the problem.

The middle-aged man brought a box of thunder crystals and ten high-level alchemy holy beasts to Da Qin. The high-level alchemy holy beast spread its wings, but it was several kilometers long, and its strength was stronger than ordinary alchemy holy beasts. It's hard to cultivate.

   Those thunder crystals are finger-sized pieces, and there is a small electric arc inside. The power of thunder and lightning is not weak, and it is indeed a good thing.

   Zhao Fu nodded in satisfaction.

   The middle-aged man said with a smile, "His Majesty Qin is okay, I will go back. I hope our friendship will last forever."

   Zhao Fu looked at the middle-aged man and said, "You are very good, are you interested in coming to my side to play for Daqin?"

   The middle-aged man looked surprised. He didn't expect Zhao Fu to say that, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your majesty, but I don't have this idea yet."

   Zhao Fu nodded, "That's all right!"

   The middle-aged man saluted, turned and walked towards Lei's house.

   Both sides began to withdraw their troops, as if nothing happened.

   The Jin family, who had been following the matter, looked surprised and thought that the two sides would fight, but they did not expect to become friends.

They are very reluctant to see this, because since the last time they suffered a loss, they have not dared to do anything to Daqin. This does not mean that they do not want to, but that they have not found a suitable opportunity, and they will not tolerate an apocalyptic force by their side. development of.

  If the Lei Family and Da Qin also become enemies, that is what they want to see. With the help of the Lei Family, the pressure on dealing with Da Qin will be much reduced.

   Iwahisa, the owner of the Yan family, breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't look like a war, he just wanted such a stable life.

   Zhao Fu returned to the base of the alchemy world, and handed over the alchemy holy beasts and the thunder crystals to the others, Yanjiu.

   "Wang Jian! The world of alchemy is handed over to you." Zhao Fu smiled and said to Wang Jian. Now that the matter is resolved, Zhao Fu also plans to revel in the world.

   Wang Jian smiled and nodded, "You can rest assured, Your Majesty!"

   Returned to the Daqin Empire to deal with more than ten days of affairs. Recently, he has been outside for longer than his time in Daqin, and Daqin also has many fresh faces. At first he didn't care too much.

   Looking at these fresh faces, Zhao Fu chuckled, and suddenly he felt old.

   Falling to the earth from the Stone of Apocalypse, more than ten years have passed. Zhao Fu should be in his thirties, but he only seems to be in his early twenties.

   With his current strength and blood, he will hardly die of old age and can live the same life as the world.

   Other people may not live so long. Thinking of this, Zhao Fu couldn't help sighing. I feel a little melancholy.


   Zhao Fu had a thought of going to the waters, and now there is still the last aquatic emperor star left. As long as he awakens the aquatic emperor star, he will have eight supreme emperor stars of the race, and his bloodline and power will go further.

   As for the method of awakening the Shui Clan Emperor Star, Zhao Fu has no clue yet, but Zhao Fu thought that there should be a way to go to the waters.

   Fairy Flower came in from the door and asked softly, "What are you thinking about?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I didn't think about anything, are you okay?"

   Flower Fairy said with a smile, "Well, it's still a good thing, your teacher said that the demon flower seeds have been cultivated."

   Zhao Fu chuckled, "This is a good thing, let's go and see!"

   Flower Fairy nodded.

   In the past, Zhao Fu cultivated 10 billion Evil Flower Seeds near the Evil Demon Abyss Flower, which is also the Demon Clan’s Wonder Flower. This method was also told by many teachers and women that the main function of these Evil Flower Seeds was to control other people.

  When I came to the flower world, many masters were already standing by.

   said with a smile, "Finally cultivated for such a long period of time, how do you see the effect?"

   Grand Master waved her hand, a wave of evil demon flower power spread, and countless magic patterns flashed in the void, dense seeds emerged, the picture was very shocking, and everyone in Zhao Fu looked very small.

   The seed is the size of a finger, which is much larger than before. The color has also changed to black, and some small pale roots have grown from the hair, exuding a magical power.

   Zhao Fu grabbed it, and a demon flower seed flew into his hand and checked it. The life attributes of the demon flower seed had changed. Before, they were just plants, but now they are somewhat similar to animals, which seem to be similar to those flower fairies.

   However, they are inferior to the flower fairies, they only have a simple instinct.

   The magic contained in it, Zhao Fu felt that he could control the second-order soldiers, which needed to be tested.

   Zhao Fu asked people to catch the second-order spirit beast. Tier 2 spirit beasts have stronger attributes than ordinary Tier 2 soldiers. If the Evil Flower Seed can control Tier 2 retail, there should be no problem with controlling Tier 2 soldiers.

The Tier 2 spirit beast that    caught was a red-haired wild boar, weighing five or six hundred catties. It is now **** with many ropes and lying on the ground, but it fiercely looks at everyone.

   Zhao Fu waved his hand, and a sword light flew out, cutting the ropes away.

   The red-haired wild boar lost the **** of the rope, got up immediately, and rushed towards Zhao Fu recklessly.

   This is exactly what Zhao Fu intended, showing a slight smile, and throwing away the demon flower seed in his hand.

The demon flower seed gave off a magical force and landed on the head of the red-haired wild boar. The many pale roots on the tail grew rapidly and were very sharp. It pierced the wild boar's head and quickly reached the wild boar's brain. .

   The red-haired wild boar howled in pain and bumped indiscriminately, trying to get the demon flower seeds off his head, but the demon flower seeds continued to grow rapidly.

   The red-haired wild boar fell to the ground, because many roots have pierced the red-haired wild boar's brain, the red-haired wild boar's body began to lose its control.

  At this time, the black demon flower seeds began to merge into the head of the wild boar, and then merged into the brain of the red-haired wild boar, growing more pale rhizomes, covering the red-haired wild boar's brain.

   The red-haired wild boar got up again, not as ferocious as before, but was very curious about the surroundings, like a new-born life.

   The red-haired wild boar has been completely controlled by the Evil Flower Seed. The consciousness of the previous Red-haired Wild Boar has also been swallowed by the Evil Flower Seed, which is considered dead.

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