The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3114: Long Zong

   Volume One, Chapter 78

   Upon learning the news, Zhao Fu was a little bit disdainful, let alone fearful.

   First send the army of the gods to the left of Da Qin, mobilize the army of the underworld to the right, and the main force of Da Qin is concentrated on the front.

   The front of Da Qin Zhao Fu handed over to Bai Qi to command, Da Qin right hand to Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Fu commanded the left, because the left is the direction of Longyang attack, Zhao Fu wanted to deal with this Long Yang himself.

  The armies of both sides gathered quickly.

   Jian Yin said, "Everyone, be careful, Da Qin is very despicable and will attack at any time."

   Many troops looked around carefully and walked forward.

   Bing abandoned school, and asked the army to be more careful, and beware of Da Qin throwing insects and beasts at any time.

   On Longyang's side, Longyang is riding a horse and walking side by side with the fire white bird. The two are talking and laughing, and they seem to have a better relationship.

   There are eight beautiful and alluring women next to them, looking at the scene with jealousy. They are the eight new princesses that Long Yang has found. At that time, Long Yang used various methods to get them, and loved them even more.

   Now they feel that they will be left out soon, because they also see that Long Yang wants to get the fire white bird.

   The three teams were quite surprised, and they didn't even encounter a bug.

   Da Qin did not attract many insects and beasts, and the release did not have much effect. Moreover, they had already known the means to solve them, so Da Qin did not release those insects.

   Jian Yin looked at the city wall standing in the distance, feeling a little surprised, and cried, "You Daqin Lord hasn't come back yet? Or do you dare not come out?"

   Bai Qi said coldly, "If you want to fight, you will fight, no need to talk nonsense!"

   Jian Yin was angry and immediately gave the order to attack.

   One by one, the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect, waved the sword in their hands, and many sword lights emitted. These sword lights formed a giant sword in the air, emitting a terrifying sword power.

   Boom boom boom...

Under the control of the disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect, the giant sword shot towards Da Qin with a thunderous aura. The heavens and the earth trembled, and the terrifying sword aura made people scared. The strength of the Ancient Sword Sect was indeed very strong. .

  On the side of Daqin, two kinds of defenses were displayed, the first one was a huge black ability cover, exuding a powerful defense force.

If you rely on this, you might not be able to stop the giant sword of Ancient Sword Sect. Da Qin displayed another defensive method, one by one the sage’s stone, floating from the wall, exuding a wave of alchemy. Melting into the black defensive cover, the black defensive cover exudes a metallic light.

   bang bang bang...

   The huge sword blasted on the defensive cover, and the waves of force spread out, making a huge noise.

   Those giant swords just hit a series of sword marks, and did not break Da Qin's defense.

   Jian Yin's face was ugly. Their Ancient Sword Sect used such a powerful force, but they couldn't break Da Qin's defense, as if Da Qin was stronger than before.

   Of course, Jian Yin is facing Da Qin's main force, and his forces are basically Tier 2, but not some of Da Qin's miscellaneous soldiers. Various combat materials are sufficient, Jian Yin needs to withstand huge pressure.

   On the side of Bing's abandoning school, many troops stayed in place, and there was no anxious attack. Gu Qingyue was also with him.

Gu Qingyue chuckled and said, "Let Jiang Jianyin try Da Qin's strength first. We are responding. The threat of this Ancient Sword Sect is no less than Da Qin, and we have no hatred with Da Qin. There is no need to fight hard. ."

   Bing Qi Xue said solemnly, "Since you choose to do the right thing with Da Qin, you must eliminate it, or you will regret it."

   Gu Qingyue looked at Bing Qixue in surprise, "Why do you think this way?"

   Bing abandoned school and returned, "This is my instinct, and this Daqin is really terrible."

   Gu Qingyue said with a chuckle, "Then your Icefield Kingdom will be the main force in the future, and our forces will serve as support. I don't want my power to lose a lot, because it's not worth it."

   Bing Qixue said, "Yes!"

   Icefield Kingdom under the order of Bing Qixue, also launched an attack on Da Qin, each ice and snow mage wearing ice-colored robes, condensed ice cones in the sky, and a huge icy air spread.

   Gu Qingyue let the forces be distributed next to the Icefield Kingdom, and many disciples released a powerful force, condensing a huge person, as an aid to attack Da Qin.

   Daqin side also displayed two defensive methods as before.

   A layer of black defensive cover, using the sage's stone to blend into it, makes the defensive cover emit a metallic light, and a more solid aura diffuses.

   bang bang bang...

   There were huge noises, and many attacks blasted in the morning of the defense. Although the momentum was huge, they did not break Da Qin's defense.

  The army on Longyang's side quickly met with the Daqin army.

Flamingo looked at Zhao Fu, who was familiar with standing on the wall, with a happy smile. She wanted to run directly to Zhao Fu, but she remembered that she was now taking soldiers and Long Yang to attack Da Qin. I don't know what Zhao Fu looks like.

  I haven't seen Zhao Fu for so many days. Fire White Bird missed Zhao Fu very much, and missed that aspect more.

  Long Yang looked at Zhao Fu on the city wall and frowned. He didn't think how the emperor who was Da Qin would appear on his side, how could he not appear on the side of Jian Yin, Long Yang felt a pressure.

   He still doesn't know that Zhao Fu is the mysterious emperor, who violated his seven beloved women in front of If he knew that it was Zhao Fu, he would definitely rush over like crazy.

   Zhao Fu smiled and shouted, "Long time no see! I didn't expect you to find eight such beautiful princesses so quickly."

   Long Yang's face was cold.

   When the eight beautiful princesses heard that emperors like Zhao Fu praised them, they also enjoyed them very much, showing a slight smile.

   The fire white bird looked at Zhao Fu bitterly.

   Long Yang snorted coldly, "Your woman is even better. When I break through Daqin, I will enjoy it."

   Zhao Fu chuckled, "If you have the ability, come and try it. If you don't have the ability, then treat it as I didn't say it!"

   Long Yang said angrily, "Then you are optimistic!"


A huge dragon roar sounded, and the eighth-day dragon sect's disciples exuded a wave of dragon energy, forming huge golden dragons in the sky, rushing towards Da Qin with a huge momentum, blowing up A huge storm.

   There was no defense on Daqin's side, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, a powerful dragon force was released, and keel pillars stretched out on the ground.

These dragon bone pillars were previously used by Da Qin against the Dragon Kingdom. They are effective for the dragons in the card world and also effective for the dragons in the apocalyptic world. Although the Dragon Sect of the Eighth Days is only a sect that cultivates dragon attribute techniques, there are some not weak effect.

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