The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3120: Long Zong

   Volume One, Chapter 84

   Zhao Fu did not go to see her, and continued to fish and said, "I am the lord of Daqin!"

   Lan Qingshui looked shocked, how could the Lord of Qin come to Dragon Sect on the Eighth Day?

   Zhao Fu smiled and continued, "I heard that you love Longyang the most. I wonder if you want to save Longyang?"

   Lan Qingshui said anxiously, "Of course I think, as long as you are willing to let Longyang go, I am willing to do anything."

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You really love Longyang very much, and I have no other requirements. I only need you to come and serve me, and I can consider letting him go."

   Lan Qingshui's face changed, and she felt very embarrassed.

   Zi Yuewan glared at Zhao Fu angrily. She underestimated Zhao Fu's despicableness, and even used this method to get Lan Qingshui.

   After waiting for a while, Zhao Fu asked, "How do you think about it? It doesn't matter if you don't want to, I will give you Long Yang's hands and feet."

   Lan Qingshui said quickly, "Don't!"

   Zhao Fu turned his head to look at Lan Qingshui, and said with a smile, "Can you agree?"

   Lan Qingshui was heartbroken, "I promise you!"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Come here!"

   Lan Qingshui said, "Wait, how do you prove your identity? What if I serve you and you are not the Lord of Daqin?"

   Zhao Fu released a breath of the Great Qin King, "Now you can be sure of my identity!"

   Lan Qingshui didn't say anything, and walked over to Zhao Fu. There was a touch of sadness on his face. Although he saved Long Yang by doing so, he also betrayed her man.

   Zi Yuewan saw that Lan Qingshui was really coming over to serve Zhao Fu, and said quickly, "Don't believe him, he is a scumbag. You don't have to make such a big sacrifice for my son. Have you thought about it in the future?"

   Lan Qingshui said with a surprised look, "You are Zi Yuewan? How are you together?"

   Zi Yuewan looked at Zhao Fu and snorted coldly, "I went to Daqin to rescue Long Yang, but was controlled by this bastard. He came to the 8th Dragon Sect to eliminate the 8th Dragon Sect. You run away!"

   Lan Qingshui was shocked and was about to run away.

   Zhao Fu said calmly, "You can run away and try, I promise you will receive Long Yang's head."

   Lan Shimizu looked embarrassed.

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "If you are obedient, I may not only let Long Yang go, but I will also go around the lord to survive."

   After hearing the words, Lan Qingshui thought for a while and walked to Zhao Fu's side.

   Zhao Fu is naturally not polite.

   Zi Yuewan looked at Zhao Fu's destruction of Lan Qingshui and sighed, feeling that Lan Qingshui was Long Yang's mother. If it were she, she might not have found such a big sacrifice. I feel she owes Lan Qingshui a lot.

   a few hours later.

   Lan Qingshui said in Zhao Fu's arms, "Can I let Longyang go now?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Not yet!"

   Lan Qingshui looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, "I will serve you obediently, but you must do what you promised me."

   Zhao Fu nodded.

   Zi Yuewan lay on the other side and said coldly, "Qingshui, don't trust him!"

   Lan Qingshui looked at Zi Yuewan with a smile and said softly, "But I can't do anything but believe him. If my sacrifice can change the lives of Long Yang and the lord, I will sacrifice willingly."

   Zi Yuewan didn't know what to say.

   Zhao Fu smiled and hugged Zi Yuewan and said, "Don't worry, if you really listen to me, I will definitely go around Longyang and Sect Master. Of course, you are not willing to cooperate, and don't blame me for being cruel."

   Zi Yuewan hummed softly, and his attitude eased.

   Zhao Fu embraced the two beautiful women and said with a smile, "I want to know the news of other people, you should be very clear."

   Lan Qingshui whispered, "I can tell you, but you don't want to hurt their lives."

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, I can't bear to let you separate."

   Ziyue gave Zhao Fu a blank look, "You want the eight of us to serve you together? You bastard!"

   Zhao Fu laughed a few times.

   Afterwards, Zhao Fu started to act. It was just getting dark. A graceful and glamorous woman in a cyan palace dress was sitting a little glum.

   She is the third princess of the lord, named Qin Xiaojiao.

Originally today, she planned to stay with the Sect Master, but because of recent events, the Sect Master was a little interested. She could only return to her yard. She couldn't help thinking of the previous scenes, practicing such a powerful dragon attribute technique. Also very strong.

   Qin Xiaojiao's face turned ruddy.

Suddenly a person hugged her from behind, Qin Xiaowan was shocked, struggling quickly, and exuding a powerful force, wanting to knock that person out, but that person's power was far stronger than her, and directly drove her body Power suppresses.

   Qin Xiaojiao wanted to call someone, and covered her mouth with one hand.

   I don’t know how long it took, the Sect Master came to the door and said strangely, "Xiaojiao! What are you doing? Why is there a barrier?"

   In the room, Qin Xiaojiao looked at Zhao Fu pleadingly.

   Zhao Fu ignored her.

   Qin Xiaojiao resisted her mouth and said, "It's nothing, I'm practicing a secret technique, and I can't be disturbed by anyone."

   Sect Master said, "Oh! Then you continue to practice, I'm sorry today, I will stay with you in the future."

   After the lord left, Qin Xiaojiao hit Zhao Fu with both hands, and Zhao Fu let her hit.

   The next day, it dawned.

   Qin Xiaojiao woke up leisurely, sat up abruptly, and looked at the mess around, she realized that last night was not a dream.

"Who is that guy?" Qin Xiaojiao said This person's strength is absolutely terrifying. He even entered her room silently, and with her cultivation base in the world, she didn't face him. Any resistance.

  Qin Xiaojiao can only bear with this incident, and now Qin Xiaojiao does not dare to spread the incident. It is not just a matter of her reputation, her status may not be preserved, and even her life may be in danger.

   But she will never let the **** off, and if she finds it, she will castrate that person.

After getting angry for a while, Qin Xiaojiao cleaned up the room, and couldn't help but think of scenes from last night. Although she was very angry, she had to admit that she had never been so happy before. Qin Xiaojiao blushed and scolded Zhao Fu again. .

   Zhao Fu said to Zi Yuewan and Lan Qingshui, "You can also go back, as long as nothing happens. Don't arouse suspicion."

   Zi Yuewan said coldly, "You are so confident that we surrender to you and won't tell others your news?"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You can give it a try. The power I stay in your body will tell you what the consequences are. Don't try to dissolve this power. Even if you call it mighty power, it's useless."

   Zi Yuewan looked at Zhao Fu in surprise, "How can a border emperor in your neighborhood have such a powerful ability?"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You will know in the future!"

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