The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3134: Card world

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Volume One, Chapter 98

The card world immediately counterattacked, sticking cards on the arrow, and the cards merged into the arrow.

Countless arrows shot out, and those arrows shot at the city wall with a rush of hot air.


There was a scream, and the arrows easily shot through the body of the Apocalypse soldier. The arrows continued to steam, like boiling water poured into the wound, making the soldiers very painful.

The card world caused more casualties to the world of apocalypse.


A huge crow appeared in the sky, completely dark, with black eyes, exuding a powerful force. They are large creatures cultivated in the world of apocalypse.

Those crows moved quickly to the card army, fanning a pair of wings, and countless black flames fell down, falling on the card soldiers, and they quickly ignited each soldier. Those soldiers screamed in the black flames. .


A team of cavalry, wearing blue armor, holding blue lances, riding on horses with blue scales, exuding water power, appeared.

I saw these cavalry rushing towards the huge crows, the water power that radiated gathered together, and stabs into the sky, one after another, huge blue spear lights swiftly shot into the sky, shooting down the crows one by one.

The crows flew toward the cavalry, stirring their wings to drop more black flames, and drifted toward the cavalry.

Those black flames fell on the cavalry regiment and quickly ignited, but they did not harm the cavalry regiment because there was a blue film covering the cavalry regiment and resisted the hot black flames.

Boom boom boom...

The cavalry regiment gathered their forces together, and the long spears in their hands pierced into the sky with all their strength. One after another, huge blue spears, with powerful force, shot the crows in the sky quickly, and shot the crows down in the sky. More down.

The death of a large number of crows caused fear in the crow's heart and began to flee. The cavalry regiment itself restrained the large creatures. If there were no accidents, the large creatures would basically lose.

Large creatures and alchemy sacred beasts did not suffer such a big loss. Even if there was a loss, they would cause a certain amount of damage, not like it is now.

The cavalry regiment did not chase the crows, but looked sharply at the city wall.


The cavalry regiment launched a full charge against the city wall, very fast, dragging out a blue stream shadow, the blue force converged into a blue arrow, and rushed towards the city wall with terrible power like a broken bamboo.


A huge sound was made, and the blue arrow knocked out a big hole in the city wall, a fierce wind blew away, and countless messy rocks collapsed.

People on this side of the world of Apocalypse became very ugly.

At this time, the people in the card world also rushed under the city wall, using one card after another, and that card made their body very light, and they could jump on the city wall with a strong jump.

The people of the Apocalypse world on the wall will not let the people of the card world come up so easily. Arrows, stones, and fire oil are constantly thrown at the people of the card world, causing certain casualties to the people of the card world.

The army of the card world began to gather in the big hole opened by the cavalry regiment, and the army of the apocalypse world also gathered somewhere, preparing to block the army of the card world.

Soldiers from both sides fought together. Watch good books and novels

An Apocalypse soldier hit hard with a spear in his hand, knocking a card soldier out, and a sword in the hand of a card soldier brought out a sword light, and cut off the head of a card soldier.

A card world soldier yelled and swiped a big knife in his hand to slash an Apocalypse soldier out. The soldier who had been slashed had a deep wound on his chest, and a lot of blood poured out, and it seemed that he should not survive. .

A sword in the hands of an apocalypse soldier stabbed, and the sharp sword light pierced the card soldier's chest. The card soldier fell to the ground and died. A card soldier swung his sword and chopped off the head of a card soldier.


There was another loud noise, the rocks were flying away, and the cavalry regiment knocked out a big hole in the other city wall.

The card army separated some soldiers and rushed towards the big hole.

The armies of both sides continued to fight, blood was splattered everywhere, and a large number of people were dying.


It didn't take long for another loud noise to be heard, and the cavalry regiment smashed a large hole into the city wall at a time.


Those huge crows flew out at once, rushing to the cavalry regiment fiercely, using that huge body and sharp claws to attack the cavalry regiment.

With unstoppable power, the cavalry regiment drove this crow out. Some of the crows were longer, their bodies were cut in half by the light of the cavalry regiment, blood was spilled on the internal organs, and they died miserably.


The soldiers of the Card World roared loudly, attacking the army of the apocalypse with a more ferocious aura, and the army of the apocalypse gradually became unable to resist.

The Apocalypse army persisted for a while, but still could not resist the card army. The strength of these card army was similar to that of the Apocalypse soldiers, but the cavalry regiment was very terrifying. They could not stop the cavalry regiment at all.

Those apocalyptic soldiers began to retreat, the card army did not let them go, and continued to chase the apocalyptic soldiers, and invaded the cities.

No hundreds of people flee in fear.

Card soldiers rushed in and slaughtered these people. The old people, children, and women all died under their swords.

Some soldiers rushed into each room, searching for valuables.

Some soldiers also took a fancy to the women of the Apocalypse World and defiled them one by one. Some were still alive, and some were killed directly.

The city was in chaos, cries, screams, and screams continued, a **** smell spread, and some houses were still lit by fire.

The city lord knelt on the ground begging for mercy, "My lord! I am willing to surrender, please kill me a lot."

A general snorted coldly, a spear pierced through the chest of the city lord Blood splashed out, the city lord looked pained, the general drew the spear, the city lord fell to the ground weakly, and the general continued to let the soldiers attack.

Card soldiers continued to attack and kill, and soon took control of this area.

All battlefields in the card world are mostly victory in the card world. Unless there are forces that can deal with the cavalry regiment, it will be difficult to resist the card world army.

The two world armies attacked so smoothly and plundered a large amount of materials and treasures back. This made other forces very eager and greedy. They immediately joined the attack on the world of the apocalypse, and the morale of the two worlds seemed irresistible.

When the Chaos World learns this information, it can only be anxious, because they also want to go to the world of apocalypse to slaughter and plunder, but with their ability, you can't go to the world of apocalypse on a large scale.

In the end they could only wait, and some continued to search for the Son of Chaos, thinking that the Son of Chaos might have a way.

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