The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3136: Attack on Daqin

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Volume One Chapter One Hundred

An alchemy soldier ran away in panic. A Daqin soldier overtook him and slashed the alchemy soldier with a knife. With a sudden blow, an alchemy soldier pierced a Da Qin soldier's chest with a long sword.

A Great Qin soldier yelled forward, swiping the big knife in his hand, cutting out a sharp blade, and cutting off the head of an alchemy soldier. An alchemy soldier rushed to kill a Da Qin soldier in anger.

Boom boom boom...

Da Qin alchemy sacred beast continued to attack, and powerful beams shot at the dog's army. Some people were directly hit into countless flesh and blood, and some people were blown up and appeared, looking extremely **** and terrifying.

The alchemy sacred beasts of the dog family fought back with difficulty, but regardless of the number and strength, they did not cause much harm to Da Qin.

Gou Jiu quickly escaped back to the world of alchemy, where a large number of alchemy steles and sacred alchemy beasts died here, blood shed all over the place, and the painting was very intense.

Daqin lost only a small part.

Everyone in the dog family who had fled back to the world of alchemy looked scared and looked very embarrassed. How could there be the wind and pride before.

Doesn’t it mean that the power of the Apocalypse world is very weak? To be on the safe side, they also deliberately found a border force, but why is a border force with such terrifying strength, and those rumors are all false?

Gou Jiu was also very angry in his heart, losing so many people and alchemy holy beasts.

A thin middle-aged man walked over with some people, looked at the retreating army, looked a little ugly, and asked, "What happened?"

He is the owner of the dog family and his name is Gou Shan.

Goujiu couldn't speak. Because he couldn't explain to his father now, he would definitely be punished for the loss of such a fight.

Seeing Goujiu's appearance, Gou Shan said angrily, "Hurry up, why are there only a few people now? Where did the other people and the alchemy holy beast go?"

Goujiu said nervously, "They are all dead!"

Gou Shan was angry,

The other elders were also surprised. Although they had a premonition, they still accepted such a big loss.

Gou Shan said angrily, "Hurry up and explain clearly what's going on. If you don't say it clearly, I will abolish your young master status."

Goujiu hurriedly said, "Father! I can't be blamed for this. I'm not wrong. The Great Qin Empire we met is too strong. We are not rivals at all. We are lucky to run fast, otherwise we are all dead!"

Dog Shan frowned, "What power is that Great Qin Empire?"

Goujiu said, "We don't know. Although he is only a frontier strength, he has a large number of alchemy holy beasts. Their alchemy holy beasts are stronger than ours, and only one blow will severely damage our alchemy holy beasts."

"Those soldiers are not only well equipped, but they also master several powers. They seem to have alchemy power, and our soldiers can't beat them."

Gou Shan's face was cold, and he was also very strange in his heart, how could there be such a powerful force in a border.

An elder next to him sighed, "We sent half of the Patriarch's troops, without gaining any benefits, and losing such a reference. We knew that we should not participate in this world war."

Another elder asked, "Then shall we participate

An old man with a metal face said, "I feel that this may be just an accident. Other forces attacked the Apocalypse world very smoothly and gained a lot of benefits. Only we lost so much."

The elder who spoke before said, "Regardless of these, the loss is so much, I think I can develop with peace of mind, first reply to the strength and say, we can't take risks."

Hearing this, Gou Shan nodded, "Now our dog family can't continue. If we are bad luck and meet a powerful force again, our dog family is in danger of perishing."

Gou Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was not to be blamed for this matter, but there was really no place to blame him for this matter. Da Qin was too strong.

Zhao Fu came to the front of the metal gate. Although the metal gate was still there, the gate was closed. Da Qin could not enter it, because this was the world gate of the alchemy world, and only the dog family could enter.

Although Zhao Fu changed the power of his attributes again, he had nothing to do with this metal gate, because the metal gate lost special items and contained the consciousness of the world.

If Zhao Fu could change the attributes of this door, then Da Qin could pass this door, enter the world of alchemy and destroy the dog family.


There was a roar, and the metal gate exuded a powerful momentum, slowly disappearing.

This world gate disappeared, it seemed that the dog family did not dare to come, even thinking about it, attacking Da Qin with their strength is undoubtedly looking for death.

Zhao Fu said, "Clean up the battlefield, let's go back!"

Many soldiers obeyed.

Back to Da Qin, Zhao Fu received a lot of news. Da Qin was not the only one who was attacked, and many forces were attacked by the Alchemy World. Some of them resisted the Patriarch of the Alchemy World, and some could not resist being eliminated by the Alchemy World .

After the baptism of this world war, only the mighty strength will remain, and other weak strength will be eliminated.

Now that the World War has begun, Zhao Fu feels a little uncomfortable. There is no harassment from various kingdoms, but there are more uncertain factors. Zhao Fu is worried that a strong force will appear near Daqin.

Li Si walked in and said, "Your Majesty! There are some powerful people who want to see you."

Zhao Fu nodded, "Let them in!"

Li Si obeyed, and walked in with a dozen people.

The head was a man with a two-handed beard and an extraordinary manner, and said with a smile, "See your majesty, and congratulations to your majesty for his victory."

After hearing this, Zhao Fu understood. It turned out that these people knew that Da Qin easily eliminated the alchemy family that had attacked, so they ran to see him.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, what can you do? "

The man smiled and said, "We are willing to be loyal to Da Qin and hope to be sheltered by Da Qin."

I just said that weak power will be eliminated, and these people are the objects to be eliminated. The situation in the world of Apocalypse is indeed very difficult now, not only with scarce aura, but also with various natural disasters. Now we have to face the attack of two worlds.

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Do you remember what forces you belonged to before?"

These are all nearby forces, and the nearby forces have almost joined the alliance to resist Da Qin, which means that these people have been against Da Qin before.

This alliance is just a mess of sand, becoming more and more useless. The kingdom alliances of all parties retreated. When they were about to collapse, Da Qin did not care about them, because they were no longer a threat to Da Qin and could destroy them at any time.

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