The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3142: Iwakiya

"The lord's army conquered the world (

Volume One Chapter One Hundred Six

Yanjijiao snorted coldly, "I want to go, but I won't go anyway."

The man begged, "Madame, you should go! I will consider your parts, and also consider your participation! I heard that Da Qin is very good at torturing people. He will pull off our skins and cut off our meat piece by piece. Lady, I beg you."

Yanjijiao's face also became embarrassed, thinking of his relatives, thinking for a moment, and nodding.

The man smiled happily when he saw his wife promised, "That's wronged lady!"

Seeing the man so happy, Yanjijiao was angry and pinched the man's ear, "I am going to Daqin, are you very happy?"

The man was indeed very happy in his heart. He didn't need to be subjected to the violence of Yanjijiao. This was a great thing for him. He came back as soon as he learned about it, but now he pretended to be reluctant and said, "No!"

Yan Si Jiao felt a little better in his heart, and couldn't help but be a little curious, that the Lord of Qin would be such a person.

In the room, a beautiful woman with a gentle temperament and a blue palace dress, crying in a low voice, her name is Yansiyou.

The man next to him was the middle-aged man before and said angrily, "I won't agree to something like this. Maid, let's leave today, and don't go back to Yan's house in the future."

Yansi You shook his head, "Msang Gong! We are leaving now, what about the others?"

The middle-aged man was unable to answer and fell silent.

Yansi said with tears in his eyes, "I promised to go to Daqin. Now I am sad that I can't bear you. You must take care of yourself in the future."

The middle-aged man hugged the Yansi Temple and said quietly, "I'm sorry, I promise that I will break Daqin and rescue you from now on. I will never give up on you."

Yansi smiled happily, holding the middle-aged man in both hands, and whispered, "I believe you!"

At that moment, neither of them wanted to separate.

A handsome man returned to his home and said coldly to a woman holding a metal pen to write, "The owner of the house has made a decision to hand you over as hostages. Please pack up and leave."

The woman was wearing a white dress with a very cold temperament, named Yanshui.

They had no feelings before, because the two families were married. The handsome man also had a woman outside. He had had enough of his cold attitude, and now it’s on the street. He can bring her real woman back. Home.

There was no change in the water content of the rock, so he continued to write, and said coldly, "I see!"

The handsome man turned around and left the room without saying anything.

A charming woman in the garden put her arms around a beautiful woman and said with a smile, "Bai Mei! I have heard that we are all going to Daqin, what do you think?"

The glamorous woman said bitterly, "I don't want to be sent to another place as a hostage!"

The charming woman named Yan Qiliu said with a chuckle, “I’m actually happier. The Yan family seems to be out of order. It’s better to join a more potential power earlier. Maybe I can get more benefits in the future. I heard that Da Qin was not an ordinary force."

The glamorous woman named Yan Baimei said softly, "I don't have this kind of thought, but the Yan family is really useless. I can agree to such humiliating conditions. I feel angry even thinking about it."

Yan Qiliu said with a smile, "You should accept your fate! We might serve him together in the future. I wanted to try this. Unfortunately, if there is no such opportunity, neither your man nor my man will agree."

Yan Baimei frowned and said, "No! Aren't we hostages?"

Yan Qiliu smiled and said, "You are really stupid, what can the Great Qin Emperor want a group of women to be hostages?"

Yan Baimei said in disgust, "That Da Qin is really disgusting!"

Yan Qiliu smiled and said, "If you want to open up a little bit, this is not something you and I can change. It's better to accept it naturally. I also heard that Emperor Qin is very good in that aspect, and we can experience it immediately!"

Yan Baimei flushed, and Bai gave Yan Qiliu a glance.

A young man in a long coat looked at his virtuous wife who was cooking. There was a man and a woman sitting on the table, two children aged five or six.

The man hesitated, just about to speak.

The virtuous woman understood what the man was going to say, and said with a smile, "Msang-gong! We want to talk after dinner."

Hearing this, the man nodded.

The woman's name is Yanyoufu,

Yan Youfu prepared a table of hearty meals, and the two children ate happily. Yan Youfu poured a glass of wine for the man, and said softly, "Xiangong, you drink!"

The man nodded with a smile and started drinking.

The family spent the warm moments as usual. After the two children went out to play after dinner, the man slowly said, "Madam! I am sorry for you."

Yan Youfu smiled and said, "What silly thing to say, you have done nothing wrong, you must take good care of our children in the future."

The man nodded seriously.

Yan Youfu said with a gentle smile, "Then I can rest assured, UU reading and you don't have to worry, I don't know what will happen now, and I may have a chance to come back in the future."

The man said sadly, "I've heard about the Emperor Qin."

Yan Youfu put his arms around the man in a soft voice but said firmly, "No matter what happens, my heart will always belong to you."

The man hugged Yan Youfu affectionately and said, "Me too, I will take the child and wait for you to come back."

Yan Youfu nodded with a smile.

The Yan family was in a strange atmosphere. Some were happy, some were sad, and some were angry about the matter. More people were happy to avoid a war. Da Qin would not attack, and they were safe.

Iwajiu asked those women to say goodbye to joining one by one.

He looked at his wife, "You have to take care. If you have anything you can send someone back, I will try my best to help you."

Yan Shanyue smiled and said, "I see! So do you!"

Yanjiu nodded, "I will leave the next thing to you. There are other women who also trouble you to take care of them. They have paid too much for the Yan family. It is my Yan family that I am sorry for you."

Yan Shan Yue said.

Many women gathered in the open space, many of them still reluctant to give up, tearing up their tears and separating from their invitations, and finally led by Yan Shanyue to Daqin's resident.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. Looking at the more than six hundred women in front of him, he didn't expect that there would be so many. Wouldn't this Yan family really send all the women of the generals?

The Yan family was too afraid that Da Qin would attack the past, so only the wives of the generals with a certain status were sent over, worried that Zhao Fu would come over and start the war without sending them.

Zhao Fu looked at the many women with his eyes, and many women from the Yan family also looked at Zhao Fu nervously, with different expressions, nervous, fearful, disgusted, and happy.

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