The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3147: Stunning

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

There is no surprise in Jin Tie’s heart, Lei’s family has been destroyed by Da Qin, Lei Yin can naturally appear here,

Lei Yin couldn't help but want to speak, "Jin Tie, why are you here? Is your Jin family destroyed by Da Qin so soon?"

Jin Tie said in embarrassment, "No, I just came to Daqin to play."

Lei Yin said strangely, "This is the location of the Great Qin Empire in the Apocalypse World, and it is not the base of the Alchemy World. Can Da Qin come in?"

Jin Tie's face was even more embarrassed. Some are difficult to speak, because it is indeed embarrassing.

The gentle young man next to him said with a smile, "This lord, it is Mr. Jin who came to the border of Daqin and Daqin with a large army. Our majesty welcomed him very much, so he asked Mr. Jin to come to Daqin as a guest and let Daqin fulfill his friendship as a landlord."

Lei Yin looked at Jin Tie and understood what was going on with a chuckle, and said with a smile, "How do you think Da Qin feels?"

Jin Tie asked, "How do you feel?"

Now Jin Tie knows that all he knows are not secrets. Da Qin's true strength and secrets are not clear to him. Lei Yin, as a person of Da Qin now, should know more than him. Maybe he can get useful information from Lei Yin. .

Lei Yin smiled and said, "How do I feel? I feel Daqin has exceeded my expectations. I think he is also the world with the most potential."

Hearing these words, Jin Tie believed that Da Qin must have hidden a very powerful strength. If he had previously played against Da Qin, he would definitely lose. It was just that he had some doubts. Why did Lei Yin speak of the world instead of power?

Jin Tie said, "How much do you know about Daqin?"

Lei Yin said with a smile, "Not many, but I won't tell you, I want to know if I can join Da Qin, or attack Da Qin and be eliminated."

Jin Tie looked at Lei Yin, frowned slightly, and said to the gentleman next to him, "Let's continue walking!"

The gentle man smiled and said, "Okay! 0"

Watching Jin Tie leave, Lei Yin also began to think about the future direction of the Lei Family. Now she knew some things and identity of Da Qin, and understood that the Da Qin Empire would definitely become a terrifying empire.

Although their Lei family has been destroyed, they can still become a big family of Daqin. They don't have the concept of a country, and they feel that they will be similar to before.

After strolling for a while, Jin Tie walked towards the Great Qin Emperor Palace under the leadership of the gentleman.

This Great Qin Emperor Palace is really big. The walls are tens of meters high. Under the walls, there are soldiers wearing black armor and holding black weapons, guarding them with solemn expressions. There are three entrances to the palace.

The two next to them are relatively small, guarded by two rows of soldiers, and the middle gate is the largest, directly guarded by two powerful dragons.

After entering the Great Qin Palace.

Before Jin Tie took a few steps, she met a group of women walking by, talking, laughing, and laughing. Every woman was very beautiful and had a very human figure. She was a rare beauty. Jin Tie is a person who has seen the world, but still can't help being surprised.

The body of the woman in the Great Qin Emperor Palace is not only moistened by the phoenix, but also with the help of Zhao Fu, as well as the flower power of the sea of ​​flowers and the function of the beauty spring. Even a plain woman can become a beauty.

Jin Tie couldn't help but glanced a few times and continued to move forward.

Another group of women passed by, their looks even more beautiful than those before. Jin Tie couldn't help his heartbeat speed up and said, "You Da Qin is really beautiful like a cloud. You have collected so many stunning beauties."

The young gentleman smiled and said, "These are actually quite ordinary. The concubine next to our Majesty is beautiful and beautiful."

Jin Tie showed a surprised expression, "Is that so ordinary? How beautiful should the concubine next to Zhao Fu be?"

Continue to walk forward, and finally came to a spacious and stable hall with Zhao Fu sitting on it.

Zhao Fu watched Jin Tie come in and said with a smile, "Did you finish reading so soon?"

Jin Tie said with a smile, "I just looked around, worrying about your Majesty's waiting, so I came to see your Majesty, and I will have the opportunity to stay in Daqin for a while."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Yes, since you watched it for a while, how do you feel about Da Qin?"

Jin Tie said with a serious smile, "Strong, prosperous, with vigorous vitality, with a high degree of cohesion, and the future is unpredictable."

This is Jintie's most intuitive view. There is no lie or flattery.

From this perspective, there is a big gap between the Jin Family and Da Qin, let alone any hidden strength.

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile.

At this time, Xian Ru walked in with a mighty middle-aged man. This man was from the Yuqin tribe and was also the star of his awakened general, named Yu Jianwu.

It has been a long time since Daqin had annexed Yulin World, and the Yulin clan also had many outstanding generals, and the competition was fierce. Yu Jianwu performed very well and stood out from the crowd.

The souls of soldiers in the Daqin underground are also about to be exhausted. If you want more souls of soldiers, you may need to find an area.

Da Qin is also limited by the soul of soldiers, otherwise there will be more generals because Da Qin has a refining array against the sky.

Xian Ru saluted, "Your Majesty! He has awakened."

Jin Tie looked at the tall Xianru who was wearing a purple dress and a white veil. Although he could not see his appearance, he had a suffocating feeling, like a noble fairy descending from the sky.

Now that Jin Tie believed the words of Sven Youth, he was very excited about this woman, and he had never seen a beauty of this level.

Jin Tie also knows his current identity. He can't enjoy this kind of stunning fairy. He didn't dare to look at it after a few glances. He looked at Yu Jianwu next to him.

This person is the one who just awakened the star? There was a kind of general demeanor based on his breath alone, and he felt a little pressure in his heart. Jin Tie understood that it was influenced by Yu Jianwu's general star. Fortunately, his bloodline was relatively advanced, which could weaken this kind of general star influence.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "It just so happens that Daqin also has distinguished guests, so let's celebrate together."

Xian Ru smiled slightly.

Others were preparing for the banquet. Zhao Fu wanted Yu Jianwu and Sven Youth to go down. Xian Ru glanced at Jin Tie and understood that Jin Tie was the distinguished guest Zhao Fu said.

Facing Xian Ru's facelessness, Jin Tie couldn't help feeling nervous.

Zhao Fu smiled and said to Xian Ru, "Do you have time later? If you have time to join the banquet together!"

Xian Ru gave a soft hum, and looked at Zhao Fu affectionately.

Zhao Fu looked at Jin Tie, "I know you may be curious, why I would be like you, you led the army to our Daqin."

Hearing this, Jin Tie said quickly, "I have no intention of attacking Da Qin. We can go back now to ensure that we will not enter the world of Apocalypse in the future. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

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