The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3151: kingdom

"The lord's army conquered the world (

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen


A huge roar sounded, and a huge alchemy army invaded another sect force. This sect force was called the Volcano Sect and was a sect of Gudiyu.

The volcano sect was destroyed, and Gudiyu lost another kingdom-level strength. This was also the second force of Gudiyu to be destroyed. Kingdom-level forces were all destroyed, not to mention other small forces, Gudiyu Is in a difficult situation.

Zhao Fu quickly received the news and couldn't help sighing.

Originally, Zhao Fu planned to wipe out the forces that opposed Da Qin after Da Qin became stronger, but now it seems that they were eliminated by other worlds without Zhao Fu's hands.

Zhao Fu was not happy, because Daqin's situation would not be good either.

A few more days passed. Zhao Fu received another piece of news that the Bingyuan Kingdom, the country where Bing had abandoned his studies, was in danger of being attacked by two card world countries. Now he asked all parties for help, hoping that some forces could help them.

But everyone can't protect themselves, and they still have the ability to help the ice kingdom.

When Zhao Fu heard the news, he lost his thoughts. Finally, Zhao Fu decided to go and see. Bing Qixue was his friend before, but he led the Icefield Kingdom to attack Da Qin, and that was Da Qin’s enemy. Zhao Fu would not show mercy.

The Icefield Kingdom is located in an icefield. Zhao Fu came there, and the eyes were full of white snow, the weather was cold, there was a clear blue sky, and it was clean.

The two alchemy forces are now attacking one in the north and the other in the east. The two forces have no intention of cooperating. They want to capture the Icefield Kingdom by themselves to get the most benefit.

Otherwise, the two forces will unite, and the Icefield Kingdom may not be able to resist it.

The whole country of Icefield Kingdom is in a haze, they don't know how long they can resist it, if they can't resist it, it will end badly. Four days have passed since they sent a message for help, but none of them responded.

This Icefield Kingdom had also anticipated it, but there was still such hope.

In a room built with white snow wood, Bing Qixue looked at the materials in his hand worriedly. There were two people beside him, one tall and the other enchanting, named Bingxiong and Bingyan.

Bing Xiong said solemnly, "His Royal Highness! The alchemy family in the East is already preparing for the next wave of attacks, what should we do?"

Bing Qixue sighed and said, "You can only defend it to the death. If you can't stand it, that's when our Icefield Kingdom will perish."

Bingyan said with an ugly face, "If an alchemy power is okay, our Icefield Kingdom can still resist, but two came at once, and the pressure on our Icefield Kingdom was too great, especially when we attacked Daqin, we also lost some of our troops ."

"If there is no loss in that one and the force, then we may be able to barely resist the attack of the two alchemy forces."

Bing Xiong said, "Our Highness has been persuading many to attack Da Qin, but the upper level must attack, and now it hurts himself. Maybe we did not wait for Da Qin to threaten us. Our Ice and Snow Kingdom has already perished."

Bing Qixue sighed and said, "It's already like this, it's useless to say more!"

Bing Yan looked at Bing Qixue tentatively and said, "If your Royal Highness can now replace your Majesty and become the king of the Icefield Kingdom, I think there may be some possibilities for our Icefield Kingdom."

Bing Xiong also said, "His Majesty, I also think that's right. You should become the majesty of the Ice Kingdom. Many people in the Ice Field Kingdom now support you. Your Majesty should abdicate."

Bing Qixue's expression became cold, "Don't mention this matter again, and don't disclose it."

Upon hearing this, the two dared not say anything.

Bing Qixue said coldly, "You go down first and leave me alone."

"Yes!" The two responded and left the room.

After the two left, Bing Qixue continued to meditate. He also thought about forcing his father to abdicate. He became the king of the Icefield Kingdom, but this is a great crime of decapitation. If he fails, anyone related to him will die.

The current period is also very special. There can be no accidents in the Icefield Kingdom, because a small accident may cause the death of the Ice Kingdom.

Even if he rebelled, it shouldn't be this time.

After Bingyan left the house, walking down a street, she suddenly saw a somewhat familiar voice, her face was startled, could it really be him?

Bingyan quickly chased that person.

"Are you that adult?" Bing Yan ran behind the person and called out nervously.

Zhao Fu turned and raised a smile, "Well, long time no see!"

Bing Yan looked happy. She knew that the person in front of her was an emperor. He once made a sensation in Gudiyu, but disappeared later. The news about him gradually disappeared, but now he actually appeared in the Icefield Kingdom.

With the help of his emperor, maybe their ice field can withstand the two alchemy forces, Bingyan immediately said, "My lord! Can you take you to my residence? He knows that you are here, he should be very happy~www. Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No, I just passed by and will leave soon. "

Zhao Fu said this deliberately, so that people could not see his true purpose.

As expected, Bingyan's heart sank, her face turned ugly, and she hurriedly said, "My lord, please don't leave. We need your help."

Zhao Fu glanced around and said, "This is not a place to talk!"

Bing Yan said, "Then please follow me."

Zhao Fu followed Bingyan to her residence, and Bingyan knelt down directly, "Emperor! Our Ice and Snow Kingdom really needs your help."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Is it a matter of two alchemy forces? I have heard of it."

Bingyan smiled and looked at Zhao Fu hopefully, "The emperor, can you help us?"

Zhao Fu smiled and replied, "Although I want to help, I am only a person, but I can't resist the two armies."

Bing Yan's face became ugly. If Zhao Fu alone could not resist the two armies, she didn't know what to do now.

Zhao Fu looked at her and said, "Get up!"

Hearing this, Bingyan stood up lost.

Zhao Fu said, "I'm leaving!"

Bingyan grabbed Zhao Fu, "Emperor! Can you stay?"

Although Zhao Fu is only one person and cannot resist the two armies, with Zhao Fu's extraordinary ability, staying in the Icefield Kingdom will still have huge benefits.

Zhao Fu showed a slight smile, reached out and raised Bingyan's chin, Bingyan showed a hint of shyness, and did not resist Zhao Fu.

I don’t know how long after,

Bingyan snuggled in Zhao Fu's arms and asked with a smile, "Emperor! Can you stay now?"

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, "I will try my best to help you, but you have to keep my identity secret, because I don't want my identity to leak out."

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