The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3157: Two-way conflict

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One

Bing Xianhua smiled and nodded, "Then we have to speed up the progress and win the kingship!"

Bing Liangyi nodded, showing a hint of coldness, "When I seize power, I will kill your majesty at the first time and avenge my brother."

It turned out that Bingliangyi's elder brother was also a famous general in the Bingyuan Kingdom. Later, because of King Bingchun's suspicion, he was stigmatized and died.

Bing Xianhua gave a soft hum. She knew the purpose of Bingliangyi, and she did not stop persuading her, because she and King Bingchun didn't have any affection, and King Bingchun just used her as a tool.

Zhao Fu returned to Bingyan's residence, and Bingyan was also waiting here for a long time. Seeing Zhao Fu coming back, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Why are you back now? Where did the Ice Spirit Valley take you?"

Hearing that, Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Help me take it to the palace!"

Bing Yan asked quickly, "Then what did they say to you?"

Zhao Fu replied, "They want me to help them!"

Bingyan continued to ask, "How did you answer there?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I promised!"

Bing Yan was surprised and a little angry. "How can you promise? Didn't you promise to help me? And they are competitors to your Highness."

Zhao Fu explained with a smile, "Now I help both of you. I will help whoever makes me happy."

Bingyan glared at Zhao Fu, "I want to tell the eldest princess, you stay here honestly."

Zhao Fu said,

Bing Lengbi came to Bingyan's residence, looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes and said, "My mother wants to see you too!"

Zhao Fu showed a slight smile and nodded.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu came to a room.

Bing Hanmei looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Why did you choose to help them? Give me a reason?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Are you sure you want to know?"

Bing Hanmei replied, "Hmm!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "They used themselves to make a deal with me!"

Hearing that, everyone present was a little surprised. If this matter was spread out, it would be a capital offense. They even dared to betray King Bingchun, which would also make the Bingyuan Kingdom faceless. Think about it, the other men of the princess are stubborn.

If they spread this out, Bingliangyi would be placed under house arrest forever even if he did not die, and her son would have no chance of becoming a king.

If it's another man, they will tell it right away, but that man is Zhao Fu. He is not only an emperor, but also a kindness to the Icefield Kingdom. Maybe he will have to test him to resist the two armies.

Bing Hanmei asked, "What do you think now?"

Zhao Fu asked with a smile, "Which aspect do you mean?"

Bing Hanmei said, "Who do you tend to help?"

Zhao Fu thinks about it, "I prefer them, because they are princesses and pay a higher price, so I have to help them more."

Bing Yan said angrily with a hint of jealousy, "I and the princess are not as important as them? We beat the princess or the first beauty in the ice kingdom."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Well, you are also very important to me, but your identities are different. Please rest assured that I will not help them too much."

Bingyan snorted, what else to say

Bing Lengquan said calmly, "Needless to say, we are just a deal, you think they are worth a little bit more, there is no problem."

Bing Hanmei said, "You go down first! I have something to talk to him."

Hearing this, Bing Lengyan left the room with Bing Yan.

Bingyan glanced at the icy cold beside her, and asked, "Are you angry, princess?"

Bing Lengyu replied, "No!"

Bing Yan looked at Bing Leng, and realized that the other party was a little angry, because she was also angry now, Zhao Fu and the Fifth Princess hooked up together.

In the room, she looked at Zhao Fu, her eyes were charming, "Why are you standing there? Do you want me to say it?"

Zhao Fu smiled slightly and understood the meaning of Binghanmei.

In a few hours!

Zhao Fu held the Binghan Charm in his arms. Thinking of the purpose of coming to the Icefield Kingdom this time, Zhao Fu was not so kind. He came to the Icefield Kingdom to survive the danger, and the Icefield Kingdom attacked Daqin several times.

This time Zhao Fu came here to retaliate and punish the Icefield Kingdom, and to control the Icefield Kingdom casually. This is Zhao Fu's purpose.

Bing Hanmei looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, smiled and asked, "Who are you inclined to?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Of course it is you!"

Bing Hanmei smiled with satisfaction, "You have to keep the matter between us confidential. I don't want my children to know about it, especially my son. He will be the king of the Icefield Kingdom in the future, so there should be no blemish."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Well, I understand!"

Bing Hanmei thought of something and said, "I heard that you had a good relationship with abandoning school before, and you are still a friend. Why don't you want to tell him your news? You have been thinking about us from the beginning, right?"

Zhao Fu quickly explained, "No! It's all your initiative, I can't force you."

Bing Hanmei snorted and said, "Anyway, you have succeeded, and there is no need to talk about it. There is also the scroll thing, I want to thank you, it has helped our Icefield Kingdom too much."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You're welcome!"

Binghanmei asked Who are you? "

Countless people in Gudiyu's identity as Zhao Fu are very curious, and Binghanmei is no exception. If she knows the identity of Zhao Fu, she will be sure in the future.

Of course Zhao Fu would not tell her, and said with a smile, "I will tell you later!"

Binghanmei didn't ask, she just tried it.

Bing Hanmei asked, "Are you not interested in the Queen?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Well! What do you want to do?"

Bing Hanmei smiled and said, "I want her to stand with us completely. I believe it will be easy to conquer her with your ability."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No problem!"

Ten minutes later, Bing Hanmei walked into Binghu's room with a smile on his face, and said with a smile, "What reward did your elder sister give you?"

Binghu'er lay lazily on the bed and said, "What reward can you get, it is some precious jewelry, you can take it all if you want!"

Bing Hanmei smiled and said, "I am not interested in those, I am more interested in my sister."

Speaking of Binghanmei stepped forward and hugged Binghu'er.

Binghu's face blushed.

When the two started playing around, it was time for Zhao Fu to appear.

At night, Bing Hanmei smiled and said, "Sister, are you satisfied with the gift I gave you?"

Bing Hu'er's face was ruddy, and she gave Bing Han Mei a white, "You are not afraid that your Majesty will know!"

Bing Hanmei smiled and said, "What's so scary? He has long been unpopular! Whether it is our seizure of power or Bingyiyi's seizure of power will destroy him, sister, you have to consider it for the future."

Binghu'er thought for a while, and gave a soft hmm.

Bing Hu'er looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, and said charmingly, "You kid stay by my side and wait for me!"

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