The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3178: Wind Race

Volume One, Chapter 142

Feng Qingyue smiled and nodded, "I have never seen such a perfect man. There should be many people in the clan who like it."

Feng Chuuxue said, "Mother, if it's okay, I will take him down."

Feng Qingyue looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, and again with a trace of dismay, she was about to leave Zhao Fu.

Feng Dongming felt that his status was threatened and immediately said, "Okay! You take him down!"

Feng Qingyue frowned slightly and watched the sound of the wind, and it was not good to say something.

Feng Chuuxue took Zhao Fu away, because he didn't bring his cloak, everyone looked sideways and was impressed by Zhao Fu's appearance and temperament.

Many men couldn't help but envy and envy.

When he came to the room, Zhao Fu smiled a little arrogantly, "Look at my terms, would countless women like me?"

Feng Chuuxue glared at Zhao Fu, "Little smelly and beautiful!"

Although Feng Chuanxue said so, but in my heart I have to admit that Zhao Fu is enough to be called the most beautiful man in the world, even if Zhao Fu did not forcibly occupy her, he would get her as long as he spent some skills.

Feng Chuuxue said, "You stay here honestly and don't walk around. I will help you prepare some information for you, and then we are discussing how to deal with the two factions."

Zhao Fu nodded.

But it didn't take long before Zhao Fu felt that someone sneaked in quietly. As if he hadn't noticed anything, Zhao Fu sat at the table and waited honestly.


That person appeared and knocked out Zhao Fu. This was actually Zhao Fu pretending to be knocked out and wanted to see what this person wanted to do?

A woman dressed in black, with a **** figure and about the age of Feng Chuuxue appeared, and looked at Zhao Fu with a smile, "Feng Chuuxue brings back such a perfect man, then I'm not welcome!"

The woman carried Zhao Fu to the bed, and then took possession of Zhao Fu.

After coming here for a while, the woman looked at Zhao Fu a little bit disheartened. If it weren't for worrying that the wind and snow would come back, she wouldn't want to leave, and then smiled and said, "Now this man has been used by me, let's see what the wind and snow can do."

The second after the man in black left, another man sneaked in, a woman with a graceful figure, a beautiful face, and a cold temperament.

The woman just came here not long ago and saw what the black-clothed woman had done to Zhao Fu. She looked at Zhao Fu with a murderous look in her eyes.

Her original plan was to kill Zhao Fu, put the blame on the black-clothed woman, and let the black-clothed woman fight against Feng Chuuxue, so that she could finally gain the benefit.

The black-clothed woman is named Feng Mu Luo, the young master of another faction, and now this woman is named Feng Douxiang, who is also the young master of another faction.

But when Feng Douxiang walked in front of Zhao Fu, she couldn't help showing a stunning expression. Her heartbeat couldn't help speeding up. She didn't expect Feng Chuuxue to bring back such a perfect man. Feng Douxiang thought after using Zhao Fu. Killing Zhao Fu.

With such a thought, Feng Douxiang couldn't help but walked over.

After a while, Feng Douxiang raised his hand to kill Zhao Fu, but looking at Zhao Fu's coma, he couldn't get it off. Finally, he sighed and left the room.

Zhao Fu was also a little helpless. He didn't expect this to happen. He hadn't done anything yet, and he didn't know the identity of the two women just now.

But not long before the door opened, Feng Qingyue walked in, looked at the mess on the bed, frowned, walked over and stretched out his hand to wake Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu pretended to wake up leisurely and asked helplessly, "What happened?"

Feng Qingyue said, "Someone should just faint you and do such a shameless thing!"

Zhao Fu asked poorly and helplessly, "Patriarch! What should I do now?"

Feng Qingyue couldn't help holding Zhao Fu into her arms, "Don't worry, I will take care of you in the future, no one will bully you."

Zhao Fu felt helpless and could only pretend, "Thank you Patriarch!"

Feng Qingyue showed a smile and gently pushed Zhao Fu towards it.

Two hours later.

Zhao Fu wondered, "Patriarch! Why hasn't the young master come back?"

Feng Qingyue smiled and said, "I told her to go, let's continue."

After not knowing how long, Feng Qingyue hugged Zhao Fu with a satisfied smile, "You are really a stunner in the world, I have never been so happy as today."

Zhao Fu said embarrassedly, "Thank you Patriarch for the compliment, I will be Patriarch's person from now on."

Feng Qingyue smiled and nodded, "I will find an opportunity to divorce my current man and let you be my man upright."

Zhao Fu said happily, "Thank you Patriarch!"

Feng Qingyue smiled and said, "However, now you want to keep it secret for the time being, and you can't disclose this matter, do you understand?"

Zhao Fu nodded obediently.

Feng Qingyue kissed Zhao Fu, and then left the room.

Zhao Fu looked at the messy room and chuckled. This was completely different from what he thought.

The door was opened once, and Zhao Fu thought it was Feng Chuanxue who came back, but he did not expect that a woman in Qingyi with a cold face and a scar on her face walked in.

Zhao Fu wondered, "Who are you?"

The woman did not speak, with a cold face, stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Fu's throat with one hand, pressed Zhao Fu on the bed, and then began to bully Zhao Fu.

after an hour. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

The cruel woman said, "I know about you and the Patriarch. If you dare to disclose this, you will die miserably, and you will collect information for me next to Feng Qingyue in the future. Is there anything you can tell me directly, understand?"

Zhao Fu said pitifully, "I see!"

The cruel woman put on her clothes.

Zhao Fu asked, "My lord! What is your identity?"

The ruthless woman reached out her hand to hook Zhao Fu's chin. Coldly said, "Don't ask what shouldn't be asked, do you understand?"

Zhao Fu nodded gently.

The cold woman said, "If you are obedient, I will not treat you badly, and you can be my man."

Zhao Fu whispered, "Hmm!"

The cruel woman said displeased, "Are you still not happy?"

Zhao Fu quickly smiled and said, "No, I am very happy to be a grown-up man."

The cruel woman snorted, "I don't mind if you have a handful of goods, it will be good, and you will be honest in the future, otherwise you will suffer."

Zhao Fu nodded.

The cruel woman glanced at Zhao Fu, turned and left the room.

After the cruel woman left, Zhao Fu couldn't help but sigh. This stinky woman was too violent, and he would teach her a lesson later.

At this time, Feng Chuixue walked in from outside, with a strange expression, "What happened?"

Zhao Fu gave her a white look at the wind and snow, and told her what had just happened.

Feng Chuuxue was not only not angry, but very happy, and said with a smile, "You **** has today, is it retribution?"

Zhao Fu uncomfortably stepped forward and hugged Fengchuxue.

After bullying her, Zhao Fu looked at the information Feng Chuuxue had given, and understood the identities of the women.

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