The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3186: kingdom

"The lord's army conquered the world (

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Fifty

Amis's face was serious, and now she realized that Zhao Fu's power was far stronger than her, and he was probably a strong Void Realm.

I saw Amis with a pair of hands, and a card appeared in front of her. There were hundreds of cards with different flame runes painted on them.

Numerous cards are distributed throughout her body under Amis's control. The cards emit countless flames, and those flames continue to merge to form a huge western fire dragon, exuding a powerful aura.

This is Amis's strongest method and the reason why she can fight in a virtual realm.

Zhao Fu smiled and said with disdain, "That's it?"

Amy Si shouted angrily in her heart, "You look good!"


The fire dragon ignited a fierce flame with a hot breath, and flew towards Zhao Fu as if it could burn everything, and the surrounding void turned into flames.

Everyone on the ground was sweating, and a panic of fear poured out of their hearts. It seems to be in flames.


A domineering and innocent dragon roar sounded, a terrifying dragon might shattered the earth, and blasted on the fire dragon. The fire dragon's body instantly collapsed. Amysi vomited a mouthful of blood, and countless sparks drifted down.

Amis looked at Zhao Fu pale, now she understood how terrifying Zhao Fu's power was.

Countless soldiers in the card world also looked at Zhao Fu in fear. The powerful Amis was so fragile in front of this person, and they couldn't accept such a powerful force.

Amis immediately said, "Retreat!" Amis's body turned into a stream of light and shot towards the sky.

When many soldiers heard this, they immediately backed away hastily.

Zhao Fu smiled and looked at Amis who was running away, "You want to run if you offend me?"

A few iron chains shot out very quickly from the void, binding the escaping Amis, the chains shrank, and pulling Amis to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at the card soldiers who fled below. A surge of sword power was released, and a handful of magic swords condensed in the void, exuding a huge magic power.


Countless magic swords flew down, piercing through the bodies of the card soldiers, blood splashing all over, screaming constantly, this is a massacre.

In less than a moment, Zhao Fu killed all the card soldiers. The ground was full of corpses, emitting a pungent **** smell.

Many people from the teak country on the ground also looked at Zhao Fu with fear.

Amis looked at Zhao Fu angrily.

Zhao Fu put his arm around Amis.

Amis struggled hard, "What do you **** want to do?"

Zhao Fu hugged her and fell from the sky. Falling in front of the teak heart, he said, "I'm here to get paid!"

Teak Heart smiled and said, "Thank you for your help. I will pay you now."

Teak Heart took out a storage ring and handed it to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at Teak Heart with his eyes, "I am not interested in these."

Hearing that, Teak's heart faced Zhao Fu's gaze, understood Zhao Fu's purpose, and was a little angry, but thinking that Zhao Fu was so powerful, and if Zhao Fu left, they still wouldn't live long, they needed Zhao Fu's help.

Teak said with a charming smile, "Are you asking me to prepare."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

The team continued to walk a long distance quickly, and finally stopped to rest in a hidden valley.

The people on the carriage also came down.

Most of them are women, but there are also elderly and children, and there are more than one hundred of them.

Zhao Fu kept flying around Amis and landed in this valley. Amis said coldly, "What do you want to do to me?"

Zhao Fu said with a smirk, "What do you mean?"

Amis said coldly, "I will definitely kill you bastard. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Zhao Fu smiled lightly, "I'll try it right away."

At this time, Teak Heart came over, not paying attention to the scene in front of him, smiled and said, "It's okay now, I will pay you."

Zhao Fu said, "How come you are the only one?"

The teak heart frowned.

Zhao Fu said shamelessly, "You have said before that you want to dedicate everything to me, are you lying to me?"

Hearing that, Teak was angry in his heart, this guy is no worse than those card soldiers, not only wants to get her, but also wants to harm other women, but she can't make him angry because he can kill them all.

From the lingering slaughter of card soldiers just now, Teak Xin knew that Zhao Fu didn't blink at killing people, and his heart was extremely vicious.

Teak heart also wanted to try hard and said, "I will serve you well by myself, and please let them go."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "You can't do it alone, hurry up, otherwise don't blame me."

Teak Xin clasped his hands tightly and stared at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes. He was very angry and humiliated, and finally made a decision.

Teak Xin turned back and brought more than fifty women. Most of them are princesses and princesses, but there are also wives and daughters of ministers.

"Are you satisfied now?" Teak Xin forced his anger and said to Zhao Fu with a smile.

Zhao Fu looked at the female general who was on and said with a smile, "There is another one!"

Teak couldn't bear it, and said angrily, "She is the general of our teak country. How many of us can give you now, is there only one?"

Zhao Fu looked at her angry and said with a smile, "Hmm!"

Teak Xin stared at Zhao Fu with an angry look, and finally called the female general, her name was Teak Art.

Teak Art did not understand what was going on and bowed, "Queen! What can I do for you?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Of course there are good things!"

Yumuyi looked at Zhao Fu with a puzzled look. She still has a great affection for the man who saved them.

Everyone walked towards a chaotic ground.

I don’t know how long it took, a little boy asked, "Why did my mother go there? Why haven’t you come back now?"

An old woman sighed, "Your mother is repaying that person, and she will be back later."

The little boy nodded, "That man is so powerful, for saving so many of us, my mother should repay him well."

The old woman looked at the innocent boy, shook her head and sighed.

The remaining old people naturally know what happened, but there is no way. They died at such an age, but these children are the future of the teak country, and they may need to restore the teak country. It is precisely for the future of Teak Country that they will do that.

Some old people couldn't help tears in their eyes, feeling that they would pay too much for the teak country. The key is that they need Zhao Fu's strength. If Zhao Fu is there, they will not be in danger in the future.

However, he will be bullied by that person in the future.

Many old people now only hope that these children will work harder in the future and not let down their mothers and sisters for their efforts. That would be too sorry for them.

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