The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3197: Black dragon

"The lord's army conquered the world (

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One

Xiaoqi said, "Kill all the men and leave those stinky women!"

The many bandits who received the order, looked excited, screamed and rushed to Yun Yuer, exuding a huge momentum.

Everyone in Yun Yu'er looked very ugly as they watched so many people rushing forward.


A huge roar sounded, and a black breath gushed out of the girls, floating into the sky, and a powerful and supreme coercion spread.

Everyone in Yun Yu'er looked at their bodies in astonishment.

A large amount of black aura in the sky condensed, and the power of heaven and earth also poured in like a tide, huge fluctuations shook all directions.

A huge black dragon appeared in the sky, a black dragon scale, dragon eyes like stars, dragon horns like black iron, strong dragon body, exuding a domineering, noble, supreme imperial power.

The countless bandits who rushed past felt this terrible aura, and their bodies seemed to have fallen into ice water, and could not help shaking.


The black dragon opened his mouth and spouted a black flame, sweeping across the ground, igniting the numerous bandits on the ground, and countless bandits screamed and struggled in the black flame, scaring them back in fear.

Everyone in Yun Yu'er showed surprise smiles. They responded that it was the strength that Zhao Fu had left in them, and they had never expected it to be so powerful.

Xiaoqi and a few people also looked surprised, and did not expect everyone Yun Yuer to have this ability.


A dragon roar sounded again, and the black dragon in the sky spewed out a huge flame, and burned to the bandits on one side. Countless bandits ignited black flames. The huge burning pain caused them to run wildly, some lying down Struggling on the ground to put out the flames.

But this is not an ordinary flame, it is difficult to extinguish it even with water, and they have no ability to face such a flame with their power, only the result of being burned alive.

The two bursts of flames burned 20,000 bandits to death, and they burned directly to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

Xiaoqi hesitated when seeing this scene, and yelled, "End!"

Numerous bandits immediately gathered together to form seven regiments. A force gathered together. Seven of them rushed to the black dragon in the sky with a powerful aura, and the power of those seven regiments poured into theirs. body.

Countless rays of light radiated, and the seven women turned into seven giant wolves, biting fiercely towards the black dragon in the sky.

Seeing the seven wolves that bite, the black dragon showed a grinning smile.


Heilong was extremely domineering and slapped out a claw, slapped a bitten wolf to the ground, smashing a big hole in the ground.

Then the black dragon waved its claws and shot another jackal out.

The black dragon bit forward very quickly, and bit the body of a jackal. The dragon teeth bit into the body. The jackal let out a painful scream, and a huge sound wave resounded across the sky.

With a flick of the black dragon's head, he flew out the jackal in his mouth, and looked at the remaining jackals fiercely. The terrifying aura made the jackals afraid to approach.

They didn't dare to attack, but it doesn't mean that the black dragon would let them go. The dragon's body quickly rushed towards the jackals and opened the huge dragon mouth to bite at a jackal. The jackal was scared and wanted to escape, but was still caught by the black dragon. Take a bite.

The jackal was struggling in pain.

Several jackals rushed over immediately, opened their mouths and bite the black dragon ferociously.

The black dragon turned around and grabbed the bodies of the two wolves with two dragon claws. The dragon's tail flicked with great strength and knocked out the remaining wolves.

Then the black dragon grabbed the two wolves and smashed them to the ground, and threw out the wolves that were biting in their mouths.

Now the seven wolves are all seriously injured. The black dragon looking at the sky now feels it personally and understands how powerful the black dragon is.

"What should we do now? This black dragon is too powerful!"

"According to the information we got, they don't have such ability. What happened?"

"Let's withdraw! They are too difficult to deal with."

"This black dragon is based on those women. If you kill those women, the black dragon will disappear. You guys hold the black dragon, and I will kill those stinky women."

"Okay! A few of us rushed over."

Five wolves rushed towards the black dragon with a powerful and ferocious aura, and the other two wolves immediately rushed towards Yun Yu'er and his daughters.

Seeing the two wolves rushing forward, Yun Yu'er and the daughters changed their expressions and wanted to avoid them, but they were worried that the black dragon would be affected, so they could only issue those soldiers to resist them.

Bang bang bang...

The soldiers hadn’t attacked yet, and the black dragon flicked the dragon’s tail with a terrifying force to knock the five wolves out, and then rushed forward. Two dragon claws grabbed the two wolves and smashed the two wolves. On the ground, two big holes were smashed.

The bodies of the two wolves began to blur, and finally disappeared. The fifth and the third fell to the ground, with blood on the corners of their mouths, and they looked badly injured.

The bandits of the two regiments also suffered backlash, their bodies shook, and spit out blood.

The ferocious and overbearing black dragon looked at the remaining and immediately rushed forward, and bit a jackal with one bite. The jackal screamed and his body became blurred, a woman's body Fall down.

The remaining jackal concentrated all its strength and spewed a few huge beams, shooting towards the black dragon as if destroying everything.

The black dragon also spewed out a huge black flame, and the two huge forces collided with each other, the flames were scattered, and a terrifying wave spread, like a huge gust of wind blowing around.


The black dragon uttered a dragon chant, and the black flame in its mouth became more violent, suppressing the beams emitted by a few wolves, and finally igniting their bodies. The intense pain caused them to scream.

Finally the jackal body disappeared, and several women fell to the ground in pain.

The black dragon looked at the group of bandits again, and rushed over immediately. With a wave of the dragon's claw, the terrifying force swept the countless bandits away. The dragon's claw struck hard, and a huge force directly drove the numerous bandits. The body shattered.

Then the black dragon spewed a black flame, igniting the bodies of many bandits, and countless bandits struggled in pain.

When other bandits saw this scene, they ran away in fear, like ordinary sand.

The black dragon continued to slaughter wantonly.

The bandits quickly scattered and fled, leaving a corpse on the ground. The blood also stained the ground red. The picture was very bloody.

The black dragon also turned into countless black auras poured into the bodies of the women.

Everyone in Yun Yu'er looked at the scene before them, and they had to admire Zhao Fu. This is just the power that Zhao Fu left in their bodies, with such an amazing destructive power.

At this time, more than a dozen soldiers escorted several women to Yun Yu'er.

Yun Yu'er looked at the embarrassed and injured seven women with a smile and said, "What can you say now?"

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