The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3202: Suffering

Volume One, Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Six

The two agreed to meet at a place.

Shi Kun looked at Zhao Fu in front of him with a look of disbelief, "You said you can kill the pain?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

Shi Kun felt teased, and said angrily, "Do you know that suffering is the peak of Void Realm's cultivation base? I am not his opponent. How can you, a person of Void Realm kill him? You know before the two Perceive it?"

Zhao Fu smiled and looked at Shi Kun.


An extremely powerful force gushes out from Zhao Fu's body, spreading over the sky like a turbulent ocean, and the world seems to be trembling.

Shi Kun looked at Zhao Fu with a look of astonishment. He only felt like his body had fallen into the ocean. Without any strength to struggle, a fear of death spread from his heart. For the first time, he felt such terrible power, as if he had all It's better than power.

This is the strength that Zhao Fu has displayed with all his strength, but it is still not as good as the large capacity, exuding terrible power, and Zhao Fu's power is too advanced.

Zhao Fu regained his strength and said with a smile, "Now do you feel that I have the ability to kill the suffering?"

Shi Kun reacted and asked, "Who are you?"

To be able to emit such terrifying power and to be so young can only be done by the top talent in the human domain.

Zhao Fu chuckled, "You don't know the best, now let's talk about cooperation."

Shi Kun showed a slight smile, "No problem!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You just need to let me enter the sect and transfer other people away, or other people will come to help, and I can kill the pain. As for other things, I don't want it."

Shi Kun smiled and said, "Such a good thing will only be rejected by a fool. I will transfer other people away. That would be laborious!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You're welcome!" Then Zhao Fu thought of something, "By the way, I have to take a woman away."

Shi Kun smiled and said, "Is it taking your mother away? Yes!"

Zhao Fu couldn't help but chuckle, "I think you have misunderstood. That person is not my mother. Originally, I was just a passerby, so I was asked to do so."

Shi Kun looked at Zhao Fu with a smile and said, "I thought you were the same as the one who assassinated my sect disciple. It seems that you are the one who hurt the group of people and offended people who can't be offended. When are you going to do it? "

Zhao Fu said, "Tonight!"

Shi Kun nodded with a smile.

Zhao Fu returned to the original place.

Yuye asked concerned, "How is it?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "It's going well. I will kill the wounds and rescue your mother at night. Just wait here with peace of mind."

Yuye said gratefully, "Thank you so much!"

Zhao Fu smiled slightly.

Shi Kun went back and immediately prepared, and quietly moved all the people away. Even if there are people nearby, it must be his person. This is a unique good thing for him, and he will be relieved in the future to solve this serious problem.

A crescent moon hung alone in the night sky, without a star to accompany it, and the night seemed plain.

Suffering walked to one side, and didn't notice anything wrong, it just felt a little quiet.


A figure suddenly appeared behind the wounded, and with a punch with the power to destroy everything, it blasted to the wounded back.

Suffering and shocked. Quickly resist.


The punch blasted the bitter wound out, knocking down several walls in a row before stopping, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

In order to quickly resolve this suffering, Zhao Fu chose this method of sneak attack.

Looking at Zhao Fu with an ugly look, "If he hadn't just concentrated his power on his back for defense, he might have been punched and killed by the person in front of him."

Zhao Fu looked at the pain with cold eyes, and rushed forward immediately.

With a bitter roar, the clothes on his body burst open, revealing strong muscles, with a full punch to the kitchen, five fists with different strengths, blasted towards Zhao Fu, as if they could punch the void through.

Zhao Fu watched this bitter wound withstand his blow, and with such strength, it was indeed not weak. If Zhao Fu's cultivation base was a little higher, he should be able to kill the bitter wound with one blow.

Facing the bitter attack, Zhao Fu also punched out, a super terrifying force blasted forward.


There was a huge sound, the two forces collided together, a violent wind blew away, instantly destroying the ground, and many rocks fell and flew out.

The bitter wound was shaken out by this force, and Zhao Fu stood still and did not move a step.

Seeing this scene, Kushang realized that he was definitely not the opponent of the person in front of him, and he didn't know what his identity was, how could his power be so terrible.

There was no hesitation in suffering, and he quickly turned and ran back.

Zhao Fu turned into a streamer and stepped forward, one leg with terrifying strength kicked towards the bitter wound, and the bitter wound hurriedly avoided the blow of Zhao Fu, but Zhao Fu took advantage of it. Swivel, kick the pain away with one kick.

Bitterly fell to the ground, spit out a big mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and shouted, "Come on!"

At this moment, Kushang understood that he couldn't escape, and he could only hope that someone would come. There were many strong men in the and countless disciples.

However, no one responded to him. The bitter wound understood why it was so quiet, and the bitter wound quickly understood the reason. It was the sect's master who colluded with outsiders to kill him.


The bitterly wounded face was angry, and all the power burst out. The terrifying and powerful power kept the ground broken, and waves of air blew around.

Suffering unexpectedly attacked Zhao Fu first, rushed to Zhao Fu, and blasted Zhao Fu's head with a punch.

Zhao Fu blocked the amazing punch with his arm, and took a step back.

The bitter injury immediately blasted another punch, and a huge burst of air sounded.

Zhao Fu grabbed the punch with his hand, then gave him a strong kick, hitting the injured abdomen, kicking him back and sliding six or seven meters.

Zhao Fu then disappeared, appeared in front of the bitter wound, and banged his punch to the bitter heart.

Suffering controls the power in the body, and the body is covered by a layer of light.


The bitter injury was blown out by a punch, but it seemed that the injury was not serious.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fu directly took out the Heavenly Demon Sword and quickly rushed towards the suffering.

The bitter wound hit the ground hard, a powerful force spread like an arc wave, and the ground instantly collapsed and collapsed.

Zhao Fu leaped into the sky, slashing towards the pain with a sword.

The painful hands were blocked in front of him, and his arms were wrapped in a stronger light.


Zhao Fu cut down with a sword, and cut out a wound on both of his suffering arms. The blood flowed out at once. The suffering seemed to have never expected that Zhao Fu would break through his defense so easily.


A sword rang, and Zhao Fu struck the pain with another sword, carrying a huge black sword light.


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