The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 3211: Lover corpse

Volume One, Chapter 175

Mu Wanqiu looked at Mu Wanwan and said, "Am I wrong? He is just a bastard."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "You are saying that, don't blame me."

Mu Wanqiu raised his head and said, "Dare you!"

Mu Wanwan persuaded, "Okay! Stop arguing."

Mu Wanqiu looked at Mu Wanwan and said, "Now do you think it clearly? What should we do?"

Mu Wanwan looked at Zhao Fu, "I want to hear his opinion!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I think I will go back!"

Mu Wanwan said, "Okay, then we will go back."

Mu Wanqiu looked at the beautiful woman in black skirt and asked, "Where is she?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "She will leave it to me!"

Mu Wanwan nodded.

Zhao Fu stepped forward and grabbed the beautiful woman in black skirt and walked to the side. The beautiful woman in black skirt struggled and said, "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You'll know when you wait!"

Coming to a remote place, Zhao Fu hung up the beautiful woman in black dress, and then began to destroy.

The black dress beautiful woman is called Mu Hei Lan.

Zhao Fu looked at the helpless Mu Heilan on the ground and smiled, "You go back now, as one of my pawns, tell me immediately if you have anything."

Mu Heilan said angrily, "You **** don't dream!"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "Get up, go back!"

Mu Heilan watched with a stunned look that her body began to get out of control, put on the clothes on the ground around her, and then flew to one side.

Zhao Fu returned to the team, and everyone walked towards the lover's clan.

Mu Heilan returned to the Zongmen, kneeled in front of a tall, cold-faced beautiful woman in a purple dress, and told what had just happened, concealing the affairs between her and Zhao Fu. It was Mu Wanwan who let her leave.

This beautiful woman in purple skirt is the great elder named Mu Qingyou.

Back then, she and the suzerain Mu Hongyan were a good sister. She was a senior sister, Mu Hongyan was a junior, and she also had a master.

Later, the master passed the position of the lord to Mu Hongyan, which caused Mu Qingyou's great dissatisfaction. The relationship between the two began to deteriorate. In order to calm Mu Qingyou, Mu Hongyan promised that she would give her the next sovereign.

Although he got Mu Hongyan's promise, Mu Qingyou was still worried. She married Mu Hongyan's daughter first, and then began to win over other people in the sect to stabilize her position.

She had waited for this suzerain position for more than forty years and absolutely couldn't make any mistakes, so she sent someone to kill Mu Wanwan.

Now that things failed, Mu Wanwan put Mu Hei Lan back, which made Mu Qingyou fall into thinking, and finally said, "Go down!"

"Hmm!" Mu Heilan stepped back, and his body was free again.

Now things have become like this, she can only obey Zhao Fu's orders, otherwise she can only die.

Zhao Fu's group also returned to the love girl sect.

A beautiful woman in a white dress with an attractive figure and a beautiful face was sitting in the hall, looking at Mu Wanwan who walked in with a smile on her face. She was Mu Hongyan, the lord of the love girl sect.

"Mother!" Mu Wanwan cried affectionately.

Mu Hongyan nodded happily, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to come back. You should inform me sooner."

Mu Wanwan said, "I didn't want to come back, but I have nowhere to go."

Mu Hongyan said seriously, "I know about you. I will stay in the love girl's clan in the future, and my mother will protect you. This time, no one can force you away."

Mu Wanwan asked, "Mother, what are you going to do?"

Mu Hongyan said, "I gave Qingyou the position of the sect master. After she becomes the sect master, she won't be embarrassing our mother and daughter. I am also tired of being the sect master over the years and I don't want to participate in these struggles."

Mu Wanwan nodded with a smile.

Mu Hongyan smiled and said, "You have been on your way for many days, go down and freshen up first."

Mu Wanwan nodded.

When Mu Wanwan returned to the room, she saw Zhao Fu destroying the three women of Mu Wanqiu, with a trace of blush on her face, and walked over.

Mu Qingyou also got the news that Mu Hongyan was going to wear the suzerain to her.

After waiting for so many years to finally get something, Mu Qingyou is both happy and excited, and there is a touch of complexity.

Many elders also got news, and most people immediately chose to support Mu Qingyou, because Mu Qingyou's power was already very strong, and now the Sect Master will give her the position, so only fools would not choose to take refuge.

Of course, Mu Hongyan's cronies also came to persuade him, but Mu Hongyan had made up his mind that it was useless to persuade them.

Later, the news was completely made public, and ordinary disciples also knew about it, and the transfer ceremony began two days later.

Zhao Fu was more surprised when he learned of this. He thought that it would be difficult to come to the Sect of Love Women. Zhao Fu also planned to control many elders to help Mu Hongyan, and then get rid of the elder line, but now Mu Hong Yan gave up on her own initiative, and Zhao Fu had nothing to do.

Two days later.

Everyone came to a flower field. The area of ​​the flower field was large, full of small fiery red flowers, and the picture looked very beautiful against the blue sky and white clouds.

In the painting, there is a platform made of jade stone, which is a circle, and there is a one-foot-high platform above the platform. UU看书 is a square with a coffin wrapped with fire-red flowers. There seemed to be a woman's body inside.

These are the corpses of the suzerain elders of the past. The love girl sect is now able to resist the invasion of other worlds. These suzerain corpses have played a major role.

Because the love girl's inheritance is relatively special, and the love girl's corpse will be formed after the death of this love flower field, which contains very powerful and strange power.

Of course, ordinary disciples can't form the corpse of a lover. Only by practicing the exercises of the lover to the extreme can it be formed.

There were more than a hundred sets of flower coffins. Mu Hongyan and Mu Qingyou were standing in front of the last flower coffin, and the other disciples and elders were standing more than ten meters away.

Zhao Fu and Mu Wanwan stood aside, watching the scene curiously.

Mu Hongyan looked at Mu Qingyou and said, "Senior Sister! After I give you the position of sect master, I don’t think our previous grievances should continue. Now I just want to live safely in the sect with my daughter, and then things about the sect. , I will not participate."

Mu Qingyou looked at Mu Hongyan and nodded, "Yes, I can guarantee that I won't disturb you in the future. I will try my best to help you if I have anything. You can rest assured."

Mu Hongyan smiled slightly, "Thank you, Senior Sister! If I can, I really want to go back to the time when we had a good relationship, instead of fighting like this now, I also regret why I accepted Master's appointment at that time."

Mu Qingyou looked at Mu Hongyan with a complicated complexion, and felt a little guilty in her heart when she thought of what she had done over the years.

Mu Hongyan smiled lightly, "Okay! Let's start the ceremony."

Mu Qingyou's expression softly said, "Well, sister!"

Hearing this name, Mu Hongyan gave Mu Qingyou a little surprised, and then smiled and walked to the last flower coffin.


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