Shi Mei only opened her eyes when she felt that her surrounding was already quiet and calm.

And when she finally opened her eyes, she saw that they were already shooting the scene again though it was strange for her that the lights were turned off. Her head ached but she still picked the sword. As she raised herself, she barely saw the man in the darkness who was pulling the string of his bow. She held her sword tightly and ran at full speed as she dodged or knocked the men in black she ran over.

The arrow was already reaching the actor, Shi Mei quickly knocked the arrow by her sword. But she felt the heaviness of the arrow in her wrist, she thought that it was unusual for the props team to use a metal arrow, usually, it was synthetic. And this already reaching her nerve, and also they started to shoot again without notifying her.

Shi Mei disregarded it for she thought that finally the shooting ended smoothly and she hoped the main director would not ask for a retake. She turned her back but she quickly glanced at the actor, she noticed that he looked like a different man. She noticed the man's face because of the light lit by the old lamp. She stared intently at the man, verifying if he was not the actor-but she was shocked when there were still arrows flying towards them.

[What the heck is happening now? Isn't the scene ended just now? I read in the script that the crown prince and the woman will talk to each other now. And the main actress will be the one to shoot it.

Where is the CUT now?!]

Xue Huan picked his sword and he quickly stood up as he pulled the woman towards his back. He slashed the arrows while striking the bandits on their front.

Shi Mei was still dumbfounded for she had no idea of what's going on anymore. But she was sure that there was no scene similar to what's happening now to them in the script.

"Director! Did you add another scene again!? For goodness sake, why didn't you tell me so that I could also prepare myself!"Shi Mei yelled with annoyance in her voice but no one answered to her and that made her more furious. She pulled her hand but the actor as she thought only held it again without looking at her.

"Crap! I don't want to shoot this film anymore so stop this scene and let me go home now!"Shi Mei shouted again but she didn't receive any response.

"Hey, didn't you hear me!?"

"Woman! Stay still!"Xue Huan shouted back as he continued to strike every bandit on their front.

The three men's attention was also caught by the lady's sudden appearance but they eventually ignored it as they fought back to the bandits.

Shi Mei was struggling to pull her hand.

"Stop moving or I'll be the one to kill you!"Xue Huan yelled furiously, he wanted to let go of the lady's hand and just killed her on the spot. But he still puzzled why did the lady hit the arrow pointed towards him, he wanted to know who sent her.

"You dumbass!I'm done with this trash scene-"Shi Mei stopped and pondered what's happening around her now.

[Wait, this is already weird. How could the audio director allows us to shoot the scene when I'm already yelling things that don't fit the film anymore?]

Though it was dark, Shi Mei tried to recognize her surrounding but she could not see the equipment, tents, and even the production team. She could only see people lying on the ground with blood on them. At one moment, she thought that everything that's happening was actually real but she dismissed it at once because that was already beyond her illusion.

"At last!"Chen Wei exclaimed as there were no bandits left on the area now.

"Did you make sure that no one escaped?"Xue Huan asked Gong Yan while still looking at the area.

"Naturally."But Chen Wei was the one who replied as he showed his sword with blood dripping on it. Xue Huan and Gong Yang looked at each other while Wen ZeXi laughed only.

"This is another attack to kill you again, right."Wen Zexi gave his statement carefully.

"Obviously. But whoever ordered to kill me will never hear any report."Xue Huan said with his firm voice.

Shi Mei kept her mouth shut as she waited for the director to cut the scene at last but a couple of minutes had passed, she heard nothing. So she looked at the four men and her forehead creased immediately. She's sure now that the man was not the main actor but she was not sure about the others.

"Who are you?"Shi Mei asked with her skeptical look.

"Lady, we should be the one asking you that question. Give the name of your master and you will not taste the blade of my mighty sword."Chen Wei said boastfully.

"It's not your role to interrogate the Lady, Chen Wei. Behave yourself."Wen Zexi put his arm around the shoulder of Chen Wei and pulled him away from the lady.

Shi Mei looked at the four men one by one. And she's certain that it was not shooting of a scene anymore. She also remembered what the Director said, they would shoot only two scenes. And she felt the situation was getting weird.

[Did the wind blew me away and I ended up in the isolated place? But these men are wearing traditional clothes and I don't think people nowadays would still want to wear one. And I couldn't be also mistaken, the supposedly main actor is a different man.]

[If they are wearing traditional clothes...Don't tell me I was transported in the Ancient Times? Just like in the historical dramas that I once played as a stuntwoman.]

[No, of course not. That's impossible.]

Shi Mei was still busy figuring out the situation and she didn't notice that the men were observing her except the leader rather he stared at the lady.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"Xue Huan questioned the lady but he didn't hear any response. So he drew out his sword and pointed it towards the woman. Wen Zexi stepped forward but he moved back when he saw that his friend was really serious. That's when Shi Mei turned her attention to the man that she just saved. Well, she could tell that because if this was true then she saved the man a while ago.

"What are you doing?"Shi Mei asked boldly as if her life was not under the mercy of the man. Xue Huan didn't talk back and he only stared at the lady.

"Is that how you treat the person who just saved you?"Shi Mei added.

"Yes, I am."Shi Mei didn't know but the man's quick answer made her silent, not too mention the resentful eyes of the man and his deep eyes. Xue Huan couldn't take any longer so he grabbed the fabric covering the woman's face. Shi Mei's face turned sideways because of the sudden move of the man.

She looked at the man slowly while Xu Huan stared at her with his dark eyes. It was a minute of silence, the fabric fell on the ground as a small breeze passed on the area carrying petals of peach blossom flowers.

The three men could feel a strange silence and the unbeatable atmosphere between their leader and the lady.

"Keep her."

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