"What did you do to me?"Xue Huan's jaw tightened as his eyes flared in anger. Shi Mei looked straightly at Xue Huan.

"Don't tell me you're blaming me about your condition-"


Shi Mei was enraged by the accusation of Xue Huan and even his monotonous voice as if he was insulting her.

"You know what, you're despicable. Sorry to disappoint you but I don't even consider you as a stranger, why should I waste my time to someone like you."

"Why not, after all you're only a puppet, assassinating people."Shi Mei pressed her lips together, she could not deny that she's already fuming to the point that she's breathing heavily.

But Shi Mei calmed herself, she must not be affected by Xue Huan's words. What she hated the most was seeing herself like a pitiful person. And she had seen different people who always smearing her but she never let herself dragged into a mud.

"Just who do you think you are?Do you treat yourself so special that everyone would squander their time for you."Shi Mei smirked mockingly.

Wen Zexi was about to interrupt the two but Gong Yan stopped him and motioned him not to meddle. While Chen Wei nervously looked at Xue Huan.

"Why? Is it because you're a master of not more than ten people? a prince?Don't delude yourself, you don't own the world. You're a mere prince living in a secluded area-"Xue Huan let out a spine-chilling laugh estranging the people around him. He stepped back as he released Shi Mei's hand. Then he nodded as he laughed even more but stopped abruptly.

"It's been a long time since I heard such disparaging remarks towards me. I find it refreshing."

"Crazy."Shi Mei blurted out.

"But what can you do? You'll be stuck at me." Xue Huan gave a satisfying look to Shi Mei.

"Keep an eye on this woman. She must not leave my residence without my permission."

"No Way!Are you deaf?I told you, I don't have anything to do with you?!"Shi Mei yelled but Xue Huan started to walk away. She saved him for goodness sake yet she's an assassin in his eyes.

"Oh man, we're doom. They are both weird."Chen Wei commented as he watched Xue Huan and Shi Mei arising another quarrel.

"Let's get used to it. There'll be no peaceful days anymore." Wen Zexi added while Gong Yan closed his eyes then sighed.


Shi Mei paced back and forth, how could she know what she needed to do if she's confined in the residence. She believed that if she was able to transport in this dimension then she could also find a way to go back in her world.

"I need to recall what happened before I ended up here."she murmured as she thought the day of her shooting. There's nothing unusual to her that day, it only started when she heard someone whispering to her.

"Whisper."Shi Mei snapped her finger.

"What was it again?"she said, trying to remember the words she heard. She regretted that she didn't pay attention, but she must remember it or else she would live forever in this strange place.

Shi Mei sat before the table, closed her eyes tightly and organized her thought.

[ The voice was from a woman. She warned me not to fall in love again with a certain man? But who exactly that man? She even told me to run away. What was her message to me?]

Shi Mei let out a deep sigh, she could not find any clue from it.

At the same time, she heard a ruckus from the kitchen. She got up and walked straightly at the kitchen. She saw the little boy, putting breads inside a woven basket.

"Hey kid-"the little boy jolted up as he turned his face.

"Can't you work silently-"Shi Mei sensed that the little boy was nervous. She dropped her eyes at the basket.

"Kid, it's not appropriate to get something without permission."She shifted to the little boy.

"I wasn't stealing."

"I didn't say that you're stealing breads from your master's kitchen. I only want you to understand that you must ask permission."the little boy lowered down his head. Shi Mei felt guilty for a moment. She was about to approach the little boy when she heard a loud voice.

"Xue Huan. I will not leave unless you follow my command."

"Crown Prince!"Shi Mei could hear the clamoring of the servants. She came out of the kitchen and peeped at the corner.

She saw a man surrounded by the servants, even Xue Huan but his back was only visible to her. She shrugged then she went back at the kitchen but she didn't found the little boy inside anymore.

So she came out again but realization struck her. She thought that no one was watching her, this would be her best time to sneak out from the residence. She peeped once more, Wen Zexi was also in the area now and he whispered something to Xue Huan.

"What are you doing there?"Shi Mei bit her lips as she turned to Chen Wei.

"Oh?I was only looking at the visitor, I heard he's the crown prince."Chen Wei immediately peeped also at the corner.

"Indeed, the crown prince from the Kingdom of Dragon. Xue Huan will be moody again for the succeeding days. So don't provoke him or else he might end your life."Shi Mei only arched her brows.

"Chen Wei, we need to go to the forest."Shi Mei and Chen Wei both looked at their back. Gong Yan was holding his sword, expressionless.

"Why?" Chen Wei asked, but Gong Yan only looked at him. Shi Mei couldn't discern the message hid in the eyes of Gong Yan.

"Just wait for Xue Huan."Chen Wei instructed to Shi Mei before he left together with Gong Yan. Shi Mei nodded though she's determined now to escape.

After Gong Yan ang Chen Wei left, Shi Mei proceeded to her plan. She walked quietly yet quick away from the residence.

She knew she had nowhere to go nor a people she could ask for help. But for now, she must escaped from Xue Huan. She thought that her life would be even more dangerous if she would choose to live in the residence.

After ten minutes of walking in the secluded area, at last, Shi Mei saw houses and stores. She gathered her courage and took a step. She roamed around the place and she thought that it was a typical neighborhood. She inspected the people who were also wearing traditional clothes and glanced at the stalls covered with different goods.

[ I don't understand, why do I need to be pulled from my world and ended up here?Of all people, why should be me?]

"Hey!These breads are for my friends!"Shi Mei came back at her senses when she recognized the voice. She walked towards the corner and she found the little boy, clutching the basket in his arms while struggling from the drunken men.

Oh well, she left the residence already so she had nothing to do with the kid anymore. She chose to turn her back but she halted immediately.

For crying out loud!what changed her mind!

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