The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 285: Village of angel

Torak's eyes became gentle the moment Raine's sleeping face fell in his line of sight. "Hm, I will bring her along."

"Wouldn't that be very dangerous for her? We will meet other creatures that were, literally, blood thirsty." Calleb frowned, concern was written all over his face.

"Then make sure everything is fine for tomorrow's meeting." Torak said curtly and closed the door right in Calleb's face, leaving the Gamma dumbfounded behind the closed door.

'Ugh! Torak unreasonableness increasing day by day…' he grumbled inwardly.

Inside the room, after having a short conversation with Calleb, Torak strode toward the bed and stroked Raine's head gently.

Actually, he was very reluctant to bring Raine along with him.

It was a vampire that he was going to meet after all, their behavior could be unpredictable and just like what Calleb had said, it would be dangerous for her as even a drop of blood from her would drive those creatures crazy.

But, he had promised her to not hide anything from her and Raine was so adamant to do everything together, including this meeting.

From a different perspective, this was a good thing because one day she would become the Luna of the pack, Torak could count this as training.

But, on the other side, he was very worried about the possible dangers that she would be exposed to.

Torak knew he could protect her if something unpredictable happened, but it was against his overprotective nature.

Raine was breathing evenly with her lips slightly ajar. The mark on her neck had started to form into something beautiful which she always called as a tattoo.

Torak loved it when he watched how his mate's eyes sparkled whenever she thought or caught sight of the mark. This made him proud for reasons he didn't understand completely.

Torak lightly traced his finger on the surface of his mark on her neck and this made Raine shudder a little.

"My lovely mate…" Torak whispered as a smile formed on his lips.


"Wake up…"

Raine's favorite voice sounded from afar with the spark that spread on her cheek by the touch of his finger.

"Wake up or you will be late for breakfast."

Raine grumbled something incoherent as she pulled the blanket to cover her face, but Torak snatched it away.

"You have slept for almost twelve hours for now…" Torak chuckled when Raine snuggled against his chest. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, just like an octopus.

"I am sleepy…" Raine mumbled with a frown etched on her face. She was feeling tired very easily recently, probably that was a side effect of whatever had happened and the mark.

"But you have to wake up now because we have to go to the border line to meet my old friend." Despite Torak telling her to wake up, he was caressing Raine's soft hair, prompting the latter to continue her sleep again.

"Who is your old friend…?" Raine let out a stifled yawn.

"Dmitri, a Vampire." Torak replied.

"A vampire?" Raine lifted her head, peering through her eyelashes.

"Hm." Torak nodded.

"Don't vampires bite people?" Raine frowned with her lips pursed.

"So do I." Torak glanced at the mark on her neck and that made Raine hid her face against his chest again.

"I don't mind if it's you…" Raine replied meekly.

Torak was laughing upon hearing his mate's words. Oh, how easy to be happy whenever he had his mate in his arms.

The Alpha's smile was more radiant than the sun out there when he tousled Raine's hair and rested his chin on top of her head. "They do bite people, but I will slit their throat before they could touch a single hair of my mate."


After a few more minutes of cuddling, Raine finally got up from bed and took a quick bath before she followed Torak down to the restaurant at the ninth floor.

The sunlight fell on Raine's eyes the moment she stepped out from the elevator. The restaurant was an open area where every table had a big umbrella on the top of it.

Torak held Raine's hand as he led her to one of the tables near the steel railings at the furthest part of this restaurant which was comparably less crowded.

Like the gentleman he was, Torak pulled a seat for her and let her sit down before he pushed it forward, making sure Raine was comfortable.

After they made an order, it didn't take very long for their food to be served. They ate their breakfast while teasing each other.

Today started with a good vibe and Torak hoped it would last until they met up with Dmitri.

It had been very long since the last time he saw him before they created their own individual territories in the north.

After they finished their breakfast, both of them entered the elevator, which brought them to the lobby, where their car had been waiting for them with Calleb already sitting inside.

"Good morning Calleb!" Raine greeted him brightly.

"Hi, morning… morning…" Calleb replied carelessly as he arranged the rearview mirror. "Morning Torak."


Calleb and Raphael had developed a habit to call Torak by his name in informal occasions like this or in calm situations and Torak didn't mind it.

Both of them were the most closest people for him.

The drive to Torak's territory border took about four and half hours and by the time they arrived there, the sun was already high in the horizon.

Raine thought the so called border of territory was deep in theforest,surrounded with lushful trees that canopied the sky, but Raine would have never thought that it was actually in a beautiful village.

The car stopped at the side of a river.

"The other side of this river is the vampire's territory." Torak leaned in as he informed Raine. He wanted her to learn everything that she needed in order to be the Luna of the pack.

Raine nodded her head. "This place is beautiful. What's the name of this place?"

"This is the village of angels." Torak replied.

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