The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 669: She needs to up her game

Torak?—he thought. Lyrus frowned, but then immediately understood Jedrek's order. "Do you want me to find out what is happening to Torak?"

"Yes," Jedrek looked away, shifting his gaze to the library's door. In his low voice he said again, "Bring some people with you, and tell him that I'll be willing to extend my help if ever he couldn't handle whatever it is his situation now."

Lyrus was still confused, wondering why Jedrek put his interest on Torak now. Because, all this time, Jedrek had never put his finger on Torak's problems, no matter what kind of news he heard about his first brother in the past.

It was mostly because Torak would never appreciate Jedrek's interference. But it might also be because Jedrek and Torak hadn't been on good terms with each other. It all started a long time ago, when Torak came to a decision of creating his own pack. That decision was opposed by Jedrek, because it bothered him. So then, they never talked to each other ever since.

"Will do, Your Majesty." Lyrus excused himself, realizing that there was nothing else Jedrek wanted to say.

Once Lyrus left, Jedrek would be all alone again. The idea of being alone again, didn't bother the Alpha king at all. He was used to it. In fact, now, he wanted to see someone at this time. It had been a while since the last time he visited her. Being away from that girl, would only make the beast within him restless in his head.

Although nothing good ever happened every time he came around to visit her, but, at the very least, it could calm his own beast. It only took one look at her angry face, the anxious beast in him suddenly tamed.


"YOU, PIECE OF SHIT!" Lilac threw a pillow at Jedrek. But, the lycan just dodged it away effortlessly. He didn't even have to look at the incoming pillow attack.

"I see your vocabulary has increased," said Jedrek, remarking. He took a sip of his tea, and sat leisurely on the same chair, the same spot where he always sat every time he visited Lilac. 

"Let me out of here!" At that point, Lilac was beyond frustrated. She didn't know how long she had been trapped in that grand chamber. Everything seemed fuzzy in her mind, and it confused her terribly. On top of that, the oddity didn't stop there. The strangest thing about being trapped inside that place, was that she couldn't use her power at all, even though her arm had been healed.

"As you can see, the door is over there." Jedrek looked towards the door. He leaned his back against the backrest of the sofa that he sat on, staring at Lilac's angry face.

Her hair had grown longer, it reached her hips. He could only see those soft looking hair from afar. The way the sunlight touched her hair, only made him fantasize the feel of her hair. He wished he could run his own fingers through her silky hair. But, to experience that could only happen in his imagination, he was pretty sure that Lilac would punch him before he could come closer.

"The door is locked!" Lilac threw her body to the bed, thinking that the mattress' delicacy would take away her anger, or might help her ease the stuffy, and depressing feeling. She sighed in frustration. "Do you think I would be here if I can open it myself?! Oh I don't think so."

"The door is made of wood. You can open it with your power. I remember that you're good at it." A smirk beamed on his face. Realizing that what he said would make Lilac become even more furious. How he enjoyed the sight of her getting annoyed. Pushed the wrong button, and Lilac would turn as red as an apple in an instant.

"You put something inside my food! That's why I can't use my power, right?" said Lilac, going back to her accusation. The only thing that made sense in her head, her power was being manipulated through her food.

"You are free to not eat the food," Jedrek said confidently.

"Do you really think I never tried that?!" In fact, Lilac had starved herself, refusing to eat anything that appeared all of a sudden on the table every time she felt hungry. But, ignoring the food would lead her to nothing more than an unpleasant feeling. Discomfort. She didn't even feel weak from not eating.

Lilac got up, and sat down on her bed. She looked at Jedrek, throwing the Alpha king a dangerous growl. If only she was a lycan, or any other shifter, she would've shifted into her beast form. She would've attacked Jedrek out of her overflowing anger. Unfortunately, she was not. And in her current state, she was as normal as any other human being, powerless without her magic.

"I know you have tried," Jedrek agreed, and his response would only annoy Lilac even further.

"If you don't have anything to do here, except irritate me, you better leave!" Lilac shouted at him. No matter what kind of bad, and sarcastic words that she used on him, she had never succeeded to get on his nerves. All of the efforts that she had done, the anger, the overwhelming emotion that she experienced, were all useless. They didn't help her get to her intention. She was exhausted.

To her surprise, Jedrek's calmness was something that she couldn't understand. It made her wonder what could make him flinch, and crack his calmness. 

"Sure, I was about to leave anyway," said the Alpha king impassively. Then, he stood up from his seat. He walked towards the door, granting Lilac's wish to be left alone there.

"I don't see the reason why you keep on visiting me here from time to time. I don't get it, why? What kind of benefit do you get from keeping me here? Why don't you just kill me, or leave me alone, since none of us seem to want to be with each other." said Lilac through her gritted teeth.

"I really want to do that." Jedrek turned round to face his mate. "But, as you can see here, the moon goddess had interfered all the way, and took away my freedom of killing you. So, I do this for that sake. The beast in me has been dying to see you, and this annoyed me too."

There was a brief moment of silence that fell between the two creatures, after Jedrek said what he had said. Not so long after that, Lilac walked over, approaching the Alpha king. She stood there, so close to him. "So, it's because the beast, huh?" said Lilac, staring at him. Unlike her previous angry expression, now her face was completely unreadable. He couldn't decode it.

"What is it? Do you wish it was me, the one who wants to see you?" Jedrek tilted his head, and smiled at her teasingly. However, instead of answering his question, Lilac did the unexpected. She threw her arms around Jedrek's neck, burying her face on the crook of his shoulder. Irresistible sparks erupted the moment their skin touched.

It had been a long time, since the last time they touched. Lilac's bold move caught the both of them off-guard, even though it was just for a few seconds before Jedrek got his bearings, and came back to his senses. "What are you doing?" his husky voice was so deep. He didn't hug Lilac back, but he didn't push her away either.

"I want to get out of here," Lilac whined in Jedrek's ear. Her warm breath on his neck sent shivers down his spine. 

Lilac had to step up her game.

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