The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 672: I can and i will

Vines and roots suddenly emerged from the ground. They were just like huge giant snakes that seemingly had their own mind, they slid and moved with such surprising speed. They were unstoppable. Eaton was completely knocked down on the floor by the sudden attack. He didn't have time to grasp the whole thing, or even to react.

He had heard what Lilac was capable of, but never had he imagined to experience such power against him in real life. On top of that, she was not supposed to be awake, under any circumstances. She was supposed to not be able to gain her consciousness on her own. Unless, something happened to Killian, the mind reader.

The delicate looking girl before his eyes was actually threatening as she held such unusual power. Thus, she was more likely capable of crushing his life with her own hands. It was not the right time for Eaton to wonder about the cause of her awakening, because now, his own life was in danger.

In just a second, Eaton was bound to the wall behind him, wrapped tightly with roots, and tangling vines. He couldn't move even an inch of his fingers, his mouth was sealed shut by some roots. He could feel the bitter taste of dirt, and soil in his mouth. It was only his eyes that were spared open to see the sight of her.

She got out of bed, throwing away the blanket that was all over her. She flicked her long black hair. They were tumbling all the way down off her shoulder. Barefoot, she walked towards him gracefully. She looked confused, but also alert when she observed her surroundings. The way she acted was understandable. Eaton somehow knew that the girl only wanted to be safe from the alleged enemy—him.

Lilac's conscious state looked very much different, compared to when she was unconscious. The word 'angel' suite her best when she was defenseless, under the illusion. Only then, she looked so delicate, and charming. However, the conscious Lilac was not someone who could be trifled with. She was fierce, and threatening.

"Where am I?" After looking at her surroundings, she still couldn't recognize her whereabouts. Thus, she decided to ask the question to the only living soul in the room. She waved her hand, and got rid of the vines that were covering his mouth to make him speak.

"You are in a safe place," said Eaton, while trying to catch his breath. With the lethal power that she possessed, she was so frightening.

Lilac stared at him impassively. "No, I will be the one who decides, whether I am safe, or not." She remembered being inside the grand chamber where she had been living for so long, she wasn't sure how long she had been living in that place. It felt like months. She had been trapped there without her power. Now, she felt her power back, she was invincible. She tried to push open the door, and succeeded.

However, instead of being in the hallway, or somewhere, she returned to this strange room. She didn't recognize this room, she had never been here before. On top of that, there was a strange man inside the room. She had never seen him before either. All of this was confusing for Lilac to understand, her head was spinning.

"Who are you?" Lilac took other cautious steps, while tightening the roots around Eaton's body. It made the lycan groan in pain.

"Eaton," said Eaton through his gritted teeth.

"And who are you, Eaton?" Lilac took her time to interrogate him. She might look patient, but she would go far to an extent of ending his life, if ever Eaton tried to do something funny.

"I am His Majesty the lycan king's trusted confidant," Eaton answered with his raspy voice.

Lilac narrowed her eyes. "I don't like the king," she said rigidly. "Or his people."

"Lilac… stop this." Eaton was gagged with the tension that was put by the roots around his neck. It was mercilessly tight. He could feel that it could be the end of him. "You misunderstood him. Jedrek is only trying to keep you safe."

"Jedrek? Keeping me safe?�� Lilac sneered at his answer, her black eyes hardened. "The last thing I remember, he had me imprisoned for so long, I don't even know how long it was. And he killed Tordoff for saving me from the dungeon." She felt sorry for Tordoff. His death was her fault. Every time a thought of Tordoff came to her mind, she could only feel bitterness, and grief.

"There are a lot of things that you don't understand about him." Eaton struggled to catch his breath, if this kept on going, he would be dead in a matter of minutes. He realized that Lilac, not only powerful, but she also had a decent knowledge of shifters. It was shown with the way she handled him in his current position. His muscles were held intentionally tight, preventing him from shifting.

"Unfortunately, I am not in the mood to understand him." Lilac had enough. She had given Jedrek time, and chances. But the way he behaved proved to her of how he didn't deserve it. She was done giving chances to him.

"Didn't you come with a mission from the Moon Goddess? You can't just walk away, and shrug off your responsibilities, right?" said Eaton, trying to get into her head, and make her think twice of her deadly intention. He could feel that out of her hatred towards Jedrek, the girl was more than capable of squeezing the life out of him. 

"I can, and I will." She was fed up with all the things that Jedrek had done to her. She didn't want to deal with the lycan king anymore. Because, the first thing she would do, once she met him was to make him pay for every ruthless thing that he had done. Especially, now, when she finally got her power back.

"Lilac… you will kill me if you… don't… please, put away these things…" Eaton's breathing became uneven. But, Lilac didn't budge. The girl didn't care anymore, and Eaton had to do something to make her relent. "What had happened to you wasn't real… they were only an illusion… Jedrek didn't mean to harm you…"


Jedrek kneaded his forehead. The sound of Janu's voice echoed inside his head, roaring uncontrollably. Though, he had cut the mind-link between them. The fallen Alpha king had been furious, and enraged to the point where Jedrek had to tell the special servant to stop coming, and taking care of Diana.

[Your Majesty,] said the girl who stood before Jedrek with her head hung low. [I am worried about Luna Diana… is it okay if I stop visiting her? It had been a long time.]

The special servant indeed couldn't speak, or hear. But, she was still a werewolf. They had another way to communicate with each other.

"You don't have to worry about it." After saying that, Jedrek dismissed her.

However, his eyes turned sharp the second he felt there was something wrong. Jedrek felt unusually anxious. It was a familiar feeling. This could only be one thing, and it had something to do with the mate-bond.

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