The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 687: I want to go there

"What happened to you?" Jedrek came into Killian's room. He had been wanting to visit Killian, the mind reader, ever since Tordoff picked him up from the other realm. 

His last encounter with Kace seemed to have drained his energy that the mind reader found it extremely difficult to move now. Killian was barely alive when Kace left him alone. Though Jedrek's younger brother didn't finish him off to death, it was still hard for him to recover from the attack. It was due to his being a non-shape shifter. If only he were one, the healing ability trait in a shifter would help him recover faster. 

"Kace found out that it was me who followed him. Somehow he knew that I am a mind reader. So, he avoided thinking about his mate. And not only that, he also didn't come near her even once," Killian answered his King, who was sitting on the edge of his bed. The bandages were now removed from his healing wounds. And around his chest were left some ugly scars. 

��He found out that you are a mind reader?" Jedrek raised his brows questioningly. 

"Somehow he knows," Killian replied. 

Jedrek leaned his body against the table. He dived in his thoughts, thinking hard all the things regarding this matter. Apparently he had someone in mind. In fact he had been suspicious of this person for quite long. It wasn't hard to point out who was the suspect. 

"Stay here. Eaton's room will be next to yours." Jedrek had another problem to be handled, thus he needed to gather all of his generals. 

"Why would his room have to be next to mine? Do you know who told Kace about me?" Killian protested under his breath. If only his power was entirely recovered, he would like to read what was inside the King's mind. It must've been a little bit messy in there… "Your Majesty?"

"I have my own suspect in mind," said Jedrek. He didn't bother to elaborate further about this, and instead he walked out of the room. Right before he stepped out of the room, he added, "Ah! The reasons why his room is next to yours is because all the other rooms have been occupied."

And then the door was shut upon the king's departure. 

"Hmm, what a terrible liar," Killian grumbled as he laid on his bed. "How come have all the other rooms been occupied? It's a big castle after all, with approximately four hundred rooms in this castle! What a ridiculous lie."


Jedrek stopped in the hallway. His attention was captivated by the beautiful sky. The pale crescent moon was shining like a silver claw stabbing the night sky. With the stars as its blanket that stretched to infinity, the night sky was a complete sublime. And for the first time in his life, he found himself enjoying the sight of the serene night.

He was captivated by the moonlight that was shining in the small garden in front of him. However, his moment of serenity didn't last for a long time. There was one significant thing that irresistibly pulled his attention, and shook him off back to his senses.

It was the sweet scent of lilac… a scent of one particular person. Jedrek knew she was coming to his way even before he could spot the sight of her figure. But then he frowned upon the other scent that came along with her. His beast growled in displeasure. 

He could hear the sound of her laughing upon something that the other man was saying, and it just made the beast within him growling even worse.

Jedrek stood there still, letting Lilac and Tordoff bring themselves upon his presence. Their laughter died down once the both of them noticed the sight of the lycan king. Lilac even frowned, and looked elsewhere. 

"Your Majesty," Tordoff greeted Jedrek, and lowered his head. 

"Tordoff," Jedrek mentioned his name with hostility. "I am sure all the generals have all gathered inside the meeting room, now." said Jedrek with a precise tone in his voice, emphasizing each of his words that clearly had a deeper message behind it.

"I'm on my way there, Your Majesty," said Tordoff, before he nodded to Lilac. He had no choice but to walk ahead, and nor had he the reason to stay. 

Lilac nodded back at him politely. Then she turned around, and was about to walk down the path that she just took earlier.

"I thought you were going this way." Those words left Jedrek's lips even before he realized what he was saying.

Lilac stopped, and stared at him. "Well, I was. But, because you seem to be going that way, I won't be taking the same direction as you, and go that way. With that being said, I refuse to cross paths with you."

Lilac's voice echoed in the empty hallway, but all Jedrek could hear was her strong rejection. 

"Walk with me," he said curtly, leaving no room for any possible protest from the guardian angel. 


"Can we go to the village?" Hope asked all of a sudden. They were sitting on the velvety grass, under the crescent moon. Tomorrow they would set off, to go back to the cave where those poor souls, and the priestess rested. 

"Which village?" Kace asked, his eyes fixed on the strands of Bree's hair between his fingers. The little girl was sleeping on his lap. She seemed exhausted after playing with her little cat. 

"The village where the priestess lived before," Hope said in a low voice. She knew that it absolutely sounded like a weird idea, but somehow this strange urge to visit that place emerged inside her. She didn't know why she had this feeling.

Kace raised his head, and furrowed his brows. "Why?" He was indeed confused upon the sudden request from his mate.

On the other hand, his demand of explanation was the one thing that Hope couldn't give either. "I don't know…" Hope lowered her head. "I just want to visit that village." 

Hope watched the flickering fireflies around her feet. She was wondering, and so confused about how could she be the only one who could see it? Apparently Kace couldn't see these little beings either, just like how no one could see the spirit of the priestess that day. 

Maybe what Ethan said was right after all. That those flickering small creatures were indeed the spirit. The spirit of the dead.

"I don't think we'll be going there Hope…" Kace stretched out his arm, and pushed her head gently, so that she could rest on his shoulder. 

Hope poked Bree's soft cheeks, as she was deep in her thoughts. 

She wanted to go to the village, she needed to go there.

"I want to go there." she said softly.


"Are you saying something?" Raine tilted her head towards Torak. She stared at him with her big eyes while munching on her dinner, a roasted sausage.

"Hm?" Torak looked at Raine, and shook his head. "No, I didn't say anything." 

"Really?" Raine frowned. 

"What is it?" Torak leaned over, concerned about the sound that Raine just heard. 

But then, Raine shook her head. She took another bite, and contemplated. "Could it be possible that I heard what you were thinking just now through the mind-link?" she said with uncertainty. 

"What did you hear?" Torak asked. 

"I don't know… it was like a whisper…" Raine frowned.

"And what did this whisper say?" Torak pressed on this issue. They were now in a foreign land where something strange could happen at any time. He didn't want Raine to get involved in something bad. 

"I want to go there," said Raine, repeating the mysterious voice that she heard. 

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