The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 748: Why did you comeback?

"What do you want?" Serefina asked. She totally forgot about the fact that her magic wouldn't work on any Donovan.

Seeing Jedrek inside her room and check on her were the last things that she thought would happen today.

The thought that he still cared for her, warmed the witch's cold heart. However, Serefina reprimanded herself not to let her hopes to rise too high.

"I think this is the right time for us to have a proper conversation," Jedrek said with a face that was devoid of any emotion. He took a seat on a chair near the window, which showed the beautiful scenery of the backyard of the castle, where a small river streamed into the forest.

Jedrek nodded his head to the seat in front of him, as a gesture for Serefina to take a seat there, since the witch didn't even shown any intention to move an inch from where she was standing now.

"You entered my room without permission." Serefina criticized him.

"This castle and everything inside are mine, including this room." Jedrek poured two drinks for him and Serefina. "Sit down and we will talk."

"So, are you done pretending that I am not here?" Serefina took the glass, but didn't sit down on the chair where Jedrek had pointed, instead, she stood beside the window, leaning her back against the wall.

Jedrek was very familiar with Serefina's temper. She would make everything difficult to people whenever she was not in a good mood, and now it was apparent that she wasn't.

"I was not pretending that you are not here, I just ignored you." Jedrek corrected her and this answer was rewarded with a disdainful scoff from Serefina.

"I don't see any difference," she said in a harsh tone.

Jedrek had his own considerations. At first, he didn't want to have any conversation with Serefina, even a small talk such as a greeting, yet, doing that didn't put him at ease at all.

That was why he was here, he wanted to clarify the air between them.

"What do you want to talk about?" it was a rhetorical question, which she didn't need to ask to find the answer. She was well aware about what Jedrek was going to ask her ever since she left the realm.

Serefina always thought about the question that Jedrek would pose her the moment they met, but she still couldn't find the proper answer for that, even after such a long time.

"You know what I am going to ask," Jedrek spoke grimly, despite a small smirk at the corner of his lips.

Serefina laughed dryly. "I can't read your mind like Killian could," she said mockingly.

"He can never read my mind," Jedrek scoffed. He had never thought there would come a day where he could talk to Serefina again. However, the misunderstanding between them had drawn them apart.

"Neither do I." Serefina felt stupid to beat around the bush when she talked to Jedrek now.

Jedrek clenched his jaw tightly before he spoke stiffly. "Where have you been? Why did you leave the realm? Why did you cast away what we had? Why had you never come to me even once? Were the rumors true about you and Kace?" He listed all of the questions in his mind, but the most important question was; "Why did you come back?"

The last question stabbed Serefina right in her heart. She could feel the hatred that leaked from every word that came out of his lips.

Jedrek's last question was akin to him saying that he didn't want to see her again, and as much as she had expected it, the words still pained her nonetheless.

"Wow!" Serefina raised her eyebrows dramatically. "There are so many questions…" she chuckled.

"I have plenty of time to hear every detail of your answers." Jedrek made himself comfortable on the plush chair, waiting for Serefina to start talking, tell him a bunch of lies…

They both knew the other person very well, to the point they could tell when one of them was lying.

It was a comforting fact in the past, but not now, it made them feel vulnerable and too open for the pain that they would face.

Serefina stretched out her hand and wiggled the empty glass in front of Jedrek. "Maybe if I get a little bit tipsy, I can answer all of your questions." She missed teasing him like this.

In the past, Jedrek would smirk and offer the bottle to her, but at this moment, he poured the drink to her glass without any visible emotion on his stoic face. He treated her too formal for Serefina's liking.

"Talk now." Jedrek put down the bottle and met her gaze.

Serefina gulped down the liquid and it felt bitter on her taste buds. "Where have I been? I have been in a village near northern coven realm, a village named mystic river." She offered her empty glass again and Jedrek filled it. "And why I left the realm? Because I have my own reasons."

"That is not the answer."

"I never promised that I will answer all of your questions directly." Serefina countered. "Your majesty." She added in a mocking tone. "Why I left you? I have my own reasons. Why I had never come back? I have my own reasons."

"So, there is no need for me to sit here and listen all this from you." Jedrek thought she would tell a lie. But, as it turned out she dodged all of his questions.

Jedrek was about to stand up when he heard Serefina spoke again.

"You are a fool if you think that I was with Kace, he is less attractive than you," Serefina said softly. For a moment, she talked to him the way she always teased him when they were still together. It was funny at that time, but not now, because Jedrek's facial expression barely changed.

"But, you stayed with him all those decades, right?" Jedrek didn't miss how Serefina's breath became shallow when she admitted it. "So, why did you come back now?"

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