Mona's Pov:

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door...

I Immediately wiped my tears and went to the door to open it, and I am sure it must be the management and they will request me to get on the stage again to dance but I am not in a mood to dance any more for this day and it's ok if they did not give me any payment for today...

My thoughts are distracted again with the door knocking sound and I opened the door immediately and it's not the management it's my friend, I immediately hugged her the moment I looked at her and started crying...

"Hey, Mona, it's okay...

Don't worry he left the pub, and he will never again come to you, ok?

(I nodded my head as ok and loosen my hug and wipe my tears…)

Mona: I don't do this job anymore...

I will go to the job as a waitress at a cafeteria or at the hotels or I will find another job,..

But I can't do the job in this pub…

(I said with my cry tone,.)

Friend: See Mona, we are working in the pub and these kinds of things are very common here...

I don't mean you to adjust to this culture but I am saying that it's common here and I don't force you to continue this job but your job is more secure than mine and I will speak to the management about security...

Is that ok?

(I am confused, I don't know what to do and I don't know what to say to her, how can she understand my pain?

Deep down in my heart, I can still feel the pain for his actions, he hurts my feelings by giving tip to me, and he hurts my feeling by placing the tip near to my chest.

Did he look at me just because I am a bar dancing girl?

Maybe yes, he looked at me like a bar girl and he looked at me with his other lewd intentions and yes, that's the reason he is staring at me and admired by looking at my body, but me, here, I thought it may be love at first sight, but he, if I accepted the tip he will definitely lead me to the bed to satisfy his intentions.

Tears started rolling down from my eyes and I realised that I got a good lesson when he gave me a tip, and yes, I deserve it…

And I deserve no true love in my life...

Friend: Mona, please stay calm…

I observed when you were looking for the security guards, even I looked for the security guards and I did not find anyone when he was coming close to you.I think the security guards are on a break...

You have a right to ask management about the security and they promise about it when you are joining the job, so we will go and ask them about the security guards absence and if it repeats further, you can quit the job.


(I nodded my head as ok and still looking into my fingers and thinking about that blue eyes guy.)

Friend: So we can speak to the management about the security guards and the decision is up to you...

(I nodded my head as ok but still confused whether to continue the Job or not, because I luckily escaped today but what if I failed to escape?

He will definitely force me to the bed…


The thought itself makes me worried…

Meanwhile, someone entered our room, I looked at that person and it was my dance partner. She came close to me with a smile on her face and gave me a little pouch, I can understand it contains money...

I looked at her with my confused face, and she again smiled and continued introducing herself to me.)

"Hi, this is Lilly…"

Mona: Hi, Lilly, I am Mona, glad to meet you...

(She patted my head very caressingly and sat next to me.)

Lilly: So, is this the first day for you for these kinds of jobs?

(I nodded my head as yes and was busy looking into my fingers and trying to bury the thoughts of that blue eyes guy.)

Lilly: You will get habituated to it, don't worry…

(She said with her husky tone and looked at me with her teasing narrowed eyes.)

Mona: No, no…

I am not that kind of person. I will resign from this job if the management did not arrange any security guards. I will look after another job and do overtime to earn more for my education…

(I said with my hurried nervous tone.)

Lilly: Hey, it's okay, and I am sorry, I thought you are a kind of bitch like I am...

(I am shocked and opened my eyes wider after listening to her bold statement, and still staring at her with my widened eyes.)

(Hello readers,

If you want to help Mona to earn more tips in her part-time job, you need to donate the power stones which will give more energy to dance and help her to earn more tips. The more power stones, the more smile on Mona's face.

Thank you.)

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