Mona's Pov:

Tom: I can understand your problems and I can understand you are forced to do a part-time job in the pub, I don't want to know what are the reasons but I understand it's very important for you I am sorry if I hurt you in any way...

Mona: It's okay, I just want to maintain secrecy about my personal things that's it...

(I said and acting normally but inside of my heart, I am flying high for his sorry. I don't know why I feel so happy, he again caught my attention and making me to attract for him more.)

Tom: OK, fine now tell me how do you feel now?

(I nodded my head as ok.)

Mona: I am fine now...

Tom: Are you sure?

Mona: Yes, why? what happened?

Why are you asking me repeatedly whether I am ok or not?

(I asked him to know about his feelings for me because I want to know whether he feel the same way that I feel or not.)

Tom: I just want to make sure whether you are ok after the rough night.

Mona: Rough night?

Tom: Yes baby, we did so hard and rough for many sessions so I want to know whether you are ok or not, that's it...

(I immediately looked at him with my widened shocking eyes and at the same time, I am pretending to look at him with my serious face. I understand that he again started teasing me and I have a glass of water in my hand and if he spells one more word again I will definitely throw the water on his face to stop his teasing.)

Tom: Stay calm, I just want to make sure whether you are ok or not, that's it, don't you really remember anything that happened between us last night?

(I strike my head as no and looking at him with my confused face because by looking at his face I can understand he is not joking and he is asking me very sincerely. So does it mean we did some intense sessions last night?


Shall I believe his fake story or Is it true?)

Tom: Don't you remember how seductively you behaved with me after Lilly left us alone in this room last night?

(I strike my head as no but this time I am totally confused and yes, he might be saying the truth, and Lilly too said that she left us alone and she also said I behaved cutely when I am semi-consciousness, does it mean whatever he said till now is the truth?

My heart started rising fast and my mind is filled with many questions?)

Tom: Okay, you are the medical student and I no need to say clearly of what to do...

Mona: What do you mean?

(I asked him with my nervous tone, he bent close to me and looking at me with his smirk smiling face and telling me secretly.)

Tom: About the pregnancy pill, I mean there are some pills which have to be taken by the girls after the intense session to not get pregnant, so better take those pills to not get conceive at this early age.


(I nodded my head as ok...



Is he talking about contraception Pills?

Does it mean he is asking me about the pregnancy?

He again started laughing at me in a teasing way


I understand he again started teasing me and the story he said till now is the fake story.

Come on Mona, stay strong, you know that there is no kind of intense session that has happened between both of you. He is just enjoying teasing you, so don't fall into his trap and stay strong.

I said to myself and looking at him very confidently.)

Mona: Will you please stop talking nonsense, I have no mood to entertain you.

(I said with my serious tone and having some water by pretending casually but my heart is still rising fast.)

Tom: Well, at least do you remember I like the mole on your left chest near to your heart?

(I immediately spilt out the water out of shock and looking at him with my shocking face and he is still staring at me with his smirk smiling face.


What he just said?

Did he just talk about my mole on my private part?

How can he tell the exact place of my mole?

Nobody knows about my mole, then how does he know the exact place of my mole near to my chest?

Did he say that he like the mole on my chest?

Does it mean he looked at my chest?

I am shocked and my mind is blank...

Does it mean what he is said till now is true?

Did we really participated in the intense session?

Many questions filled in my mind, and I have no idea what to say and what to do now.

He immediately started laughing happily by looking at my face. I don't know from where his happiness is coming from, why he feels happy when he is looking at my sad worrying face?)

Mona: Why are you laughing? 

Tom: because I am happy...

(By finishing his words he came close to me, and wrapped his hand around my shoulder and pulled me close to him.)

Mona: Hey...

Tom: Shhhhhh...

(He said and looking into my eyes so closely and I am looking into his deep blue eyes, I forgot about the topic we are discussing and staring into his eyes, I don't know why I feel so happy when I am staring into his eyes.

(Hello readers,

If you want to blow a love portion between Mona and Tom, you need to donate the power stones which will give strength to their love. The more power stones, the more smile on Mona's face.

Thank you so much for your love and support, please review my book and bless me with the gifts...)

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