Mona's Pov:

Lilly: That's the reason I warned you that you should be more careful, Mona...

Actually, I want to say this to you before this mess happened but you said you are going to leave this pub within 2 days, so I think you are out of danger that's the reason I didn't say anything in detail to you but that bitch Emily, she did not leave you and try to trap you by giving drugs to you...

How can she do this to you?

It's just been a few days that you joined in this pub then why did she take advantage of you?

Did you say anything to her that you are going to leave this pub within two days?

(Lilly asked me with her serious note, I nodded my head as yes.)

Lilly: What?

Are you serious Mona?

Did you say to her after I warned you about her?

Mona: Lilly, I already told you that she is my friend and she is the reason behind I joined this pub, she referred me to this pub when I have no job and on the next day she told me everything about her lie. So, I understand why she lied to me, that's the reason I acted casual with her and told her about my new jobs...

Lilly: What the hell...

Mona: Lilly, please try to understand the situation, Emily helped me to join in this pub and she is the main reason to find a part-time job so early and I am responsible to inform to her when I am going to leave this job, that's it...

Lilly: Mona, you still didn't understand how cruel that Emily is, she is working under the management and her main duty is to help the management to lead the new girls to their bed. And she tried to do the same thing to you, actually, she will plot her trap after two weeks of the joining but you informed about your resignation so she advanced her trap by giving you the drugs by mixing them with the juice.

Luckily, nothing happened to you, if that sir was not there, God only knows what your future is...

(I am scared while listening to Lilly, and I have no idea whether Lilly is that kind of girl or not, as far as I know, she too worked hard like me for her education, whatever I am, going to leave the job and I no need to worry about her further.)

Lilly: Don't trust anyone blindly Mona, I am saying it to you out of my life lessons, I know how people cheated me by taking advantage of my innocence and I know how they used me for their selfish acts, but now I realised everything and I don't want you to fall on the same trap...

So be careful and don't trust anyone so easily...

It includes me too...


(I nodded my head as yes and looked at Lilly.)

Mona: So do you think Emily really tried to drug me?

Lilly: Of course, Mona, I am sure your dizzyness will start after you drank the drink that she offered to you. 

(When Lilly is saying to me I again visualise what exactly happened last night, and yes, until I drank the juice I am perfectly alright and the movement I drink the juice I feel dizziness and at the same time father of Williams came close to me and ordered me to bring the wine glasses from the room and after a few minutes William entered into the room to take the advantage of me...

I still remember how he ripped my clothes. If the blue-eyed man did not come to me at the right time my life may definitely ruin in the hands of Williams.)

Lilly: Ok Mona, first have your breakfast, we can talk about that bitch later...

(I nodded my head as ok and continued eating the breakfast.)

Lilly: Please don't think I am involving in your personal issues but I suggest please don't go to the pub side again because we may not know what might happen further, they may go to the extent to threaten your life too...

Mona: I never go that side again, Lilly, trust me...

(Lilly looked at me with her brief smile after listening to my decision.)

Mona: Actually, today I wish I need to go to the pub to settle my payment because from tomorrow two of my part-time jobs will start and I no need to work in the pub anymore but now after these incidents, I don't want to go to that side for my payment too...

Lilly: Hey Mona, don't worry about it, today I need to go to there for work and I will collect your amount and handover it to you. Okay?

Mona: No Lilly, I don't need that money, from tomorrow I am starting to more new jobs and it well enough for me to maintain my education and my maintenance expense and I don't want you to risk your life to get my money...

Lilly: They do not dare to do anything to me, Mona, you no need to worry about it I know how to tackle them...

Mona: Whatever Lilly, I don't like even if you go to the pub again for work, please search for another job...

Please don't think I am judging your personal issues, I am suggesting you as a good friend, and I don't want you to work anymore in the pub, I wish you deserve a better job than this which will help you to build up your career, so you can happily live with Lance and form a cute little family with a new bright career.

(Hello readers,

If you want to blow a love portion between Mona and Tom, you need to donate the power stones which will give strength to their love. The more power stones, the more smile on Mona's face.

Thank you so much for your love and support, please review my book and bless me with the gifts...)

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