Mona's Pov:

Uncle: You no need to say sorry to me, dear, I know how good girl you are, and you no need to explain it to me because I know what you are, actually I am worried from the last night by thinking what might happen to you...

I thought you might struck at some problem...

Luckily you are safe now...

Mona: Yes uncle, it's totally my luck, I thought last night is the last day of my life but luckily if that Man didn't come and helped me, I don't know what might happen to me and I don't know in what position I will be right now...

Uncle: Thank god, you are safe now, that's all matters to me, dear...

Mona: I am so sorry to make you worry uncle...

Uncle: It's ok dear, by the way, who is that man who saved you?

(I am dead now...

What should I say to my uncle?

What should I say about the blue-eyed man?

I don't even know his name too...



You will do all the dumb acts to create the problems...

You don't know what exactly the cop said and your story may vary with the cop story and uncle will definitely find either me or the cop are telling the lies.

Suddenly my aunt called my uncle and my uncle left me abruptly and went to answer to my aunt.

I take a long breath and feel so relieved...

Thank god...

I am safe now...

I feel so relieved and continue doing my work as early as possible because if my uncle came and ask me once again I don't know what to answer to him...

So within a few minutes, I am done with my entire work and take some of the food leftovers and went into my room, after I had the food I take one of my education books to read it. Because today I don't have any other work to do, actually I need to go to the pub but after the happening of the last night incident I don't want to go to that side again and now I got a free time for today and I will effectively use it by studying my final year books of medicine, luckily, one of my senior gave me her books after she is done with her exams, so now I can start reading them and the rest of my day is a free day. So I love to utilise my time in reading my books.

When I take the index of my book my attention was grabbed by the concept of Iris of an eye, Iris, in anatomy is the pigmented muscular curtain near the front of the eye, between the cornea and the lens, that is perforated by an opening called the pupil and so far I know it decides the colour of an eye...

Suddenly I got a flash of the blue-eyed man...

I don't know why I am thinking about him when I got the concept of Iris, maybe till now, two times, I noticed that his blue eyes turned to red eyes that's the reason...

At first, I noticed the change in the colour of his eyes is when he is shooting the man who is teasing me by offering 10 times of the money, Suddenly, the blue-eyed man started attacking him by firing with the help of a gun. I tried to request the blue-eyed man to stop killing him and luckily he listened to me, by that time I feel he is behaving like a beast. I feel like it's another shade of him, I don't know why I feel in such a way, and I didn't guess he will listen to me luckily he listened and calm down but when he holds my face and said I am responsible for everything...

I don't know why he said it and I don't know why he got so much angry at that person. 

And the second time, I saw his eyes turn to red when I fell unconscious by holding him.

Just before I close my eyes I clearly saw his blue eyes are turned to red when he is staring at Williams and Lilly said the blue eyed man beated William to death as a punishment for teasing me.

I don't know whether his eyes are really turning from Blue to red because I have hallucination disease so I think I am visualising it but why I visualised only the blue-eyed man and that too when he is hyper in rage?

In between my thoughts, I looked at the index of the book once again, and I choose the subtopic of Iris...

Yes, I want to know more about this topic and I immediately started reading and the introduction of the concept and it instantly grabbed my attention, the introduction seems like it is saying to me by reading the questions in my mind.

"It's not an uncommon thing if your eyes are capable of changing colour. At some point or another, we have all wanted to have different eyes just to see what they look like and as crazy as it may sound, eyes can absolutely change color!"


Do eyes really change the colour?

How does this happen?

I am excited and continue reading the chapter with the basics.

There are 5 major reasons

1. Age

2. Sun

3. Makeup

4. Health and diet

5. Emotions...

OMG, there are many reasons to change the colour of eyes, it will definitely help me to understand about the blue eyed man, let's read everything in detail and understand about it...

I started reading it very excitedly...

(Hello readers,

If you want to blow a love portion between Mona and Tom, you need to donate the power stones which will give strength to their love. The more power stones, the more smile on Mona's face.

Thank you so much for your love and support, please review my book and bless me with the gifts...)

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