Mona's Pov:

In between my thoughts, I continue reading the article and he said Williams is one of the main lead in the women trafficking gang and he said he will catch each and everyone who is involved in Willams activities and he also said no one will escape from the crimes they did...

So now I understand what might be happened last night, at first I thought no one will complain to the cops about Williams because Williams is the son of the management member and no other management member will complain against him to the cops for his cheap acts in the pub. But now I understand William was caught red handed because the cops are already monitoring the pub. They did not mention anywhere in the news article that how they are monitoring the pub, maybe it is a secret protocol for them and they don't want to reveal it to the public because if they reveal then the other criminals will get alert and it will become tough to the cps to find the other cops.

So when the commissioner is monitoring me, he might understand Williams is trapping me and he might inform immediately to the corps about William is going to attacking me and by the time the cops reached the place I was taking care by Lilly and the blue eyed man and they carried me to Lilly's house so they might not know about my whereabouts but they know William is trying to attack a girl.

I finished reading the article and closed the newspaper and had my coffee...

So, if the cops catching Willams is real then the cop who came to my home this morning is also real. I mean the thing he said to my aunt and uncle is also a real fact but I did not remember anything about the message.

Did I really mention to the cop about to inform a message to my aunt and uncle?


Even Lilly did not mention me anything that we met the cops. Maybe Lilly too didn't know about the cops. I need to find who is the cop and who said to him to come to my home and apologize to my aunt and uncle.

But how?

I have no idea how to find...



The commissioner is doing a great thing by catching these criminals...

I feel so relieved and happy...

I continued reading the newspaper with some other articles relating to movies and sports. But my mind is still filled with the news of Williams, and my heart is filled with rage for the acts he did to me...

My rage on him is getting more hyper when I am getting the flash that how actually he behaved with me...

I feel like I want to whip him to death for his cruel behaviour.

This is not the first time he tried to behave me in such an awful way. I need to do something...

I feel like I want to help the commissioner to solve this Willams case. and yes, I feel like I want to meet the commissioner, i.e, Tom, to say everything to him in detail by explaining what happened last night...

I want to say to him that I was drugged and then I was lead into a room, and I want to say to him about Williams father too because he is the one who ordered me to go into the room so I am sure he was also involved in this case...

And I can also help the commissioner with the details he need...

And yes it's my responsibility to say what happened before the attack that happened last night because I am the accused. So he will interrogate further and continue his investigation accordingly.

Am I thinking in the right way?

Is it necessary to go to the police station?

Yes, Mona, it's your responsibility to take care of and your forward step will definitely save at least one girl's life...

Just go to the police commissioner and explain to him everything, that's it...

I take a long breath and check the address of the police station and it is just 30 minutes far away from my home. 

I immediately changed my dress and get ready and started to the police station to say everything to the commissioner...

I take a bus and within a few minutes, I reached the police station...

The atmosphere of the police station itself looks so scary and I feel so nervous but I am trying to control my emotions and take all my strength to take a forward step...

When I am walking into the police station I can hear the screams of the criminals and I can understand the cops are beating them to death to get the truth and clues from them. I slowly walked near to the table where one of the cops is busy in looking into a file. I take all my strength and called him.

Mona: Excuse me, sir...

(He immediately looked at me as what.)

Mona: I want to meet the commissioner...

Cop: What?


Mona: Yes sir, his name is Tom and he is dealing with the case of women trafficking...

Cop: Yeah, but why do you want to meet him?

Mona: I need to speak to him about some important matters.

Cop: listen, miss...

Mona: I am Mona...

Cop: Yeah, Mona, you can't meet the commissioner directly. There are some protocols to be followed...

Mona: Definitely sir, what are they?

(I asked him with my convincing tone to know about the protocols and I hope the protocols will help me to meet the commissioner on this day.)

(Hello readers,

If you want to blow a love portion between Mona and Tom, you need to donate the power stones which will give strength to their love. The more power stones, the more smile on Mona's face.

Thank you so much for your love and support, please review my book and bless me with the gifts...)

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