Mona's Pov:

I need to say about this because Lilly suspects that Emily gives me the drugged drink intentionally, I don't know whether Emily know that the drink is drugged or not, there may be a chance that the management secretly mixed the drugs in the drink... 

Whatever, I need to say these things to the commissioner sir, so he will decide what is right and what is wrong...

What else do I need to say?

I am trying to gather all the information I need to say to the commissioner sir because I should not waste his time or I should not confuse him...

And in the last, I need to thank you to him for his security protocols towards me...

Most importantly I need to say thanks to him for conveying their apologies to my aunt and uncle, maybe Lilly might be said to the cops about conveying a message to my aunt and uncle...

In between my thoughts suddenly I hear the scream of a criminal from a room...

I immediately looked at the room and the room is covered with a curtain and I understand the cops are beating the criminal to know about the facts and when the curtain is moving I saw a person who is in his uniform but I can't see his face, I can see only from his back and staring at his muscular body...

I can feel the body looks so familiar...

I want to look at his face but the curtain is obstructing me to look at the officer, meanwhile, the cop who speaks to me before went into the same room and speaking something to that officer. 

After a few minutes, he came out of the room and directly came near to me to say something, maybe the officer I saw must be the commissioner...

Cop: Miss, I spoke with my sir about you and he accepted to speak with you...

Mona: Wow...

I am so glad...

Thank you so much, sir...

Cop: it's okay miss, you can wait in that room...

(The cop pointed me to the office room which is closed with the doors, and the name board on the door mentioned the name of the commissioner. I understand this is the office room of the commissioner. I went into the room and sit in the chair and looked around...

One side of the wall is filled with a notice board and many of the newspaper articles and the photos of the criminals are pinned to the board, and on the other side of the wall, it is filled with the great leader's pictures...

And on the table, it is filled with many files relating to the cases. Among all the files my attention was grabbed by a small fairy toy, I feel so amused by looking at this fairy toy because it didn't apt to the cold heart of the commissioner.

I take the toy into my hands and looked at it cleanly, it is so beautiful and looks exactly like an angel and the wings of the fairy is in rainbow colours and it is sitting on a stone and looking at me very cutely...

But what surprised me is why the commissioner places the fairy doll on his table?

It seems to be very funny but I understand he likes this toy soo much and if I am not wrong the commissioner might have some great memory with this toy, that's the reason he might place it on his table.

Maybe he has some close memories with it...

I smile and once again looked at the doll, meanwhile I hear the door knocking sound and I immediately placed the doll from the place where I take and got alerted...

I sense someone is walking into the room, and by listening to the official shoe sound I understand it is the commissioner. So I immediately stand to show my respect to him.

Suddenly my heartbeat started rising fast...

I don't know why, but I feel like he is the known person, I feel like I want to look at him...

My heartbeat started raising more speedily, I didn't understand the reason, maybe I am feeling nervous to speak to him.

Maybe I feel normal if I look at him, so, I slowly turn my face to look at him but I can't look at his face because he went into the corner of the room and washing his hands in the sink. I can see the bloodstains on his hand...

Does he hurted?

Maybe not, because everything is normal when he has washed his hands, maybe the bloodstains he got is from the criminals...

So does it mean he treated the criminals in such a harsh way?

I am more scared. I don't know how to initiate to speak to him, maybe he might be serious at me after listening to me...

I am looking into my fingers to divert my mind of fears



Stay calm...

The criminals deserve such a harsh punishment, he did nothing wrong, it's his duty, and he did the right thing to the criminals, so why are you scared?

Be strong and say everything to him confidently...

I said to myself and raised my face to look at his face...

He is still busy in washing his hands...

"So, What do you want to talk to me?"

He still showing his back but his voice is so familiar and his physic is also looking so familiar...

I am paused by looking at his back and my heartbeat is still raising fast, I feel like he is a familiar person.

I take a long breath and tried to speak to him...

Mona: Good Evening sir...

(Hello readers,

If you want to blow a love portion between Mona and Tom, you need to donate the power stones which will give strength to their love. The more power stones, the more smile on Mona's face.

Thank you so much for your love and support, please review my book and bless me with the gifts...)

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