Mona's Pov:

Actually, it's Tom who helped me from my aunt and uncle.

Yes, he might know that I am scared of my parents and that's the reason he sends a cop to my home and tries to convince them by apologizing to them. So I need to say thanks to Tom in the first place.

I immediately looked at him but Tom's face is still a little furious and looking into the files and speedily turning the pages. By looking at his face I can understand he feels a little jealous...

I smiled once again by looking at his facial expression. 

Yes, he feels jealous because I said thank you to his subordinates and I am sure he will be okay if I say thank you to him.

Mona: Thank you so much, Tom...

(His face immediately turned to smile and blush the moment he listened to me but he pretends he is looking at the file. I can understand he feels so relieved after listening to my thanks. And now by looking at his face it is sure that he really feel jealous when I say thank you to his cop. I once again smile by looking at his jelly face and convey my thanks again.)

Mona: Thank you so much, you really saved me from my aunt and uncle.

Tom: It's ok...

(He said casually by looking into his file but his face still looks happy.)

Mona: By the way how do you know the address of my home?

(Tom looked at me and was involved in his deep thoughts and he thinks for a few seconds and finally breaks the silence.)

Tom: How do you think I can't find your address?

Mona: Yeah, right, you are the commissioner and the entire city is under your control. So it's easy for you to trace the address...

Anyway, thank you so much for your help. It really helps me, and my aunt and uncle didn't ask me anything about last night. If you would not help me I don't know what situation I need to face at my home.

(He again smile and blush when I say thank you to him. He looks so cute when he is blushing. I stared at him for a few more seconds and forgot everything happening around us...



Just control your thoughts...

Just maintain a formal relationship with him...

That's it...

I said to myself and again looked at him.)

Mona: Do you want to know anything more from me regarding the interrogation?

(He immediately strike his head as no.)

Tom: As of now I got enough information and if I need further information I will reach you.

Mona: Definitely...

Tom: So give me your contact number...


How casually he asked my number...

Does he have any further intentions for me?

Why did he ask for my number?

Many thoughts filled my mind unnecessary, Mona he is just asking for the phone number regarding the case that's it, don't think too much...

In between my thoughts, I nodded my head as ok and write down my number on the paper and handed it over to him.

He looked at the number and placed the paper into his pocket. Meanwhile one of the cops knocked on the door once again. And this time another cop came close to Tom and said, "Sir, Williams got consciousness..."



Is he said about the Williams who tried to attack me last night?

Maybe yes, today I read the news about him and it says he is under the custody of police control. So he is under Tom's supervision.

The moment we listened to the cop, Tom's face turned to red out of rage and by looking at his face it clearly shows his anger at Williams and he may kill him in the next second. But he controlled his rage just because of my presence and nodded his head as ok and the cop left the room.)

Mona: if you don't mind can I ask you one thing?

Tom: What?

Mona: I just want to meet him...

Tom: Meet whom?

Mona: Williams..

Tom: Why do you want to meet him?

(He asked me with his rage tone.)

Mona: I want to slap him...

(I said to him by looking into my fingers.)

Tom: What?

Mona: Yes, I want to slap him as a punishment for the way he treated me last night, so if you don't mind will you please allow me to slap him?

Tom: Definitely...

(He said and get up from the chair immediately.)

Tom: You can take your revenge before he fell unconscious. Come...

(He said by holding my hand and I nodded my head as ok and get up from the chair and following him. He immediately leads me into the room where he previously beat a person and I am shocked the moment I entered into the room. 

The room is filled with blood strains all around and in the centre of the room there is a chair and Williams sit on the chair and his hands are locked with the handcuffs attached to the chair and his legs are also locked and his body is bleeding everywhere, particularly his hands are hurted a lot and I understand Tom beat him to death particularly he beat him on his hands, maybe he targeted his hands because of the bad things he did to many women...

And in the corner of the room, I find many broken sticks and by looking at the sticks it is clear that Tom used all those sticks to beat him. And his eyes are opened semiconscious and bearly looking at me.

(Hello readers,

If you want to blow a love portion between Mona and Tom, you need to donate the power stones which will give strength to their love. The more power stones, the more smile on Mona's face.

Thank you so much for your love and support, please review my book and bless me with the gifts....)

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