Mona's Pov:

Lilly and I started practising the dance, and Lilly helped me how to give intense poses while dancing and said many tips regarding the dancing. It's a pleasure to learn new dance forms from her. She is so good at explaining the steps, and I feel so happy to learn from her; she is such an experienced dancer, and I am glad that she is my first teacher...

I quickly practised her steps once again, and Lilly appraised and liked my moves, and at the end of my steps, she came close to me and hugged me warmingly out of happiness.

Lilly: Whoah, Mona, you are a speed learner...

You did a great job, and see from tomorrow we will shower with more tips...

(I smiled and looked at Lilly's happy face.)

Mona: How can I not learn these steps when my teacher explained them so precisely?

(We both laughed at each other, and after our practice, we both took the seats near the bar table...

Mona: I feel so starving...

(I said while gasping, and Lily looked at me with a brief smile.)

Lilly: You can have food...

Mona: Here?

Lilly: Yes...

Mona: I guess it's too costly, and all the tips we earn will evaporate...

Lilly: Of course it is...


the bar is closed, so we can enjoy the food at free of cost...

Mona: Wowww...

That's so great...

Lilly: Yes, but only with the help of Chef...

Mona: Chef?

What do you mean, Lilly?

Lilly: It's simple, baby, will you dance after the bar closes?

Mona: No...

Lilly: In the same way, the Chef doesn't cook for us unless we pay him some extra tip...

Mona: So we should pay extra than the regular price, right?

Lilly: Yes...

Mona: Then it's better to fill our tummy with the leftover food than to depend on the Chef...

(I said with my low tone.)

Lilly: No, dear, we have an advantage...

Mona: Advantage?

Lilly: Yes...

The extra tip and payment are for other workers and customers, but he will cook at free of cost for us...

Mona: Free of cost?


Lilly: Because the Chef is my close friend and will cook our favourite dishes secretly for us. So we can enjoy the delicious food he cooks, and the taste of the food he cooks is so yummy...

"So, from now on, I need to cook the food for two secretly?"

(A base male tone distracted us, and both Lilly and I turned to look at the owner of the voice. And by looking at him and his appearance, I can understand he is the Chef who is Lily's friend. Lilly's face immediately lightened up with happiness the moment she looked at him. and she gets up from her chair and hugs him gently, and his face turns to blush when Lilly hugged him, and it looks so cute when men blush for girls hug, and if I am not wrong he has feelings for Lilly...

In between my thoughts, Lilly looked at me to introduce him to me and get up from the chair to show my respect.

Lilly: Well, Mona, this is Lance, he is the special Chef to this bar...

and Lance, this is Mona, my dance partner...

(We say hi and hello, and smile at each other...)

Lance: So, I think you finally find a good friend in this pub...

Lilly: Yes, Lance, she is so innocent and doesn't know anything, and I don't let anyone come after her.

Lance: No need to worry about it; you are an expert in all the things, so you can help her to get spoiled by burning her innocence...

Lilly: Lance...!!!

(Lilly screamed out his name and pinch him on his abbs for his teasing towards her, and we all three laughed together, and Lance left the place to cook something, and after a few minutes, Lance bought some delicious food for us, we all are having the food, and the food is so tasty and delicious. It's been so many days that I have had this kind of delicious food, involuntarily my eyes filled with tears of happiness...

Meanwhile, Lilly recognised my tears and came close to me.

Lilly: Hey Mona, what happened?

Mona: Food...

It's so delicious...

(I tried to control my tears and said with my teary tone, and Lilly immediately hugged me.)

(Hello readers,

If you want to help Mona to earn more tips in her part-time job, you need to donate the power stones which will give more energy to dance and help her to earn more tips. The more power stones, the more smile on Mona's face.

Thank you.)

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