Mona's POV:

Mona: A scoop of chocolate ice cream...

(Tom immediately looked at me with his widened shocking eyes, even the boy from the ice cream parlour looked at me with his shocking expression. I didn't understand why both of them are looking at me in such a shocking way. Suddenly I got a flash that Tom doesn't like chocolate flavour ice cream and he exclusively warned me to not bring the ice cream but I accidentally served him the chocolate flavour ice cream in the pub and I still remember how he gets mad at me.

Mona, it's better if you change the flavour of ice cream before he gets mad at you again.)

Mona: Butterscotch...

A scoop of butterscotch is enough...

(I immediately shouted at him to change the flavour of my ice cream, Tom immediately looked at me with his smiling face.)

Tom: You can order your favourite flavor, I don't mind...

(I nodded my head as ok and again changed from butterscotch to chocolate flavor and the serving boy looked at Tom to confirm the order and Tom nodded his head as ok and the boy immediately left the place to bring my icecream.)

Mona: Do you have food allergy?

Tom: What?

Mona: I mean, why don't you prefer to eat chocolate flavour ice cream? 

Tom: Hmmm, it's not exactly like food allergy but some sort of it...

Mona: hoo...

Tom: It's good for you if you keep away your chocolate ice cream from me.

(By finishing his words he immediately opened the box of his ice cream and started eating it very excitedly and I like it to look at his charming face when he is eating his ice cream, he is eating it so interestingly like a kid. I just want to know why he is so much interested in eating ice cream.

Actually, at first, I am shocked by looking at his large ice cream box because I did not expect that he will eat the entire box of ice cream and now by looking at his ice cream craving I feel like this box is a very little box for him to satisfy his craving.

In between my thoughts, my scoop of ice cream bought by the serving boy near to the Tom window, Tom immediately turns his face and looked at the ice cream with his narrowed eyes and immediately looked at the serving boy. I got a flash that he doesn't like chocolate flavour, so I immediately bend forward to take the chocolate flavour scoop from the serving boy.

Involuntarily I touched to him but immediately I stiffen by back to not touch him and hold the cup from the serving boy.

The Serving boy left once he handed over me the scoop. But Tom, he suddenly moved forward and takes a long breath by enjoying the smell of the chocolate flavour, but his sudden move makes his body to touch my chest for a few seconds...

My body is filled with shrills for his sudden actions and my mind is blank...

I didn't understand what is happening. I immediately move back to my seat by holding my ice cream cup and take a long breath to calm down myself...

He takes out his water bottle and drink some water and continued eating his ice cream...

After a few seconds, I started eating ice cream scoop and we both stay quiet and didn't speak to each other. By the time I am done eating my entire scoop he is done eating his entire ice cream...

And when I am about to take the money to give the payment, he started moving his car...

Mona: We didn't yet pay the money...

Tom: I will clear the bill at month-end, no need to worry about it...

Mona: Yeah, but this is my party...


Tom: Giving company while eating the ice cream is a great party for me, so you no need to pay for it...

(I don't know what to say to his statement, so I stay quiet but deep down in my heart I fly high out of happiness for the thought that he liked my company. Within a few minutes, he rides near to my home and stops the car exactly before the door. I understand it's time to leave him. I feel a bit low but this time I feel like I will meet him again and again...

We both unlocked our doors and get down from the car. He immediately came close to me and stand in front of me and hold my hand...

Tom: If you got any trouble don't hesitate to reach me...


(He said by looking into my eyes and I immediately nodded my head as ok, in the next second he take another forward step to move close to me and with his other hand he wiped my lower lip by pressing it intensely, I understand there might be some chocolate icecream strain on my lip and in the next second he licked the same finger and closed his eyes to enjoy the chocolate flavour.

That's it in the next second he hugged me tightly by pulling me close to him...

I am shocked for his sudden hug. My heart beat started raising fast...

He is pulling me more close to him and hugging me more tightly, even I like his tight warm hug...

I slowly wrapped my hands around his neck. That's it he gripped my waist and lifted me a little and hugged me more tightly. I didn't understand why he suddenly behaving so close to me. I closed my eyes and enjoying his tight hug...

After a few minutes I heard the car horn and I immediately looked at the head of the street and it's my aunt's car so I immediately try to break his hug and get down from him...

He loosened his hug and looked at me with his confused face.

Mona: My aunt and uncle are coming...

I need to go...

(He nodded his head as ok and I immediately Rushed into the house by unlocking it quickly....

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