The Love Of Celestial Prince & The Enchantress

Chapter 3 - Avizandum Was Frozen...

Little Girl: Hoo, So Avizandum world is so great because it has different kinds of magical species to protect their world, am I right, granny?

Granny: Yes dear, but all the days are not the same as we expect...

Little Girl: What do you mean, Granny?

Granny: I already told you that all the five lands are best in unity, and if anyone declares the war against Avizandum then the five lords will get united and easily win the war...

But once upon a time, the war did not end well...

Little Girl: Did not end well?

What do you mean, Granny?

Did someone try to attack them?

(Granny nodded her head as yes and involved in her deep thoughts.)

Granny: Okay, dear, it's been too late, you should sleep now...

Little Girl: Granny, please…

I can't sleep until I get the answers to my questions…


Please tell me who tried to attack Avizandum?

Did they win against Avizandum?

Granny: Dear…

You are still a child and you will get scared if you listen further…

So don't argue with me and go to sleep like a good girl…

(The little girl again looked at her granny with her cute little pout face, she was not in a mood to go to sleep, she was very much excited to know the next half of the story. Meanwhile Granny started patting her back to make her sleep but the little girl still opened her eyes and was busy thinking in her own world with her cute little pout face.)

Granny: Close your eyes dear...

Little Girl: Please, granny, please tell me who tried to attack Avizandum and I promise I will not get scared, so please tell me, granny…

(Granny thinks for a few seconds and understands that her granddaughter doesn't go to sleep until she listens to the entire story of Avizandum. So she nodded her head as yes, the girl's pout face immediately turned to a smiling face for her granny's acceptance.)

Little Girl: So, tell me granny, who tried to attack Avizandum and what happened to Avizandum after the attack?

Granny: Dark magic...

Little Girl: What?

Dark magic?

Granny: Yes, dear, dark magic is also one of the magical sources but it is prohibited by the Avizandum, So the Dark magic enhances their powers by attacking other different worlds and finally gets the strength which is equal to the magical power of the Avizandum…

Little Girl: OMG…

What happened next, Granny?

Granny: After they strengthened their dark magic, they suddenly entered into the Avizandum on a new moon night and declared war against the Avizandum…

Little Girl: Is there any specific reason that they entered into Avizandum only on the new moon day?

Granny: Yes, dear, the strength of the dark magic will enhance high at new moon days whereas the power of Pure magic will enhance on the full moon day, and the strength of the dark magic will enhance at the night time, whereas the power of Pure magic will enhance on the day time...

So the war takes many years because both i.e, the Pure and Dark magic strengths are equal…

So it's tough to win over the others...

Little Girl: OMG...

So, at last, who won the war, Granny?

Granny: Actually, there is no winning and losing in the war...

Little kid: What..?

Granny: Yes dear...

Little girl: what do you mean Granny, how can a war be a tie...

Granny: It's not exactly a tie, dear...

The war was frozen...

Little Girl: frozen?

Can you please tell me in detail, Granny?

(Granny nodded her head as okay and looked at the girl with her brief smile.)

Granny: The war takes place for many years, dear, and the kings of all the five lands decided to freeze the war because it's of no use to continue the war when there is no chance of winning any of them...

So the Lords of Avizandum provoked the gatekeeper of Avizandum and requested her to freeze the entire world with her magic spell, and in the next second the gatekeeper started her chanting to freeze the world. Meanwhile, all the five lords of the lands got together and opened the transported porta by using their magic...

Little Girl: Wow.., so the 5 lords escape from the Avizandum to another world, right granny?

Granny: No dear, all the 5 Lords, merge their spirits and form an egg and transport that egg through the portal...

Little girl: What?

An Egg?

Granny: Yes, dear, the egg has the powers of all the 5 magical spirits of the kings.

The egg is their last hope because it's the final step to save the Pure Magic of Avizandum where the dark magic did not yet develop the merging of their powers like the Lords created the egg...

Little Girl: Wow..!

So the egg is the heir of Pure magic, am I right granny?

Granny: Yes, dear, meanwhile the gatekeeper is about to finish her spell, and she looked at the Lords and gave the five precious stones of five different colours to the respective lords.

Little girl: What are those stones given by the gatekeeper, granny?

Granny: The gates of Avizandum will be open with the help of those stones...

So they are more precious equal to the egg...

Little girl: So no one can open the gates of Avizandum if any stone is missing, am I right granny?

Granny: Yes dear, that's the reason all the lords gave the precious stones to their respective powerful creatures who are strong in their respective lands and sent them along with the egg through the portal, and finally the egg along with the five magical creatures by holding the stones entered into the portal to escape from the Avizandum...

Actually, it's not an escape...

They enter into the portal to save the Avizandum...

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